Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 484

After President Xingyi died, his body was sent to a special transmission array. When the blue light of the array disappeared, President Xingyi\'s body had disappeared on the array and was sent to an unknown space

This is also the tomb of many people after death, the unknown tomb.


Yang Tian got the coordinate information of the earth, but he didn\'t know to tell his president Xingyi that he had died.


When Yang Tian took out the 205th chip, Xiao Qinglong whispered to Yang Tian that someone was coming.

Yang Tian frowned, immediately put the chip away and closed the lid of the storage box.

Then, the auxiliary device jingle and data tower were put into the storage bracelet.

At this time, the rune array began to fluctuate on the stone door of the room.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help smiling bitterly and thought it was really bad luck.

Before the stone gate was opened, Yang Tian took the time to hide at the bottom of a storage rack.

This is the only place he can hide now.

The storage box at the bottom of the storage rack is about two feet from the ground and several meters wide. Not one person, even five or six people can hide in it.

But if the person who came in noticed something and bent down to look for it, he could be seen.

When Yang Tiangang hid it, the stone gate opened with a \'click\'.

Two great priests came in one after another.

Although he had already used the talisman array with hidden breath, Yang Tian was still a little nervous. He held his breath and tried to calm his mood.

"Which chip is used to record official affairs? I have forgotten." the voice of a great sacrifice sounded.

Another high priest said, "ninety ninth."

Then there was a "click" and the storage box was opened.

Every time Yang Tian takes and puts the chip, he is careful and tries to place it according to the original position. At this time, when the storage box was opened, he was most nervous.

Because the internal temperature of the storage box is closed for a long time, it is different from the external temperature. Although the difference is slight, if you are careful, you will still find it.

Fortunately, there is no such thing.

One of the sacrificial priests took the chip 99, put it on the auxiliary device, and changed the record inside.

"It\'s a pity for Xingyi. If he could concentrate on practice, he would have become a great sacrifice."

"Yes! If our research fails this time, we will leave the world forever like him soon... The older we are, the more nostalgic we are!"

"Who says it\'s not? It\'s said that our old friends are the most afraid of death after living for so many years. But who knows that we are more afraid of death than young people!"


Hearing this, Yang Tian finally understood that it was president Xingyi who died. The two coming in sacrificial rites were changing the job information stored on the chip.

Ordinary guards and generals are not qualified to be recorded on this chip. Otherwise, so many people in the superstar Temple join, leave and die every day. Even if the two great priests have been waiting here, they can\'t be busy.

Hearing the death of President Xingyi, Yang Tian was also very sad. In his mind, a kind old man appeared. His eyes were always shining with wisdom

The two great priests who came in didn\'t just do this.

After changing the job information, they opened another storage box.

The storage box is full of transparent cylindrical bottles with thick and thin fingers, which contain turbid and translucent liquid.

Yang Tian couldn\'t see it, but after listening to their conversation, he knew what they were taking.

It\'s insect milk!

Something produced by a female insect and used to give birth to a guard insect.

They took one bottle to catalyze a newly created insect like creature.

The great priests of the superstar temple are also engaged in biochemical research! Yang Tian didn\'t believe what he heard.

But combined with the information he knew, Yang tianguess thought that this must have something to do with the headless body.

After taking a bottle of insect milk, the two priests left the storeroom and closed the door.

Although the two sacrificial priests left, after waiting for ten minutes, Xiao Qinglong felt that they were far away, Yang Tiancai climbed out from under the storage rack.

The 205th chip has been copied.

Yang Tian opened the storage box again and began to copy from the 206 chip.

After more than three hours, all the chips in the storage box were copied.

Yang Tian had planned to leave immediately after the copy was completed.

But Yang Tian was very curious about insect milk. With the help of strange program, he opened the storage box containing insect milk.

The storage boxes are all neatly arranged, cylindrical transparent containers, each about ten centimeters.

As soon as the lid was opened, Yang Tian could feel the faint energy fluctuation emitted from the transparent container.

Yang Tian just took a look, took a deep breath and closed the lid.

According to the two great priests, now some people in the temple are doing research. It is possible that these insect milk will be taken again in a short time.

If you take one of them, you\'ll be found.

Although it was a good thing, Yang Tian had to give up and close the lid.

Next, Yang Tianyuan returns.

Outside, at the vent, Yang Tian waited for most of the day. Finally, when he changed his post, he went back to the Taiyu palace unconsciously.

After entering his room, Yang Tian checked a hair on the door and found that the door had not been opened before he finally put down his heart.

The coordinates of the earth already exist. Next, we will find a way to take Qin Fei away from the superstar temple. It\'s ten thousand times more troublesome to do this than entering the Jianshi palace.

In order not to worry Qin Fei, Yang Tian immediately wrote a note and asked Xiaoqinglong to bring it to Qin Fei. The matter of leaving has to be considered in the long run.


Eternal life temple is the name given by goddess Xi Chen for the newly-built temple. It means eternal life and immortality.

The overall structure of this temple is similar to that of the superstar temple, but it is larger.

The goddess palace of the superstar temple is only a symbol, while the goddess palace of the eternal life temple is a symbol of real power and status.

Therefore, the goddess palace is the largest and most exquisite palace of the eternal life temple.

When Yang Tianzheng was worried about how to take Qin Fei away from the superstar temple, in the goddess palace of the immortal temple, 100 tall young men dressed in white armor were crawling on the ground.

These 100 young men are just stellar realm, and the most powerful practitioners are just stellar generals.

The goddess of Xi Chen was dressed in a black robe and sat on a high seat.

After glancing at the crowd with indifferent eyes, she said faintly to the creeping 100 people below: "now, give you strong strength!"

With that, the goddess of Xi Chen waved her hand, and a hundred red liquid beads came out of her hands and accurately dropped on the heads of 100 people below