Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 662


With a deafening gunshot and violent gun flame burst, a 25mm alloy cartridge case (cartridge) withdrew from the barrel and fell to the ground steaming.

At the other end of the muzzle, one side is a full meter thick, which was built during the most intense period of the Cold War confrontation. It is said that a large hole that can put a 300 kg Japanese sumo wrestler has appeared on the reinforced concrete wall capable of aerial bombs. Looking inside along the still dusty hole, there is a piece of scorched biological tissue scattered radially, That is, a military card on the ground can prove that the scorched thing sprayed on the wall was still a living man 30 seconds ago.

That was one of the only three remaining Hydra winter soldiers. Before, he was arrogant carrying a machine gun to shoot the attacking scar team, and then he was gone.

When the individual sniper rifle used by the thunder soldiers falls on the scar team, it becomes an erection weapon. The shooter does not dare to use the full-automatic mode at all, and the semi-automatic has to play a slow start, but even this is enough.

The Hydra who attacked the building received an order to wait for ZEMO to withdraw, so they stopped their action and began to stick to it after occupying the first, second and third floors of the building.

Although the pressure above was greatly reduced by the violent Barnes, the Hydras were at a loss because of the attack from atlas.

The pungent tear gas bombs hit the defensive position like no money, followed by the hunting and annihilation robots crawling in the smoke, as well as the unreasonable heat through the wall equipment.

After the exchange of fire, the Hydra lost half his hands, while atlas was intact. If several Hydra soldiers hadn't caught the prisoners as human shields, I'm afraid they would have been destroyed.

Now, with the snipers deployed in place and began to call the names of the nine headed snake soldiers behind one by one across the wall, it seems that it is also a matter of time for the destruction of the remains of the nine headed snake.

This is the last purebred Hydra. It's an old Hydra family that started from my grandfather. Now, this family business is finally coming to an end.

"Where is commander ZEMO?"

Even though these soldiers were still thinking about their boss in the end, they didn't think that the other party had betrayed themselves, but thought if something had happened to ZEMO. Only the two winter soldiers blinked and thought.

The heavy hammer gunfire continued. Several Hydra soldiers who didn't want to die in vain tried to exchange several heads for suicide attacks, but they were swallowed by bullets before they even rushed out of the corridor.

As for the remaining Hydra soldiers, they silently hid in the bunker they thought was very safe, waiting for the arrival of the final judgment. As for surrender? If they had the intention to surrender, they had voted as early as when they jumped back. If they were innocent and performed well, maybe they would be able to be a part-time official in atlas, perform well and find a school district house in the Five Lakes District.

But now, they can only wait to die, or choose to end themselves.


Upstairs, Barnes is also a human when the oil is dry and the lights are exhausted. Although he has been transformed and his physical strength is much better than ordinary people, he still can't carry wheel fights. The special robots purchased to deal with the riots can't do anything else, that is, he has a lot of Kung Fu. He is proficient in Western fighting, Eastern martial arts, Barton flow, gamma, Muay Thai and even Tai Chi, Because of the lack of means to kill with one blow, the winter soldier fought with more than a dozen robots for most of the day and dismantled four or five. The remaining robots were still alive and kicking, and he was already tired and panting.

"Baji, stop it. It's full of robots outside!" The American team who came to support saw that his good brother was beaten black and blue by the robot. His heart suddenly softened and tried to influence each other with true love, but he only got an expressionless Sima face.

"Don't force me!"

"Bang Dang!"

Looking at the thrown machine head, the US team still jumped on it. They didn't use any weapons or shields. They simply swung the king's eight fists at each other. It has to be said that the US team's passive five five five open was really powerful. At first, the winter soldiers pressed the US team with their own mechanical arm, but the US team finally turned the situation into five five open. If there was no accident, Then the two will fight until one of them completely loses strength, but fortunately Steve has a lot of friends.

After receiving the news, the avenger alliance obtained permission to attack after asking for instructions from the United Nations. Then stark took the lead in his war clothes, directly knocked open the outer wall of the building and appeared in front of the two.

"Well, Captain, it seems that you don't need help!"

Looking at the two bodies intertwined with men, stark felt a little hot eyes.

"In fact, I still need a little help!" The US team locked Baji's steel arm with both legs and blushed.

"What do you want me to do, punch a hole in his head with a cannon?"

"No, just hammer his head!"

"I see!" Stark half knelt on the ground, clenched his right hand, and then hit Baji's head heavily under the action of a booster.


After a crisp crash, stark looked at the broken cement floor and put his fist away.

"Well, should it be all right?"

"It's all right. Don't worry. He's been hard since he was a child!" After the US team confirmed that the other party really fainted, they slowly released the person in their arms.

"Thank you, stark!"

"You're welcome. This is what I should do, but I think he'd better control it first. What do you think?"

"I can't agree with you more!"

They looked at each other and smiled. Then they pulled Baji from the ground and prepared to help him downstairs.

While walking, Stark's suit received a video.

"What's the matter? Stark? What happened? " Seeing the iron man standing still, the United States team carrying Baji asked for no reason.

Stark turned around and looked at them with hoarse voice and red eyes.

"Is this true or false?"

"What's true or false? What are you talking about?"

"Video!" Roared stark, and then he put the video on the LCD screen in the corridor.

The US team also saw that video, which he knew for a long time, but no one dared to say.

Watching the good friends in the picture kill the couple of good friends they know, the US team was speechless for a moment.

"Stark, listen to me first!"

"I won't listen!"

The iron man helmet, which had fallen into extreme rage, was closed, the weapons were loaded, and all the weapons on the battle clothes were activated, aiming at the unconscious winter soldiers.

"Stark, listen to me..."