Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 464

Hong Yujiu was present and had the greatest power. Of course, he had the right to decide on such an assessment. No one objected to his decision.

Yang Tian doesn\'t think there\'s anything bad. With his current strength, even if Xiaoqinglong can\'t help, there\'s no problem getting the first place.

"Ow ~"

Yang Tian didn\'t say anything, but Xiaoqinglong roared at Hong Yujiu to express his dissatisfaction. It also wants to show its strength in front of Qin Fei!

Facing Xiaoqinglong\'s roar, Hong Yujiu just lowered his eyelids, like dozing off, ignoring Xiaoqinglong.

Xiaoqinglong also knew that he could not change Hong Yujiu\'s decision, so he turned back to the mini dragon and ran to Qin Fei\'s arms.

Without the help of super star beast pet, other practitioners are eager to try.

For them, this is a fair fight!

After Xiaoqinglong left, a practitioner of superstar realm in black armor came out and stood 20 meters away from Yang Tian.

The man was tall, with short light blue hair and a flat face. He looked like a man in his thirties.

Of course, this age judgment is more important than that of ordinary humans on earth. In fact, this person may be hundreds or thousands of years old

The arrival of Qin Fei not only excited Yang Tian, but also excited these male practitioners who participated in the assessment.

This is almost the instinct of male creatures. Even if they can\'t get it, they will try to express themselves.

No one wants to lose face in front of beautiful women, don\'t they?

"Hello, my name is chista, super star general." after standing, the black armor man reported his name and realm to Yang Tian.

Then he glanced at Qin Fei.

Chista said this, of course, in the hope that the goddess would notice herself.

"Yang Tian, super star warrior." Yang Tian also said faintly.

Across a realm!

Without Xiaoqinglong\'s help, many people are not optimistic about Yang Tian.

You know, besides Yang Tian, there are four practitioners in the super star realm.

Uyala, who had the strongest combat power before, has died. Among the remaining more than 100 people, the highest level is chista.

Therefore, after he was confident that he could defeat Yang Tian, he was the first to stand up.

In this competition, there is no limit to life and death, but as long as you admit defeat, your opponent can\'t kill again. This was announced by Yaoxing Guna before.

After they both said their names and realm, chista put on his helmet, waved his right hand, and a strange weapon appeared in his hand.

This is an extendable whip similar to the one used by solly. The \'whip handle\' in his hand is about two times long, and the handle end is a triangular spike. The whip body, about 1.5 meters long, is made of thin silver white silk thread. I don\'t know what material it is. At the whip head, there is a silver hook, which looks like a big fish hook.

Seeing qista take out this weapon, Yang Tian immediately raised his vigilance.

When he was a warrior on earth, Yang Tian still remembers a battle with the wind.

You know, people who use strange weapons have very strange attack methods.

Yang Tian also put on his helmet and waved his right hand. A long red knife appeared on his hand.

After they all showed their weapons, Yang Tian and qista suddenly became fierce.

The rune array of this site is also opened immediately to prevent powerful energy from overflowing and causing damage to other practitioners and buildings not far away when they fight.

For their realm, the battle site is actually a little narrow. Their speed is very fast and exceeds the speed of sound.

In the case of high-speed combat, it is actually close combat.

But the advantage is that we can quickly decide the winner.

As soon as the rune array was opened, they both felt that they were covered by a layer of invisible energy, even on the ground. This makes Yang Tian feel like stepping on the smooth ice.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Under the perfusion of the force, the knife in Yang Tian\'s hand began to tremble.

The battle between experts may be won in an instant.

However, it was a "long" time for onlookers before they started.

At this time, Qin Fei stared at Yang Tian, her left hand clenched into a fist.

Xiaoqinglong felt Qin Fei\'s nervous look and scratched the palm of Qin Fei\'s right hand. It is extremely confident that Yang Tian can defeat that opponent.

Qin Fei\'s state now is the master level of the planetary domain, and her cultivation speed is very fast. However, he has not experienced actual combat.

Even the real battle, have seen very little, at this time of course for Yang Tian nervous.

As for the chief god guarding the nine barbarian star domain, she certainly knows.

Then why did she want Yang Tian to win the first?

Because only in this way can she meet Yang Tian alone

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Tian and qista finally moved.

Then there was a sound of "Peng".

Yang Tian stabbed qista\'s weapon with a knife, and the force of the anti shock made them bounce away quickly.

