Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 468

"If you become the general of the superstar temple, will you give your life for the benefit of the temple?"

Faced with this question, many people may not want to, they will answer: Yes!

You know, that\'s too fake.

Even if these priests choose in front of their own lives and the interests of the superstar temple, they are expected to choose their own lives.

Yang Tian thought for a moment and said with a smile, "my answer now is that I must keep my life. However, in the future, if the interests of the superstar temple are completely consistent with my interests, I may work hard for the interests of myself and the superstar temple."

The old priest didn\'t say anything to Yang Tian\'s answer. Next, he asked many private questions.

Yang Tiandu answered one by one.

Yang Tian was the last one. He answered these questions. This alternative assessment was finally completed.

Yang Tian and fifteen of them were called outside the field, and dozens of sacrificial priests gathered together to discuss.

Because of the rune array, Yang Tian and his disciples couldn\'t hear what the priests in the rune array were saying.

About half an hour later, the priests dispersed and the rune array closed again.

In this process, Qin Fei, as a goddess, also stayed off the court. Naturally, she didn\'t know the result.

So when the priests finished their discussion, she was a little nervous.

Hong Yujiu has not commented on the discussion of the sacrificial priests. This selection of God\'s generals is just a trivial matter for him.

Yang Tian is not interested in this kind of job. He just hopes to have the opportunity to leave with Qin Fei.

Of course, before leaving, we have to find the earth\'s interstellar coordinates.

When he was in the superstar college, Yang Tian knew the storage box number of the star map chips in the superstar temple from President Xingyi.

Now, just find the storage box.

In addition to this, I also need to see the great sacrifice Kaya and know where the Dragon Star region is from him.

Many practitioners know dragons, but they don\'t know where they come from. It\'s a very strange thing

After the discussion, the sacrificial priests left one by one, in addition to the old sacrificial priest who was responsible for asking Yang Tian about them.

When they left, they all saluted Qin Fei, the goddess, and Hong Yujiu.

Finally, Yang Tian and the 15 people who participated in the assessment, together with the old priest and the God General Yaoxing Guna, remained.

There are Qin Fei and her group of maids. The goddess refused to leave. If she wanted to know the result, the great sacrifice Hong Yujiu naturally stayed.

"Yang Tian, solli, chista, Haoyu Moyan and black star boundless. The five of you stay, and the others, you can leave."

Yao Xing Guna came over quickly in the expectation of Yang Tian and his 15 people, and announced with a smile on his face.

Obviously, the remaining five were selected by the temple, while the other ten were eliminated.

Among those who were eliminated, there was also a super star practitioner.

When Yaoxing Guna announced the result, the practitioner named parson was very unconvinced and said, "I\'m a superstar realm. Why leave a stellar general level woman instead of me?"

When the man said this, solly immediately frowned. The man obviously looked down on women.

Yaoxing Guna smiled and said, "this is the choice of the temple. You have no right to object."

"Hum!" Yaoxing Guna said, Parson snorted coldly, and then sneered: "superstar temple, one day..."

"Boom ~"

Before Parson\'s words were finished, Yaoxing Guna shot, moved, came to Parson\'s face, and slapped Parson\'s head to pieces.

Yaoxing Guna shot too fast and too suddenly. Even Yang Tian couldn\'t see his movements clearly.

The body was smashed, Parson\'s body fell to the ground, the skin and flesh of his head wriggled, and a head soon grew again.

Yaoxing Guna then stretched out his hand, grabbed Parson\'s neck and said, "that\'s why the temple doesn\'t want you. People like you are not calm and don\'t know the current affairs. Do you think the priests are interested in your private life? The questions they ask, no matter how you answer, can clearly see your nature."

Yaoxing Guna said, handed him forward and threw parson more than ten meters away.

A super star practitioner was solved by Yaoxing Guna. He had no resistance at all, and immediately deterred the other nine eliminated practitioners.

Parson got up from the ground with a frightened face, didn\'t dare to say anything cruel, and left immediately with the other nine people.

Yaoxing Guna is right. Parson proved that he is an impulsive and ignorant person with his practical actions.

Although such a person has a high realm, he is of no use to the temple.

Among the five people left behind, in addition to solri, there was a practitioner named Black Star boundless, who was also from the stellar realm.

Looking at the five people left by Yang Tian, Yaoxing Guna smiled and said, "Congratulations! You have become a God General in the superstar temple. In fact, in the process of assessment, the temple not only looks at your cultivation level, but also your potential. The five of you are at least the five most potential people in the superstar college in the past 100 years."

Yaoxing Guna said, paused, turned his head, looked at the old priest who had come, and then said, "among the five of you, the chief god will be... Chista."

After announcing the result, Yaoxing Guna looked at Yang Tian.

Although Yang Tian also hopes to become the chief general, he is not disappointed with this result.

I don\'t know why, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you become the general of the superstar temple, you will always have the opportunity to stay in the temple and meet Qin Fei often.

Yang Tian just frowned and then smiled. It\'s not over yet!

Sure enough

"Yang Tian." Yaoxing Guna suddenly called Yang Tian\'s name.

"Well ~" Yang Tian answered.

Yaoxing Guna said, "in view of your talent in runes, although you are not under control, the temple also makes an exception to promote you to be the chief General."

"Oh, thank you so much!" Yang Tian was stunned and smiled.

The old priest came over and said to Yang Tian lightly, "Yang Tian, go with me."

With that, the old priest turned around, saluted Qin Fei and Hong Yujiu, looked at Yang Tian again, and flashed to the stone steps when they came.

Yang Tian is about to leave. When lying in Qin Fei\'s arms, little Qinglong opens his eyes, scratches Qin Fei\'s men with his claws, and flies to Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Yang * * * * Qin Fei blinked, smiled and immediately followed the old priest.

Yang Tian vaguely felt that maybe because of the rune, he would meet a big man next.

It is also Yang Tian\'s intention to show his ability in runes.

Because the superstar Temple pays great attention to practitioners who are gifted in one aspect.