Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 402

For Yang Tian, even if there is any treasure in the palace below, the harvest of the treasure is not important for Xiao Qinglong to recast his body.

The giant beast killed by Yang Tian doesn\'t have the ability of little green dragon to retain consciousness in Inner Alchemy even if he dies.

The inner alchemy of this giant beast is just a mass of energy without any breath of life, so it can be received by Yang Tian in the storage bracelet.

Yang Tian\'s black dragon spacecraft soon broke through the atmosphere of the red planet and flew towards the space ahead at will under Yang Tian\'s command.

At this time, all practitioners on the red planet reached the bottom of the pit.

As soon as they came down, they saw a giant beast in the center of the pit that had become a corpse. It was obviously killed by Yang Tian.

At this time, the practitioners had to admire Yang Tian\'s terrible combat power.

The beast is dead and Nathan has been taken away. The practitioners had no interest in the body.

Some practitioners who came to the bottom of the pit before and survived by luck searched around the bottom of the pit, and finally found a hole blocked by the exploded ship wreck and gravel on a stone wall.

The bottom of this huge pit is irregular in shape, and the space is obviously much larger than the entrance outside. Once I came in, I could see a large hole with a diameter of nearly 20 meters. Now it has been collapsed by the shock wave generated by the spacecraft explosion.

This giant beast also climbed out of this passage. At the beginning, the giant beast was not as big as it is now

It\'s easy to find the entrance. It\'s a very simple thing for practitioners in the stellar realm to remove the falling red rubble and the wreckage of the spacecraft.

Hundreds of self-conscious practitioners soon started to clean up the rubble and the wreckage of the spacecraft. It took almost half an hour to clean out the closed hole, an entrance that can accommodate several people.

As soon as the entrance opened, practitioners rushed into the cave.

After the entrance, the space will be spacious. The more you move forward, the darker the light is. Everyone took out lighting tools. Nearly 800 people move forward in this channel and will shine brightly in the channel.

When I saw this passage, I knew it was dug manually. The cave wall was full of messy cutting marks. It looked like someone was holding a weapon and cut a passage in this hard red rock.

This passage with a diameter of 20 meters is inclined downward and hundreds of meters long. The practitioners moved forward quickly here. It didn\'t take three minutes. Finally, they came to the end, and a huge square cave appeared in front of them.

The cave is not high, only about 100 meters high, but the space is very large. It is about kilometers long from east to west. From the entrance of the channel, there is a large pool in front of it. Behind the pool is a palace that looks simple and very atmospheric.

At the top of the cave, there are many luminous dots, which illuminate the whole space very bright. Because it is full of red rocks, the light in the cave is a little red, making people feel a mysterious atmosphere.

The palace is rectangular, about 50 meters high and more than 100 meters long. It is made of red rocks. In front of the palace is a row of red stone columns with a diameter of several meters. From a long distance, you can see that the stone columns are engraved with runes... At a glance, this Palace is in this shape.

After leaving the passage, hundreds of practitioners unconsciously divided into two SPLASHERS and circled to the palace from both sides of the pool.

The giant beast killed by Yang Tian appeared from this pool before. As soon as it came out, it killed several practitioners.

At this time, there are two bodies of practitioners beside the artificially dug pool.

Seeing these two corpses, hundreds of practitioners looked cautious when walking, especially the practitioners who walked in front. When walking, their footsteps were very light, for fear that there were mechanisms on the ground.

Fortunately, there was no mechanism on the ground. Hundreds of people passed smoothly, crossed the nine stone steps in front of the palace and came to the front door.

The stone gate of the palace is also carved with runes, about ten meters high and six meters wide.

In addition to runes, there are nine regular triangles with sides about 10 cm long. These triangular protruding stone gates are probably palm thick and movable. You can see at a glance that they are the key to opening the stone gate.

The practitioners who entered here before and were driven out by the giant beast just touched these triangles and wanted to open the stone gate. The giant beast suddenly rushed out of the pool and attacked those people

These nine triangles are not only the key to open the stone gate, but also a dangerous mechanism.

It\'s certainly not stupid to practice to the realm of stars. Although the time before was short, I didn\'t know the runes on the door, but I also knew the way to open the stone door.

That is to press all the nine triangles in the correct order.

If the order is wrong, all triangles will pop up again.

Of course, in addition to entering through the front door, some people will certainly think of another way, that is to forcibly tear down the palace.

But in this way, it is not certain whether the "treasure" in it will be destroyed.

Moreover, the palace can not be destroyed by violence, because the surface of the palace is painted with runes, just like the pyramid they hide in the broken bubble space.

When the more than ten practitioners fought against the giant beast here, they hit the palace with knife Qi and fist strength, leaving no trace on it.

Of course, as long as there are no special circumstances, the idea of destroying the palace will not appear in the minds of these practitioners.

"Who knows the rune on the door? Maybe it explains the opening method of the door. Even if you don\'t know the explanation, there will be corresponding prompts?"

After arriving at the gate of the palace, a middle-aged man in red armor suddenly asked loudly.

After a while, no one made a sound.

I don\'t even know these runes!

However, it\'s not surprising that cultivating runes is a great energy consuming thing, and it also needs talent. In the universe, the number of practitioners who practice runes is relatively small. Moreover, such talents will be scrambled by various forces and families in the universe. They are the same characters as babies. How can they be sent to the broken bubble space?

Seeing that no one answered, the middle-aged man in red armor sighed and said with a bitter smile: "then we can only use stupid methods and try slowly. Fortunately, if we press the wrong order, the previously pressed buttons will pop up. In order to open it as soon as possible, I need nine people. Each person is responsible for pressing a button, and I am responsible for calculation..."