This is just a tentative attack.

In the eyes of the sacrificial priests, the movements of Yang Tian and chista can be clearly seen, of course, because their neural reaction speed can completely capture the trajectory of their actions.

But in Qin Fei\'s eyes, Yang Tian and qista seem to be blinking. Suddenly, they break and collide together, fly back quickly, and leave a residual shadow.

The space for fighting is very small. After they are separated, they will not give each other a chance to react.

The moment they stopped, they rushed towards each other again.

Ten meters apart, almost after moving, the two were less than five meters apart.

In this moment, chista finally used his strange attack.

The weapon in his hand suddenly extended and wound like a snake into Yang Tian in the air.

Yang Tian dodged sideways, but the hook at the tip of the weapon turned a corner in an instant and attacked Yang Tian\'s back neck.

At the same time, the long whip handle in chista\'s hand also quickly turned the direction and stabbed Yang Tian\'s chest.

This instant continuous attack is equivalent to two people attacking Yang Tian.

Yang Tian had known the possible attack mode of chista\'s weapon for a long time. He noticed the hook attacking the back neck. He bowed his head and dodged, and took a step back at the same time.

In this way, the hook flew directly towards chista\'s own face.

When his weapon hit him, it was impossible for a strong man like chista. He shook the whip handle in his hand slightly. The hook suddenly stopped and would fly towards Yang Tian again.

However, it was at this time that Yang Tian waited. With a wave of the knife in his hand, he cut on the hook, turned and cut to qista\'s chest.

At the same time, the knife also sent out a red wind blade.

In this case, it is almost unavoidable.

"Peng ~"

Yang Tian\'s sword Qi collided with the energy shield released by chista\'s armor.

This Sabre did no damage to chista, and even the armor defense was not damaged.

After cutting out this knife, Yang Tian didn\'t attack again, but immediately stepped back.

Because he saw that chista\'s movements were not a bit messy after being cut by knife Qi.

"Silk ~"

Sure enough, as Yang Tian expected, just after he stepped back, qista formed a silver white cover with the weapons in his hand and covered it.

If Yang Tian doesn\'t retreat, he will be covered by this strange cover.

In this tenth of a second, the two made so many movements, far beyond the speed of sound.

In Qin Fei\'s eyes, they collided with each other as before, and then retreated quickly.

The second round is over.

After two rounds of fighting, Yang Tian basically understood the strength and speed of chista, and his confidence increased greatly.

As for the weapons in his hand... Isn\'t there a saying that one force will reduce ten?

Crush him directly with great power!

In fact, up to now, Yang Tian hasn\'t used all his strength, that is to say, he hasn\'t completely erupted.

This is not Yang tiantuoda, because in the battle just now, he has played a more powerful force and speed than the general superstar warrior level.

After they separated this time, they stopped again and looked at each other coldly.

Although they couldn\'t see the expression on their faces, they also knew that the next round, they would decide the winner.

They stood still for about a minute and moved again.

As soon as chista shook the weapon in his hand, the weapon like a soft whip extended for several meters again, and then waved it in the air.

Driven by the energy in chista\'s body, the weapon in his hand suddenly sent out a strong energy fluctuation, forming a fierce animal shadow in front of him.

This is a four legged beast, with a body like a tiger and a head like a bull, with a strong tail. And the end is in chista\'s hand.

Rune power!

As soon as they saw this animal shadow, the priests opened their eyes, and several of them couldn\'t help shouting in surprise.

This move does not harm the animal shadow. The animal shadow only acts as a psychological deterrent, but the terrible thing is the strange attack method generated by the rune power hidden in the animal shadow.

Armor can use runes to enhance defense. It\'s no surprise that runes can be used on weapons to enhance attack.

Yang Tian saw such a situation for the first time.

As soon as this animal shadow appeared, his intuition told him that there were extremely dangerous energy and attack methods in that animal shadow.

Even so, Yang Tian has no fear, because he has burst out the most powerful energy he can use.

In the whole original realm, the energy that can be called by Yang Tian was called out and poured into the red long knife in his hand.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

The red long knife made a loud buzzing sound, but it did not emit a strong energy fluctuation.

In fact, Yang Tian\'s "Tenth Five Year Plan" is also a weapon that uses runes. No matter how much energy is injected into this weapon, it will not emit too strong energy fluctuations. In fact, this is the most terrible.