Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 502

Being pointed by Yang Tian, Ju Liangshi can only stand out with an aggrieved face.

The beauty staff was surprised to see that Yang Tian chose a practitioner with the weakest strength. They asked Yang Tian, "are you going to take him alone?"

Yang Tian nodded and said, "I don\'t want to force people into difficulties. Since they don\'t want to go with me, I\'ll help them."

"But... I don\'t want to go either!" said Yang Tian, standing aside and crying.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "because you are different."

With that, Yang Tian turned and walked out of the room.

After Yang Tian left, Ju Liangshi sighed helplessly and immediately stepped out to keep up with Yang Tian.

At this time, more than 200 people in the room took a breath.

For them, what happened just now was like passing through a difficult time.

The beauty staff raised their hands, looked serious and pointed at one person with their fingers. The man he pointed at was a young man with short hair.

The young man with short hair shrugged at the beautiful staff and expressed helplessness. He was responsible for finding these people selected by Yang Tian.

According to the regulations, the escorts of the God generals should at least be practitioners in the stellar realm, but at least 20 of them are practitioners in the planetary realm.

At the same time, everyone was surprised that Yang Tian chose the weakest guard

Yang Tian quickly left the big room, and soon Ju Liangshi followed him.

"Yang Tian, I didn\'t expect to see you here." after catching up with Yang Tian, Ju Liangshi said with a smile.

To tell the truth, Juliang really doesn\'t want to go to the jiuman star region with Yang Tian.

But things have been like this, and he can\'t change it. He just hopes that everything behind can be smooth without any danger.

"How did you come to the superstar temple?" Yang Tian stopped, turned around, looked at Ju Liangshi with a smile and asked after walking out of the scope of the minister\'s palace.

The smile on Ju Liangshi\'s face was obviously pretended, but Yang Tian didn\'t care. He knew it was equivalent to forcing Ju Liangshi to do something he didn\'t intend to do.

Ju Liang City scratched his head and replied, "I didn\'t pass the examination of the temple, but I had nowhere to go. Just at the right time, the superstar temple was recruiting factotum again, so I signed up."

"So it is!" Yang Tian said with a smile, "then why did you come to the minister\'s palace again?"

Speaking of this, Ju Liangshi\'s expression changed and said, "they haven\'t cheated me yet. This guy told me that he just came to gather up the number of people. I didn\'t expect..."

Speaking of this, Ju Liangshi shut his mouth. He finally reacted. He shouldn\'t say such words at this time.

Yang Tian waved his hand. "It doesn\'t matter. We are old acquaintances. I won\'t treat you badly."

"Hmm!" Ju Liangshi nodded helplessly.

Yang Tian returned to Taiyu palace with Juliang city.

We\'re going to start soon. We have to tell Qin Fei about it.

After entering the room, Yang Tian asked Ju Liangshi to sit down anywhere, took out his pen and paper, wrote a letter to Qin Fei and asked Xiaoqinglong to bring it to Qin Fei.

Xiaoqinglong took the special paper folded by Yang Tian and used to engrave runes. In a flash, he disappeared and left the window.

After Xiaoqinglong left, Yang Tian turned around and asked Ju Liangshi, who was sitting properly, "when did you come to the superstar temple?"

Ju Liang replied, "it doesn\'t take long. It\'s only a few days based on the time of keitra."

"Is there any change in the college?" Yang Tian asked again.

"Great changes!" Ju Liangshi replied, "everything has changed since the change of dean. Many professors have left superstar college. The rules of the college have become more and more strict, and many students can\'t adapt."

When he heard that many professors had left superstar college, Yang Tian frowned and asked, "what about Shenwu?"

Ju Liangshi said: "Professor Shenwu, they were the first to leave superstar college, and Professor Fu Wei left with him."

With that, Ju Liangshi hurriedly said, "by the way, your woman left with them."

Yang Tian knows that the woman mentioned by Ju Liangshi is quyan guying.

Qu yangu Ying is equivalent to an idle person in the college. When President Xingyi is here, she can still be given preferential treatment.

But now the hospital rules have become stricter, and Qu yangu Ying can\'t stay any longer. It\'s a good choice to leave with Professor Shenwu and them.

Because the outside of the college is a dangerous world for Qu yangu Ying, and the mysterious organization is staring at her all the time!

"Do you know where they have gone?" Yang Tian was silent and asked again.

Ju Liangshi shook his head. "I don\'t know this. However, they left a mark at the gate of the college."

With that, Ju Liangshi stood up, went to Yang Tian, picked up Yang Tian\'s paper and pen, and drew a pattern on the paper.

The pattern is very simple. First, there is an inward curved line, and below the arc is an inverted triangle.

What\'s the meaning of this?

It looks like a sign.

Yang Tian stared at the pattern and thought about it for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He finally knew where Qu yangu Ying had gone.

This inverted triangle represents the inverted pyramid, and this arc line represents the surface of the planet.

Taken together, it means a pyramid built under the ground. This reminds Yang Tian of the underground palace on the red flame star.

Obviously, Qu yangu Ying and they went to the Death Star domain.

Of course, Yang Tian is not sure about this guess, because he doesn\'t know why Professor Shenwu wants to go to the Death Star domain.

It\'s a star field with poor resources. The universe is large and there are many places to go. Professor Shenwu, why do they have to go to the death star field?

Although he couldn\'t think clearly, Yang Tian was relieved. At least Qu yangu Ying was with Professor Shenwu. With the protection of experts like Professor Shenwu and them, quyan guying should be very safe.

In fact, Yang Tian didn\'t expect that President Xingyi died so soon. If he had known, he could at least find a way for Qu yangu Ying

"Where\'s qiguanghao?" Yang Tian asked again.

Ju Liang City knows a lot of people in the college. In addition, Qi Guanghao is also very famous in the college because he has a strong ability to be beaten.

Therefore, Ju Liangshi also knows qiguanghao.

After thinking for a while, Ju Liangshi replied, "he has made rapid progress and is very adapted to the new environment of the college. People like him are the key objects of the college\'s training, and life is very moist!"

Ju Liangshi finished, Yang Tian put down his heart and nodded slightly.