Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 822

While the earth and Asgard held a celebration banquet and lived a corrupt life of drinking and dancing at night, a diligent purple uncle was snorting in the ground with a hoe on the border of the Kerry empire on the other side of the galaxy.

If there is a BBC reporter, I don't know what kind of hell filter to use. People on earth only know how to indulge in pleasure, while aliens are still working hard to cultivate land and so on.

Of course, if you change a channel and choose mieba on the tip of your tongue, it will be such a scene.

"As night approached, master Mie, who had been busy all day, returned to the thatched house he had built. For master Mie, who had worked hard all day, a delicious dinner was the best gift to reward him for his hard work all day."

"Master Mie, born on Titan, knows how to give full play to the greatest delicacy and high-end ingredients of sweet potato, and often only needs the simplest cooking method!"

Of course, mieba doesn't want to be a star gourmet in this sweet potato. After all, he has no face and no eloquence, and his cooking can only be said to be barely able to eat. Being a gourmet is not qualified at all. Even if he is a judge, everyone will invite him because of his identity, not a comment master. Instead of letting him go, he might as well invite stark, who is at least a group of people with his mouth, And a wave of sponsorship.

Mieba is really poor. Now his pocket is empty and he can starve rats. Er, maybe he doesn't even have mice, because even if there are mice, mieba will be dragged to expand his army.

What, how do you say mice become soldiers? Then ask mieba!

Since the atlas fleet completed the fleet upgrade in the kepru region, the pressure on the front line of the dark church and the Kerry Empire has increased day by day. In the past, the enemy only had an advantage in equipment quality and a small number. However, now, a steady stream of warships have arrived at the front line, making the atlas fleet complete the double rolling of quantity and quality for the first time. Not long ago, In order to regain the initiative in the theater, the Kerry Empire launched a fleet battle with a scale of 6000, and then added some reinforcements from the dark church to destroy the hegemony. As a result, the opposite atlas fleet pulled out a fleet of the same scale without fear. Even after the two sides reached the white hot state, Atlas also reinforced a fleet of 600 spacecraft, The two sides fought for a whole day and night, the Kerry empire lost nearly two-thirds, all the most important main ships sank, and the only auxiliary ships were unable to support themselves, so they had to give up the battlefield.

Although they also caused some casualties to atlas, the battlefield initiative is still firmly in the hands of the atlas fleet. They can clean the battlefield and drag the war damaged ships back for maintenance or disassembly without delay. What makes the Kerry people numb most is the maintenance speed of local enemy warships.

"Special size, are all the damage tubes of earth people monsters?"

This is a question raised by a Kerry Empire general after inspecting the front line.

At that time, the Kerry empire was lucky to hit the flagship of atlas's fourth fleet, a heavy armored aircraft carrier called Flying Henan people. The ship was hit with holes and was driven back to the base. Then the earth people didn't know what magic was used. Only three days later, the flying Henan people returned to the battlefield with patches and no paint, Destroy the flagship of the Kerry Empire general. According to his adjutant, the old general who had fought for most of his life cried like a child when he saw the ship appear.

It is said that, as the ultimate old rogue in the universe, the war mobilization ability of the Kerry empire is not weak, but it is a pity that they encounter the wonderful atlas. When there is a great difference in power between the two sides, the Kerry Empire does not have the power of the whole country to destroy its opponents with the momentum of thunder, but gives heads up.

Now Kerry wants the whole country to start a war, but his opponent's strength is enough to tear the whole empire apart.

Anyone with a clear eye can see that if the war continues, the Empire will be completely dragged to death.

Compared with the Kerry Empire, the dark Church of mieba is even more uncomfortable, because the world has known the ultimate plan of mieba through the publicity of atlas in the whole universe. It is difficult for mieba to collect any army in the process of rebuilding the army. The Kerry sent beggars to the dark church to give several Star ports, It was used to rebuild the fleet, but these ports were completely bombed by atlas's ocean attack fleet. Even after knowing where mieba was, at 3:00 p.m. every day, atlas's stealth bombing ship dropped a bomb on the planet on time, which said the tea time was up, reminding mieba not to go to bed and it's time to get up and drink tea.

Mr. Mie also wants to go to the earth and break the net with those damn guys. If he doesn't help, he will hit the earth with his Temple No. 2 and turn the planet into a dead place. But no matter the scouts he sends or the spies he buys, as long as he is close to the solar system or the star area where the solar system is located, he will lose the news immediately. Even if someone is lucky, I can send back a few words, but it's basically my God. Why are there so many forts or the barrage of the other party is too dense? I can't see such nonsense.

Why is the big plan like this?

Every time I think of it, uncle mieba, who has been busy all day, will take out the cosmic sweet potato he has personally planted, and then eat it in a big mouth to feel the sweet and soft waxy in his mouth, so as to summon up strength for himself and continue to adhere to it.

But the problem is that the big sweet potatoes planted by ourselves have been piled up in the warehouse, but the so-called rejuvenation plan can't even start.

Now even Nebula has set up a fleet of hundreds of spaceships in the universe, doing bad things everywhere under the banner of eliminating hegemony, discrediting his reputation, and making protest letters fly to the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Kerry Empire like raindrops.

"Sir, we can't give up!" The ebony throat with messy hair and dirty face has long lost its previous elegant posture. At the moment, it's like he just came back from Syria. He helps mieba cook the boiled sweet potatoes in the pot and constantly cheer up his boss.

"If we want to reverse the situation now, we still have to start with gemstones!"

"However, those people on earth hold most of the gems. We can't even get close to them. We can't find the only soul gem!"

"Then keep looking! Mobilize all available resources! We must turn the situation around, or everything will perish! "

Mieba grabbed another sweet potato and put it into his mouth.