Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 804

Although void is called void, it is not empty. This is the birthplace of sarnaga, just like the pantheon of Azeroth next door, which is the background of the story.

This is a dangerous and mysterious area. Countless people have been searching for ancient treasures since ancient times. Unfortunately, they have turned into a handful of dead bones on the way to pursue dreams.

Now, the ancient land that countless people can't find and can't find has opened the door to a seemingly irregular fleet.

The reason why this fleet is irregular is that it has no unified painting and unified symbols. Even the style of warships is different. From dozens of kilometers of gold spaceships to seven or eight kilometers of steel giant ships, there are a lot of bulging insects. It doesn't look like a serious team. On the contrary, it is a bit like the black and evil forces going out on the street.

"The best!"

Looking at the still huge fleet after streamlining, Fisher said with emotion.

Because of the uncertainty of the void, the coalition left most logistics personnel and people with low combat power in El to help the Xingling rebuild their homes, and only selected elite combat troops. Even so, the coalition still gathered up a huge fleet (all capital ships) with almost 3000 warships

As for the Marines, Fischer only brought his own Chiffon regiment and 1000 guards. However, Renault brought all the heads of state guards of Valentinian. Now Renault is proud of his life. His team is now all the pillars of the Empire. Although he doesn't want to do it, he can't stand Valentinian's sincere attitude, Now Renault has the rank of general of the Talon Empire, commanding countless good brothers to prepare for revenge for his wife.

As for Fleet Command, it's even more luxurious. Matt Horner, a decent fleet commander, is in command, Admiral Warfield is his deputy, and Fisher is two bad old men, Admiral Hackett and Admiral Anderson.

Hackett, who had undergone life extension surgery and health enhancement surgery, now regained his youthful brutality. When commanding the atlas fleet, he took the initiative to seek war, which made Emmon suffer a great loss.

In addition, the Star Ling fleet and the strong tribes can be said that what Fisher is leading now is the essence of the whole Kopru Star area. If AI Meng is like Zhu Geliang, he will send Kopru to Kopru at the moment, which is enough for Fisher's return to the original trip.

However, at the moment, Armon's mind is full of strengthening his defense. He constantly draws strength from the void and creates a virtual shadow army for himself. In addition, there are a large number of void rippers. These giant beasts up to 100 meters can't move, but they can launch void psionics and cause destructive blows to any enemy.

This is the new enemy that the coalition forces have to face. They are more powerful and cruel, and the coalition forces can't take any shortcut like al before. They can only gnaw with fire honestly.

After the fleet arrived at the temple called ourna, Fisher got off the ship with a dozen heroes, walked into the temple and prepared to open the portal.

"So salnaga is not strictly high. Why are the buildings they built so high?"

Fisher estimated the distance between the shimmering ceiling and himself. Well, it's about 3000 meters high. This distance is enough for helicopter dogs to fight, while saarnaga is only a few tens of meters high. They can still fly on their own.

"Then you can ask orus!" Zeratu walked in front with his master song light blade and Fisher, looking around vigilantly.

The wall emits a faint blue light, but it is enough to illuminate the road ahead, and it will not make everyone feel stinging. Some places of the pillars of tall bamboo shoots have collapsed, and some places have been wrapped by unknown positions. To be on the safe side, we did not break through these areas.

"What, I thought this place was so dangerous!"

High nut walked in the second sequence, next to atanis and his good brother Phoenix, who was moving in the form of dragon cavalry. Four Edelman alloy lower limbs built with million ton compression technology made a dull collision sound on the floor.

"Don't be careless! Aranak! " Attanis warned.

"You are too careful, Archbishop!"

Aranak knew the priorities. He just expressed his views and didn't make any substantive actions to question the leadership of atanis. However, he had planned to show himself as soon as he had the opportunity to let the Xingling tribes know how strong the high-ranking lords are.

This opportunity soon came. In front of the master crystal near the center of the temple, he saw two sarnaga structures up to 100 meters.

"Note that they have been corrupted by Emon!"

Seeing the red light on each other, the well-informed zelatu immediately stopped and reminded you.

"It's all right. Let me open the way for you!"

Seeing the opportunity of meritorious service, aranak crossed a distance of kilometers in an instant, then jumped up, lit up the blade of pain in his hand and launched an attack on the structural guard.

Then the next second, he himself was hit back where he came from.

Looking at the high-level Lord who Gulu Gulu rolled back, they didn't laugh at each other. Instead, they were ready to go up and open the first encounter of the copy.

Just as everyone was gearing up, lighting up the blade, loading the bullet and preparing for a big fight, a burly figure stopped the crowd.

"We may encounter a fierce battle later. Save your strength and give it to me!"

The Dragon Knight phoenix contact, or tasadar's electronic replica, took the lead and rushed towards the two huge structures. Facing his charge, the two huge sarnaga structures immediately switched tactics and attacked with disintegration ray and psionic ray.

If someone else were to attack the structure, he would have to stop the pace of impact and concentrate on defense, but Phoenix Contact's nickname is Fei Ritian. He saw his upper body rotate rapidly and directly use his own body and weapons to block all the incoming beams. Then he jumped up when he was about to approach the structure, The alloy blades of both arms stabbed the chest of the structure.

The impact force brought by the charge almost beyond the speed of sound, coupled with the weight of Phoenix itself, directly knocked the structure down to the ground, and then cracked into countless block objects of different sizes.

"Embrace the glory of battle!"