Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 825

"Look, the mad dog is very angry! At the end of his rope, he began to jump over the wall and didn't even let go of his daughter. Do you want to make a big deal with such waste? Disgusting! "

In the atlas Naval Fleet Command, Fisher was watching the latest war report on the front line and sneered. After mieba entered Kerry like a mad dog in the hinterland, the Kerry fleet on the front line basically crossed. A large number of fleets left the front line to pursue SANOS, and many fleet commanders simply led their men to surrender to atlas, He also said that he could be a dog for atlas from now on. He just wanted atlas to kill a madman.

Now the Kerry Empire has entered a state of division, because the land has been forcibly cut off. The dark church has created an unmanned belt as wide as two solar systems in the territory of the other country, and plundered and destroyed countless industrial facilities.

Now atlas is only one last step away from pushing down the Kerry empire. There is a smooth road ahead, no defense facilities, no intercepting fleet, and even no ground interdiction fire.

However, Fisher did not order the front-line soldiers to March, because atlas was not ready to take over Kerry's land.

After all, this is a huge empire with a population of more than 100 billion. The expansion of the Kerry people once annexed a large number of other countries' territories. The people of these countries have become second-class citizens in the Kerry Empire, which makes the situation in Kerry extremely complex. Just like Afghanistan, once ATRAs is ready to take over, be ready to struggle in this quagmire!

Of course, standing still is not equivalent to sitting idly by. Atlas will accept the surrender fleet. After handing over their weapons, the prisoners can decide whether to stay or not. If they want to go home, they will pay their way. If they want to stay, they will have a prisoner of war camp on the nearby planet and move their luggage in.

In addition, with the weakening of supreme wisdom's control over China, many conquered areas have begun to jump out and declare independence according to their inner excitement.

For these independent forces, Atlas remained neutral throughout the process, that is, to give them all help except substantive help.

It can be said that the Kerry empire is no longer worried, and the whole country is dying.

Now, there is only one enemy left in front of atlas!

Destroy the Titan SANOS!

After the war on the front line of the Kerry Empire subsided, Fisher transferred all the main fleet back to the solar system. On the one hand, he rested the troops, and on the other hand, he arranged the next operation of atlas.

"Officers and men of the whole army, after countless dark years, we finally stand among the stars. Our civilization has suffered many hardships. Shameless alien races have invaded our homes again and again, slaughtered our people and robbed our property, but now, this will always be a thing of the past!"

Fisher, dressed in his supreme commander's uniform, stood on the bow deck of the queen Diana. Around him, there were one big ship after another. Each warship was hung with battle signal flags, and many warships were painted with row after row of drop signs on the main gun deck, Millions of atlas soldiers stood in their posts and listened to Fisher's speech.

"We defeated the imperial bandits blocking our way forward, defeated the alien bandits who plundered us, and won peace for our future generations with our sword. Real peace. They don't have to worry about alien spacecraft invasion or ethnic invasion. They can grow up happily in the sun!"

"But can we rest assured?"

"No, why are our homes invaded repeatedly and our road to rise full of thorns, because there is an enemy and a madman in the universe. He feels that the universe is unbalanced and half of the population should be evaporated in order to make room for him. Then why do alien civilizations enjoy excellent living conditions and inexhaustible resources, And we're still killing each other for the only leftovers on our home planet? But in the end, like them, we should be determined by a guy who thinks he is a God to lose half of our compatriots! "

"Brothers, this battle is not only for us, but also for those civilizations who, like us, are still struggling to survive on the home planet. We want to destroy all these races and individuals who think they are superior, not only the body, but also the spirit. All men are created equal. As long as I am alive, anyone, Everyone has the right to enjoy all the rights he should enjoy equally. I ask you to wipe out the enemy cleanly and thoroughly. There is no forgiveness or redemption. Only death is the only liberation they can get! Long live mankind! "

"Long live mankind!"

The roaring voice of the people, like the roaring of the mountains and the sea, passed through the space and was carefully known by Fisher. It can be said that this battle for human survival has just officially begun.

With the roar of people, there is also the roar from the warship engine, which is the largest fleet in human history. The dense warship clusters even block the light of the sun. With Fischer's marching order, warships activate the hyperspace engine. Their goal is SANOS who is fighting for the soul gem in the galaxy at all costs.

This is a large-scale expedition. The atlas fleet will pass through countless galaxies, nebulae and star clusters, and any enemy who dares to appear in front of them will be resolutely and completely eliminated. As the general flagship, the first goal of the strike fleet led by Queen Diana is Titan, the hometown of the tyrant. There was a brilliant civilization here, Their civilization is highly developed, but unfortunately, they do not have an heir with normal IQ.

"SLR ignition, let it disappear! I don't want to see it on the star map! "

Looking at the dilapidated planet in front of him, Fisher coldly issued an attack order. He said that if he wanted to completely destroy his opponents mentally, he would completely erase all their existence, the records would be erased, the mother planet would be decomposed, and even their bodies would not be preserved.

The newly upgraded star smashing gun located on the left and right branch hull and bow of the queen Diana launched a volley on the surface of Titan after charging. With the dark red energy beam exploding into the surface, the whole planet began to disintegrate and fragment a little, and finally turned into cosmic dust of different sizes, floating quietly in space.

"SANOS, your end is coming!"