Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 823

"Our intelligence network has been completely paralyzed, and reconstruction is impossible!"

Ebony throat looked at mieba and couldn't help lowering his head. He really didn't understand why his boss looked wise and powerful, but his adopted daughters were more rebellious than each other.

KAMORA, the eldest daughter, is fine. After the rebellion, she hid from mieba, just like mieba was sorry for her. Look at her second daughter. How loyal Xingyun was before the betrayal, and how jumping she was after the rebellion. KAMORA just cut off all her relations with the dark church, and Xingyun wanted to lift the bottom of the dark church.

The intelligence networks established by herself were eradicated one by one by her own hands. Now the dark church is really like the deaf and blind. It even needs to rely on watching the news and listening to the radio to collect intelligence. There is no need to think about buying intelligence from those intelligence traffickers, because they don't have a dime.

In the past, mieba could frighten those petty people with cruelty and ruthlessness, but now, the dark cult is like a tiger whose teeth have been knocked out, and hyenas dare to bully. Ebony throat once wanted to trade with a group of intelligence traffickers, but if he had no money, he planned to pay on credit. In his opinion, in the name of mieba, he looked up to you and didn't expect the other party to refuse severely, Even going to kick him out.

Angry ebony throat killed hundreds of people on the spot, but there was no egg. Even if they were crushed to death, these guys were still very hard. Many people threatened ebony throat that they would wait for him below.

Now why did mieba plant sweet potatoes? It's not just to make money. The sweet and juicy sweet sweet potato is deeply loved by everyone. It is in short supply in the cosmic farmers' market, because it depends on the soil and planting technology. Mieba has planted tens of thousands of mu of cosmic sweet potato and taken good care of it. Now he is a well-known expert in growing sweet potato. He gets money every time he harvests sweet potato, Enough to build a kilometer long cruise ship.

Using this primitive accumulation method, mieba has saved enough ten spaceships for himself. Although these spaceships really go to the battlefield, they are not enough for an atlas destroyer, but this beginning is very good.

Now mieba plans to transport sweet potatoes to sell by himself. In this way, the middlemen will not earn the price difference, their profits will increase a lot, and the counter offensive plan can be completed faster.

Villains are so diligent, but what are our decent doing now?

Fisher has just attended the fourth military games held in atlas, and then held six large-scale promotion ceremonies and title awarding ceremonies. Strictly speaking, he is rewarding on merit and enjoying himself every day.

While Fisher and his men were drinking, news came from the front that the Kerry Empire hoped to conduct peace negotiations with Atlas through a third party, at least for a period of time.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar. Did the Kerry Empire take the initiative to make peace? What a strange thing. When they fought with the scroos and the two sides fought corpses everywhere and refused to give in to each other, the Kerry people didn't make a request for peace talks, but now they have? Is our youth over?

And then even more surprising was the news from atlas.

Ms. Wanda Maximov, who is responsible for serving as Fisher's representative, said at the press conference that the only way out for the Kerry Empire gangs is to unconditionally surrender and hand over the supreme wisdom of war criminals, disband all troops, and make war reparations for all countries destroyed since the expansion of the Kerry empire. In addition, there is no way to go.

In addition, the powerful little witch also read out the declaration of the Supreme Commander's speech to all atlas soldiers. In the declaration, Fisher highly praised the fearless spirit of the Legion soldiers who are not afraid of sacrifice, forge ahead and kill the enemy bravely, and also said that atlas is bound to exchange the sacrifice of one generation for a peaceful life for generations.

The whole Manifesto is murderous and aims at a cosmic empire in front of it. It is clear that it will not hesitate to replace the future of the Kerry empire with a generation and completely destroy them.

It is reasonable to say that if atlas refuses, the supreme wisdom does not necessarily want to make a national speech, just like Churchill, announce his determination to fight, and then take the whole country in, but the other party's choice is to contact atlas again, saying that any conditions can be negotiated, hand over war criminals, say nothing in advance, and we can pay compensation, And we can send you the head of mieba.

It has to be said that supreme wisdom is worthy of being a mature imperial ruler. In order to maintain the survival of the Empire and the stability of the regime, she spared no expense to try to reach a peace agreement with Fisher, sell the imperial territory, allow atlas to garrison troops, and even sell allies. As long as Fisher nodded, they would send up the head of killing hegemony.

So Fisher nodded. If you want to talk, it's not impossible. We people on earth will vote. If you want to make peace talks, show your sincerity and send me the head of the bully Gang first, otherwise everything will be free.

So is the Kerry people sincere in peace talks? It can only be said that half and half. Unlike atlas, which has several cosmic resources to support, the Kerry Empire really needs to take a breath now. The high war damage makes the military expenditure increase day by day. After all, the capitalists of the Empire also eat. You have to spend money on research and development to build a new ship!

There are also military personnel. Although the Kerry Empire conquered a large number of vassal races, for the sake of insurance, its main fleet must be composed of Kerry citizens, and these citizen fleets are the main force in the war, often buried in the stars on a million scale. Repeated conscription has made the citizens of the Empire tired of war, and they must take some time to breathe, so, For this opportunity, it is not impossible to sell our allies cleanly.

Mieba naturally doesn't know the secret transaction between the two sides. He is still calculating how much money he can save in this mature period, how many troops he can recover, how many spaceships he can buy, and even find the trace of KAMORA, and then catch the other party.

The dark church was not alert to its allies, so when the Kerry Empire sent a contingent to take away the temporary base of the dark church, the dark church didn't even react until the other party dropped the bomb.

"We were betrayed! These damned traitors, do you think atlas will let you go? "

Looking at the dead ships everywhere and the fully armed Kerry army, ebony throat was in pain.