Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 401

Being besieged by countless small insects, Yang Tian\'s energy was consumed very quickly.

Yang Tian estimated that he could only last for almost two minutes at most.

If you can\'t kill the beast within two minutes, you can only leave immediately and come again next time.

But in this way, the giant beast may escape.

Little green dragon is still waiting for the inner pill of the giant beast!

Yang Tian did not immediately pull the knife out of the beast\'s body, but constantly input the force into the blade.

In this process, the blade vibrated constantly, and the flesh under Yang Tian\'s feet kept making bursts of "pengpeng" sound.

This is the beast using its own strength to resist the destruction of its own body by the force.

This is a contest of strength. Yang Tian\'s force is extremely destructive, and this giant beast has the advantage of huge size and has much more power than Yang Tian.

At this time, Yang Tian had only one idea in his mind, that is, he must kill the beast. Otherwise, when he left the beast\'s body, the guy would surely escape and dive under the pit. At that time, the situation would be complicated.

You know, there are many practitioners who covet the inner alchemy of this giant beast!

In the case of Yang Tian\'s crazy delivery of the force, the force in the beast finally couldn\'t resist. The force seized this opportunity and quickly spread towards the beast.

One minute has passed, and Yang Tian still has about one minute!

If Yang Tian\'s opponent was a human, he would have died a long time ago, but it was a giant beast with a huge body. It would take a long time to destroy its body.

The beast felt extremely dangerous. At this time, he didn\'t care that his body would be hurt by himself. He raised a tentacle and slapped it on his spherical head.

He felt the vibration of the beast\'s body and the roar in the sky. Yang Tian clenched his teeth and opened his eyes. At the same time, a burst of "poop poop" sounded on him.

This is the price of Yang Tian\'s injury. It took a very short time to transport all the force in his body to the giant beast at one time.

Yang Tian ignored the tentacles.

Yang Tian is gambling that the force can destroy the body of the beast in this short time.

Otherwise, you will be patted by your tentacle. Although you won\'t die, serious injury is inevitable.

"Hoo ~"

A roar sounded.

A tentacle falling from the sky rubbed Yang Tian\'s body, clapped aside and made a "Peng" sound.

No, it should fall powerlessly, because the giant beast has died. When it starts to touch Yang Tian, it is invaded by Yang Tian\'s force.

If the brain is destroyed, naturally he can no longer control the body. Yang Tian finally won the bet.

The giant beast uses its tentacles to fix itself on the pit. As soon as it dies, its body loses its strength. As soon as its tentacles are soft, it falls down.

In this process, the "black fog" surrounding Yang Tian dispersed rapidly because the giant beast lost its breath of life.

In the process of falling, Yang Tian listened to the wind "whining" in his ears, still firmly holding the handle of the knife and stabilizing his body.

More than ten seconds later, there was a loud bang, and the body of the beast finally fell to the bottom of the pit.

Yang Tian didn\'t have time to pay attention to the situation in the pit. He immediately pulled out his knife and cut it quickly on the top of the beast.

A \'poop poop\' sound sounded.

The body cells of the beast had been destroyed by Yang Tian\'s force and became soft. Yang Tian cut off the beast\'s head without much effort.

Without the outer layer of hard skin, the dead and soft cells and tissues inside were like liquid. Under the extrusion of the outer skin, they immediately gushed out, forming a fishy red liquid column, which impacted Yang Tian to a height of several meters.

Yang Tian, dressed in armor, was surrounded by the fishy red liquid, and smelled an unpleasant smell. He smiled bitterly and immediately let the armor shield the smell.

After several tumbling in the air, Yang Tian fell on the giant beast\'s soft head again.

Although the giant beast died and lost its breath of life, there were still strong energy fluctuations in its body. Obviously, it was emitted by internal alchemy.

Without conscious constraints, this inner pill is very \'presumptuous\' to show its powerful energy.

"Poof ~"

Aware of the position of Neidan, Yang Tian bit his teeth, jumped up high, plunged into the giant beast\'s body, and looked for it in the thick liquid with his feeling.

In a few minutes.

A poof.

Yang Tian rushed out of the beast\'s body with a red inner pill the size of a basketball.

After landing, Yang Tianli released the black dragon spacecraft from the storage space.

The spaceship appeared and hit the corpse of the giant beast. Yang Tian didn\'t care much. He immediately ordered the spaceship to open the hatch and jump into the spaceship

At this time, the "black smoke" composed of countless small insects above the pit has dispersed. After noticing that the life breath of the giant beast has disappeared, some practitioners immediately came to the edge of the pit and looked down.

After the death of this giant beast, it will certainly leave an inner pill. If it is obtained, it can be made into an animal core of the main level of the star domain.

For these practitioners, this strange beast inner alchemy is a great temptation, but Yang Tian has made them afraid and dare not go to see it for a time.

"Hoo ~"

Just then, a wind sounded below, and a black spaceship rushed out of it.

Under Yang Tian\'s command, as soon as the black dragon spacecraft flew out of the huge pit, it immediately slowed down and landed in front of solli and Qu yangu Ying.

After the hatch was opened, Yang Tian immediately put the two women on the spaceship.

After closing the hatch, the black dragon spacecraft took off quickly and flew towards outer space under the command of Yang Tian.

"How did that guy leave? In such a short time, he cracked the mechanism of the palace below. Did he get something and run away?"

"I don\'t think so! The mechanism of that palace is not so easy to crack."

"Then why did he leave?"

"Who knows, it\'s estimated that it\'s enough to get the inner pill of the beast!"


As soon as Yang Tian\'s spaceship left, many practitioners below couldn\'t help talking curiously.

Others immediately walked along the edge of the hole to the bottom of the hole.

"Yang Tian, why did you leave?" solly asked curiously in the cockpit of the spacecraft.

At this time, Yang Tian has taken off his armor and replaced it with his original new armor. When solli asked, Yang Tian smiled and released the giant beast inner pill just obtained from his storage bracelet.

At the sight of the red beast Neidan, solly and Qu yangu Ying suddenly understood what Yang Tian was going to do.