Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 826

In later generations, both Imperial military scientists and imperial historians praised the unyielding expedition launched by Fischer the great. The imperial academic circles agreed that the expedition completely changed the whole galaxy, transmitted the earth's advanced values and outlook on life to the whole universe, and forced the whole universe to set off a two-way movement of speaking and learning from the earth.

Of course, scholars of other races do not think so. They think that the earth expedition infringes on the interests of countless alien people. In the war, the Empire coerced a large number of different races in an inhumane way and forced them to live together, resulting in a large number of ethnic conflicts. In addition, the Empire forced all ethnic groups to pay 11 blood taxes and recruited a large number of young people into its stormtroopers, Now even began to attack hell, which is extremely barbaric.

Nick Frey, who was already the supreme commander of the Imperial Security Agency, was very upset about these experts and professors. He immediately connected them to the spacecraft with his own special ship, an executioner cruiser forever loyalty, and then brought them to him. The two sides had in-depth, frank, friendly and detailed exchanges. Then these experts cried one after another, Kneeling in front of Nick Frey, he painfully expressed his mistake, and then he sincerely donated all his family wealth to contribute to the imperial cause. He also personally joined the glorious imperial Stormtrooper at the age of 50, and died bravely twelve minutes later.

Afterwards, at their funeral, the commander of the Stormtrooper team was very honored to cover the national flag for them, and the military leaders also announced that they would give priority to the admission of their children to the Imperial military academy.

A series of caring measures instantly let all non-human imperial citizens feel the warmth brought to them by the state. Those who have the so-called fault of stabbing few people will be punished by sending them to the army.

As Fischer said, the empire may split, but it will never deteriorate. At the beginning of the expedition, the atlas fleet held high the banner of human rights and intervened in the Galactic countries.

At this time, those small countries found that no wonder atlas could beat down the Kerry empire. Those * * * * people of the Kerry empire are not things, and atlas is not a thing!

However, as Fisher said, truth is within the range of artillery, so the Galactic countries can only accept the warmth brought to them by the people on earth.

"Ah, this!"

Although Fisher came to hunt down the galaxy's wanted man and destroy the purple potato monster SANOS, it was normal for him to give a gift to some silver hearted countries and forces on the way, and the care of the earth, and all local forces came out to welcome the king.

Now, for example, when the atlas fleet arrived at a planet full of suspended buildings and huge projections, an old man in bright clothes was very happy to invite fisher to visit his duel field and was ready to select a gladiator for his friend.

"This guy looks familiar!"

Fisher looked at the happy old man who was a little too much and thought about who he was.

"Oh, remember, Gao Tianzun!"

Fisher remembered that the goods caught Raytheon and made him a gladiator, but now he can't have Raytheon and hawk in his gladiators.

Although he was not very interested in the sport of wrestling, Fisher also accepted the goodwill of the other party, selected his favorite gladiators to play, and then under the dark box operation of Gao Tianzun, the other party won Fisher tens of thousands of yuan.

"It's really a wonderful performance, but we still have important things. We will also publicize Saka star's characteristic industry in China to bring you higher popularity!"

"Then we will also provide better services for atlas's friends!"

When he learned that Fisher was chasing mieba, Gao Tianzun specially asked fisher to let mieba die, saying that his arena needed such a top card very much. For this reason, Fisher could pay any price, whether money or land, as long as he had it.

"At that time, if he is upright and unyielding, he would rather commit suicide than be captured?"

After leaving Saka, Fisher led the fleet to sowelin. The two places were not far away and were barely in a straight line. After revising the desol security agreement with the high priest, the atlas fleet immediately set sail for the next place.

Just as the warlords in Hainan returned to the village, wherever the atlas fleet went, everyone came to make friends. The rich gave money and the poor gave food. The fleet was full, forcing fisher to arrange another transport fleet to transfer materials.

"This is just that justice has more help than injustice!"

Fisher taught his men this way.

As for mieba, he did not know that a large fleet would arrive at wamir in the near future. He was still trying his best to force his daughter to appear.

KAMORA did appear as he wished, but he was not alone.

As an old licking dog, how dare xingjue let his goddess risk alone, so he went to ask for courage and found a bunch of friends he knew when he took risks.

So Yongdu's star Raider brothers, friends of xingjue, and even the nebula's anti bully coalition, drove to mieba's face.

Xingjue, who thought he was the commander of the fleet, specially glued his hair and put on a new jacket. Then he held his head high and prepared to persuade mieba to raise his hand and surrender with a three inch tongue. As a result, he was beaten back by Yongdu before he got the microphone.

"No big or small!"

Yongdu slapped his silly son, and then pointed to the star Eagle sitting in the position of the leader of the predator, that is, the old father-in-law Stallone. He is an old qualified predator. It is most appropriate for the coalition army to use him as a spokesman.

The old father-in-law did show extraordinary performance. After a few words, he quarreled with SANOS, and the two sides started to work directly.

It's not surprising that although the Marauders are not good people, they really can't do the destruction of civilization without a bottom line like mieba. Yongdu had smuggled children out of the team, which shows the bottom line of the marauders.

However, mieba has rebuilt its own army in repeated plunder, including a large number of zitari unmanned warships and puppet soldiers, which occupies an absolute advantage in number, making the galaxy escort and their allies retreat day by day, and even many spacecraft were boarded by puppet soldiers, resulting in capture.

At this critical moment, Yongdu stood up again. He asked his men to send xingjue and others to the spacecraft, ready to cover his silly son's departure.

"Dad!" Looking at the grinning Yongdu, xingjue's eyes were red.