Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 467

Although the strange program is not in Yang Tian\'s brain, it can read the information from Yang Tian\'s brain at all times.

Through this connection, the strange program can also obtain Yang Tian\'s visual information and enrich its Rune database.

There are only about thirty pages of runes, and there are only about two hundred runes on each page.

Yang Tian looked very serious when he looked through the Fuwen documents.

The people next to him opened their eyes and looked at him curiously.

Even Qin Fei is the same.

In the process of looking through, suddenly, Yang Tian raised his head and glanced at Qin Fei. Seeing that Qin Fei was paying attention to himself, he couldn\'t help laughing.

He knew that Qin Fei was not really angry, but played a small temper for herself!

Memorizing these runes is a strange program. Yang Tian is only responsible for reading, of course, without consuming brain cells.

"Can you concentrate? There are too many distractions in your mind, which have affected me." the voice of the strange program suddenly sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Yang Tian had to bury his head again and read page by page.

After about ten minutes, Yang Tian finished reading the script and handed it back to the old priest.

Strange program tells Yang Tian that this Rune book is a very rare Rune book recording time and energy.

Among the runes describing energy, the time rune is the most wonderful and precious. Ordinary people can\'t learn it if they want to learn it!

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that the old priest, who seemed to have an ordinary position in the superstar temple, was a rune book about time.

It can be seen that the resources possessed by the superstar temple are simply unimaginable.

The existence of this temple in the universe is not unreasonable.

In addition to talents, it also has the material resources needed for practice, that is, hard resources, and practice knowledge, that is, soft resources. These two resources are the most abundant in the universe.

After taking back the rune book, the old priest asked faintly, "have you finished reading it?"

Yang Tian nodded, "finished reading."



"What rune is this?"

"Time rune."

Yang Tian answered very simply and looked very confident.

When Yang Tian finally replied that it was "time Rune", the old priest\'s eyes looked surprised.

Yang Tian really knows some runes. He knows the runes best among the ten people left behind.

Time runes are more precious. General Rune practitioners start from the most basic runes that can use physical energy.

Such as wind, fire, cold... These energy that everyone can directly experience.

And these runes are the easiest to learn.

In the back, you can learn more advanced, such as illusion.

Next, there are spatial runes, such as the commonly used transmission matrix.

After the space rune, we begin to learn the time rune, and then the final Rune derived from the combination of time and space.

In the universe, it would be nice for most Rune practitioners to be proficient in space runes. If you can understand the time Rune roughly, you can become the top Rune master in the universe.

As for the ultimate rune, no one knows what the ultimate Rune looks like except the rune saint who disappeared a long time ago. Because the ultimate Rune has no specific shape.

The old priest thought for a moment and said to Yang Tian, "since you remember everything, write down the runes on the first page and the last page."

Then the old priest took out a small Rune pen and a piece of yellow paper specially used for writing runes.

The requirements of the old sacrifice are very clear. As long as Yang Tian writes the shape of the rune, there is no need to produce any energy effect.

This is easy. Yang Tian can do it without any preparation.

Copy this, who won\'t?

The strange program shows the contents on two pages of Rune paper in Yang Tian\'s mind. Yang Tian just copies it.

In front of each sacrificial seat, there is a rectangular and exquisite table. At this moment, for these sacrificial priests, these tables are only equivalent to an ornament.

Holding a pencil like pen, Yang Tian spread yellow paper on the table, bent down and brushed it.

Among the people present, Qin Fei was the most surprised.

When Qin Fei was in the temple, all the people and things she came into contact with were tall. Naturally, she understood that it was not easy for a practitioner to learn runes well.

Not to mention learning, even memorizing runes is a very difficult thing.

When Qin Fei is free, she will also turn to some Rune books to pass the time. In two years, she has only remembered less than 10000 runes. And these runes are very simple runes.

When she was on earth, she was a school bully, but she also felt very hard to learn runes.

Because runes are not simple words, it is very difficult to remember them.

Of course, compared with ordinary practitioners, Qin Fei\'s talent in runes is also very outstanding.

How about Yang Tian?

Isn\'t this guy kidding again?

Qin Fei didn\'t believe Yang Tian\'s serious writing.

In the curious and suspicious eyes of the people, Yang Tianshu wrote very fast. He finished writing without using it for five minutes.

This kind of Rune pen is not displayed by color, but depicts shallow marks on yellow paper.

In the first few runes, Yang Tian carved either deep or shallow, but in the end, the depth was moderate.

Because Yang Tian understood the profound meaning of the snow chopping knife method, plus the strange program, when controlling his body and depicting runes, Yang Tian remembered the skill of exerting force. The rune he wrote was like copying the runes in books.

Seeing that Yang Tian had finished writing, the old priest picked up the yellow paper and looked at it carefully with a very fast hand speed.

Maybe he couldn\'t remember all the runes in the rune book. The old priest took out the precious Rune book recording time from the storage Bracelet again.

After opening the book, the old priest compared one Rune to another.

The reason why runes are difficult to learn is that many runes have high similarity, a little more, or slightly different radians, which represent different energies.

For example, big, Tai and dog in Chinese characters... These distinctions are still obvious, but hundreds of them?

It\'s too hard to remember.

After about ten minutes, the old priest compared the runes, raised his head and said to Yang Tian, "you answered the question just now."

After so many complicated processes, it\'s only a problem for Yang Tian.

After more than half an hour, Yang Tian only answered two questions.

"If you become the general of the superstar temple, will you give your life for the benefit of the temple?"

Next, the old priest asked this difficult question.