Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 461

"Sir, someone used the spaceship." on the spaceship, a staff member saw the situation on a surveillance picture and immediately said to the middle-aged God general.

Almost all the insects were gathered together. Before the insects had spread, some practitioners released their ships from the storage bracelet and wanted to leave the planet.

As for the assessment... There\'s no waiting for orders at that time. What\'s the use of the assessment?

The middle-aged God just glanced at the ships that were about to take off and said faintly, "destroy them."

"Boom ~"

As soon as Yang Tiangang returned to solli\'s place, a silver spaceship that had just taken off in the sky was destroyed by a red light beam.

Yang Tian saw only one spaceship destroyed. In fact, in a very far place, some spaceships had not taken off. As soon as the practitioners entered the spaceship, they were hit into a pile of fragments.

Looking at the destroyed spacecraft on the screen, the middle-aged God sneered: "it\'s too late to give up at this time."


The next time passed very quickly for Yang Tian and them. After one night and half a day, the assessment of this level was finally over.

Some small spaceships fell from the sky, dispersed and landed in front of the surviving practitioners.

These spaceships are simple flat triangles, which makes Yang Tian feel strange that these spaceships were not attacked by insects in the process of landing.

The strange program told Yang Tian that these spaceships sent out a wave of energy and smell that made the insects uncomfortable.

Yang Tian and solli immediately got on the ship.

The spacecraft took off and flew out of the atmosphere a few minutes later into a large spacecraft.

All the practitioners who participated in the assessment returned to the cabin where they came from again.

"Peng ~"

After the cabin door closed, a practitioner took off his helmet and smashed it on the alloy floor in the cabin.

This is a middle-aged man. He looks very angry.

"I don\'t want to participate in the next level of assessment," the man said gritting his teeth after dropping his helmet.

These three days are really enough trouble. What kind of assessment is this? It\'s just playing tricks!

"I don\'t want to participate in the next assessment either." another young man with short hair took off his helmet and said faintly.

At the time of this assessment, more than 400 people went down, but now those who came back safely, as the middle-aged God general said, less than 50% came back.

You should know that there are more than 100 practitioners in the stellar realm killed by uyala.

What if uyala doesn\'t kill?

There may still be so many people back.

Because when many practitioners are about to lose their hold, the strange program calls insects, giving many practitioners a chance to catch their breath.

After uyala was killed, there were no dead people behind except the practitioners who were destroyed together with the spaceship.

At one time, nearly 30 practitioners gave up the next assessment.

"Silk ~"

Suddenly, the hatch opened.

The middle-aged God came in with a smile on his face.

He first glanced at the crowd and said, "if you give up the next level of assessment, please leave the ship immediately and go back to superstar college!"

As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged God general turned sideways and made an invitation gesture.

A total of 35 people left the rest cabin one after another.

There is a transmission array on the ship. They will return to the superstar college through the transmission array.

Everyone knows that those who give up in this way will definitely be blacklisted by the superstar temple, and their future Temple duties will be insulated from these people.

After thirty-five people left, the middle-aged God smiled and said, "do you know why you have to accept this test?"

No one answered this question.

The middle-aged God glanced at the people: "the work in the temple is not as easy as you think. As a god general, you will encounter difficulties at any time, and many tasks need to be completed at the risk of your life. If you are afraid of this level, you will not be qualified to take any work in the temple, even as a small soldier!"

The middle-aged God will speak more and more, and his voice will become colder and colder.

Many people frowned at such words.

Yearning for the post of superstar temple is because working in superstar temple can obtain rich benefits.

Even an ordinary God general is said to get tens of millions of stars every year, not to mention the reward after completing some tasks.

The middle-aged God general said that he was silent, and then said: "this time, the five God generals, the chief god general, will be sent to the jiuman star region, which is a job with a mortality rate of more than 90%. But at the same time, the harvest is also huge."

At this point, the middle-aged God smiled again, raised a finger and said: "The reward of 100 million star crystals every year, and at the same time, there is a beast core that exceeds your existing level. Is this rich? The task is also very simple. Just keep the connection between the nine barbarian star domain and the outside world. Even if you kill all the people in the whole Star domain, as long as you ensure this, the temple will not blame you."

Hearing such news, many people\'s eyes shine.

This is the truth that people die for money and birds die for food. This harvest makes many people forget the death rate of more than 90% mentioned by the middle-aged God general.

Everyone wants to be that 10% of people, not only will they not die, but also earn rich cultivation resources.

The reward of superstar temple is second. The material produced by jiuman star domain is the big head!

"What about the other four God generals?"

After the mood in the rest cabin was aroused by the middle-aged God general, after a moment, someone asked aloud.

The middle-aged God General smiled and said, "two of the other four God generals will be sent by the temple to guard a star field. The other two will stay in the temple."

With that, the middle-aged God turned around and said faintly, "prepare for the next level of assessment!"

This time, the middle-aged God also didn\'t say what the assessment of the next level was.

After that, the middle-aged God left.

As soon as he left, he began to talk in the lounge.

Some people talked about the assessment of the previous level and how to judge the results. Others talked about the production of jiuman star domain.

Others speculated about the next assessment.

Yang Tian doesn\'t want to fight for the chief god general. His job is to stay in the temple.

Needless to think, Yang Tian knows that he performed very well in the first level of assessment.

Then next, you can\'t be a bird.

Otherwise, it would be bad to be sent to the nine barbarian region.

In everyone\'s conjecture, the spacecraft flew for a whole day, after several space jumps and a large-scale transmission, and finally reached its destination.

When they got off the ship, Yang Tian found that they had been sent to the superstar temple.

This is the first time since Yang Tian entered the universe that he feels very close to Qin Fei.