Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 803

Although the Allied forces understand that the fallen star spirits are forced, they can't use any gentle methods on the battlefield. After all, the fallen star spirits are also powerful cousins.

Unlike the forked soldiers who can kill 100 yuan with four machine guns in the game, each star spirit fanatic is a leader. Beating up human soldiers is calculated according to at least 100 yuan. Even some fanatics who are a little better can kill a raptor without injury. They can spin and jump in the bullet screen played by the machine gun soldiers, and then divide their opponents into eight pieces with a harmless attitude.

Therefore, in the face of these fierce soldiers, we all use 18 kinds of martial arts. For example, the star spirit is to let the invisible dark templar knock on their backs, while the insects are bound with sticky biomass. As for humans, they are more lunatic.

It is well known that the spiritual power of the star spirit will be restrained by the EMP field. Once there was a case that the dark templar of the star spirit was captured by the Marines of the Talon Federation. Those dark templar were a little too big. When they rushed to the enemy array, they didn't expect that there were ghosts in the federal army, and then they were drained of their spiritual power by the EMP field, Just like brother Jie Lu who has been drained of his body, he can't get up again.

So before recovering Al, Fisher paid tribute to his idol bertman Yibo. Bertman hoarded kryptonite in a warehouse. He hoarded EMP bullets in a warehouse. Er, the quantity in a warehouse is a little small. To be exact, it is almost 30 rounds per star spirit.

Note that this per capita does not specifically refer to the fallen starlings controlled by Emmon, but the population of all starlings. Each person can get 30 rounds.

I'm afraid bertman knew that Fisher, a hard core fan, would be moved to tears and imitate. Why did you surpass him?

Then, all the thunder soldiers of the marine forces put on the ground can barely keep up with the actions of the Templar on their reformed birthday. Coupled with a large number of tubes of full explosive guns, the Starling charged will be covered with countless EMP bullets.

When they were drained and unable to rise again, the military's teacher Tony would come up with big scissors and click.

After the braids were cut off, the Tangkou brothers woke up one after another. Looking back carefully on what they had done during this period, they were inevitably ashamed to die and asked the Archbishop to fight one after another, hoping to make some compensation for their past actions.

The archbishop, who was already short of manpower, naturally nodded and agreed. After saying a few words of encouragement to these good brothers who abandoned the secret, he threw a solar Tomahawk to these hall brothers, and then they went to the front line to embrace the glory of fighting.

The Allied forces kept narrowing the encirclement from all directions, dividing the enemy with artillery and war machines, and then the commandos came forward to destroy it. In less than three days, they reduced the front to an area about the size of Beijing Tiantongyuan. There were almost no soldiers available in the encirclement. All his fallen stars were captured alive and then cut their braids, After the insect troops were killed, they immediately turned back into Kerrigan's men.

This shouldn't be!

The dark god has fallen into deep self doubt. Why do you think I lost this art of war?

Faced with the Self Meditation of the dark god, the leaders of the coalition forces were polite. They transported the key stone with a new base from the spacecraft and installed it in front of the projection of the dark god.

"No, no, no, I can give you whatever you want!"

Looking at the assembled keystone, Emon was really flustered. This thing directly exiled it into the void, which means that all its planning in recent years has been in vain. What ambush star spirit as an undercover, and then ran to be the boss of the Zerg. It's cold. Star spirit doesn't believe in kara, but believes in himself. Without Kara, now star spirit is only free.

In the face of Armon's request for mercy, all the leaders of the coalition shook their heads. Why did sarnaga change like this? Like high nuts, it is a great revenge. At the beginning, Armon ignored him, and today he makes Armon unable to climb up.

After the assembly of the artifact, the high Lord of tadarin couldn't wait to start the charging of the artifact, and then Emon split.

Yes, just like the literal meaning, the dark God began to scream at the moment when he came into contact with the shock wave of the key stone, and then his avatar turned into black and red energy curves, which were swallowed by the key stone one by one.

The key stone, which was originally flashing blue light, now only had the demonic blood red light, and the key stone was still shaking at a distance with Emon's wailing.

However, although the shaking was very fierce, the dark God finally failed to escape the swallowing of the key stone. In its evil curse on the star spirit, the dark god was completely thrown back into the void.

"What shall we do now? Take advantage of the situation to attack the void? " Gao Jianguo couldn't wait to ask.

"Wait a minute! Young man! "

Zeratu looked at the rash tall nut and slowly talked about the intelligence about the void.

As sarnaga's territory, although the void is called void, there is not nothing. To enter the void, first go to an air temple called URNA. This huge creation floating in the universe is the entrance to the void. In addition, there is no other way to settle accounts with Emmon.

Then there is the power of emptiness. Salnaga also created countless creations in those years. Most civilizations are free range, but they still left some structures made of emptiness psionics and unknown metals to provide various services for themselves for their own life.

Now, although few sarnaga have died, these tireless servants they made are still faithfully guarding the master's territory. In particular, most of the structures are deliberately out of control by Emon. These structures are solid and powerful. You can't pass through their defense by looking for regular force.

The reason why zelatu reminded Gao nut was that he hoped he would not underestimate his opponent, because if he did fight, I'm afraid the high-level collar would be mainly pressed by the structure!

Aranak didn't agree with the elder's reminder, but he listened to some of it. In his opinion, there is nothing he can't conquer.

"Well, in that case, you'll take the lead!"

Atanis smiled. Since aranak didn't believe it, let him suffer first, and then the big army pressed on to solve the problem for him.

"Well, let's start streamlining our troops now, try to reduce the number while maintaining combat effectiveness, and then get ready to go to the void!"