Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 463

Everyone bowed down, and Yang Tian seemed to stand out from the crowd.

Their eyes met, and in an instant, they passed countless emotions to each other.

Excitement, missing, joy

"Cough ~"

When they were staring, suddenly, a cough sounded behind Qin Fei.

The sound was obviously intentional, interrupting Yang Tian and Qin Fei from staring at each other.

After Qin Fei woke up, she raised her hand gracefully.

The crowd straightened up.

"I\'ve seen the great sacrifice!"

It was Hong Yujiu who coughed. As soon as he appeared with a walking stick, the priests bent down again and saluted.

This was an ordinary examination. Unexpectedly, the two people in the temple were present.

Although Hong Yujiu was promoted to the great sacrifice soon, he was already a great sacrifice after all. Of course, these sacrifices of his age did not dare to violate the rites.

Hong Yu Jiu lifted his walking stick and set his eyes on Yang Tian.

Not long ago, Yang Tian didn\'t leave the Death Star realm, but now he has become a strong player in the superstar realm.

This had to make Hong Yujiu sigh in his heart. At the same time, there was a warning sign.

If Yang Tian continues to grow like this, maybe no one in the temple can stop him in the future.

At that time, it must be a shame for the superstar temple to want Yang Tian to take away the goddess.

We have to find a way to kill him

Together with this idea, Hong Yu Jiu was a Lin in his heart, and suddenly thought of the man in black robe and masked face.

Hong Yujiu saw that people\'s ability was his strong point, which no one could match. When he saw the expressions of Yang Tian and Qin Fei just now, he inferred what would happen in the future.


Hong Yujiu felt powerless when he thought of the man in black robes who had stopped him, and gave up all his ideas about Yang Tian in his heart.

Let nature take its course in the future!

Maybe it\'s because she wants to see Yang Tian. Qin Fei is wearing a white dress similar to that on the earth, high-heeled shoes and long black hair, which looks very natural and pure.

Needless to say, her white skirt and high heels must be Feifei brand. All the goddesses in the superstar Temple wear this brand. It\'s a big advertisement!

White robed maid Larry brought Qin Fei an exquisite seat.

After Qin Fei sat down, the priests sat down, and Hong Yujiu stood aside silently.

"Whew ~"

Suddenly, the green shadow flashed. Xiaoqinglong left Yang Tian\'s shoulder and fell into Qin Fei\'s arms.

Seeing such a situation, many priests were shocked and immediately stood up.

If the goddess is hurt, they can\'t afford it.

However, when they saw that the great sacrifice Hong Yujiu standing aside had no action, they all sat down one after another.

Both Yang Tian and Qin Fei have black hair unique to human beings on earth, which makes people think that they are from the same place and the same people.

At this time, Yang Tian\'s pet ran into the arms of the goddess and looked very intimate. The relationship between the two people was a little abnormal.

People here, except solli and Hong Yujiu, don\'t know that Yang Tian and the goddess are actually lovers.

Qin Fei dragged Xiaoqinglong, stroked Xiaoqinglong\'s head and smiled, and Xiaoqinglong was enjoying it.

When did the domineering little green dragon become so docile?

Seeing such a situation, solly\'s heart was sour. What she doesn\'t know is that Qin Fei is Xiaoqinglong\'s closest human being except Yang Tian.

Xiaoqinglong stayed in Qin Fei\'s arms for a while and returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

The little guy brought back Yang Tian\'s familiar taste.

In this kind of hall, Yang Tian and Qin Fei can\'t show their feelings wantonly, or do more extraordinary things.

They just looked at each other from time to time to express their inner emotions.

Yaoxing Guna went to the middle of the venue and announced loudly: "now start the next round of assessment! The process is very simple. Ten people with strong combat power, plus the assessment results of the previous level, will make a comprehensive assessment. The five people with the highest scores will become the five gods in the superstar temple..."

"Wife, what\'s the number one?"

While Yaoxing Guna was talking about the rules, Yang Tian looked at Qin Fei and asked.

Of course, he just used his mouth and didn\'t make a sound.

The language used is also Mandarin Chinese on earth.

In this way, the two can communicate in space.

This is Yang Tian\'s action on a whim. He doesn\'t know if Qin Fei can see it.

After Yang Tian finished, Qin Fei smiled. Of course, she knew what Yang Tian said and thought Yang Tian was as lovely as before. Yang Tian\'s behavior is like a man who wants to show off in front of his favorite girl.

"Of course it\'s the first!" Qin Fei said with her mouth tilted.

Qin Fei certainly didn\'t make a sound.

At this time, Yang Tian felt his blood suddenly boiling. Professor Shenwu\'s advice and the danger of jiuman star region were all thrown out of his mind.

As soon as Yaoxing Guna finished, Yang Tian went to the middle of the venue, looked at more than 100 practitioners participating in the assessment and said faintly, "who will come first? Or, you can go together."

Although he communicated with Qin Fei before, Yang Tian still heard the rules told by Yaoxing Guna clearly.

To put it bluntly, it is a challenge system.

Confident people can go up first, stand aside when they are defeated, and stay where they are when they win.

The first person to go up to this challenge will suffer a lot. On the one hand, energy consumption can also be seen in the process of combat.

Yang Tian was the first to stand up. Yaoxing gunabi was surprised. Although Yang Tian killed uyala in the last level assessment, he could also see that Yang Tian was a less publicized person. At this time, how could he stand up first?

What he didn\'t know was that Yang Tian had excessive male hormone secretion at this time.

"Ow ~"

With a dragon chant, the little green dragon turned into a dragon more than ten meters long and fell beside Yang Tian.

In this competition, there is no indication that animal pets cannot be used.

In front of Qin Fei, Xiaoqinglong also wants to show himself.

A super star practitioner, plus a super star pet, can\'t add up to two.

After a long time, no one went up.

In addition to Yang Tian, there are four practitioners in the super star realm among more than 100 people. These four people did not move, and other practitioners in the star realm did not dare to go up first.

The appearance of one person and one dragon is tantamount to frightening everyone.

We all know that even if we go up, we can\'t beat Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong. We\'d better not go up and lose face.

As for everyone going together, this is bullshit. If we do so, Yang Tian\'s image will be even higher in the minds of those priests.

"Beast pet, can\'t participate in this assessment." seeing the cold, Hong Yujiu suddenly said.