Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 661

"Woo woo!"

Born with divine power, ah, bah, it's the spirit of the American team acquired with divine power. Before, everyone was his own people. He tried to restrain himself. Who can't bear it? His uncle can bear it, his aunt can't bear it, and the American Hydra Hercules with 200 kg can't help him. Just Hans with 160 kg?

The lined electronic muscles cooperate with the whole body to lift a pile of Hans special police in an instant. Then the U.S. team turned and rushed to the interrogation room to catch ZEMO's disguised expert. At this time, a 300 kg technician sitting on one side did something that stunned everyone.

He sealed the interrogation room, and the heavy explosion-proof glass door that could resist the fire of small caliber machine guns fell with a stroke, locking Barnes and ZEMO in the room. The fist hammer of the US team hit the glass, but the glass was not broken.

"That man is Hydra! Open the damn door! Falk! " For the first time, after waking up from the freezing, the American team finally burst into foul language.

You know, in recent years, the U.S. team has also held the position of disciplinary committee. No one can swear, nor can Nick Frey. But now the U.S. team has burst foul language, which can show how chaotic the situation is.

And all the German agents turned pale when they heard the word Hydra.

Maybe it was the Soviet Union who beat him up so badly, and Britain and the United States divided up too many family assets. Now Germany has cleared the word "spicy and crisp Hydra" to the extent that I opened the word prison. The agents who responded hurriedly tried to open the door. However, at the same time, ZEMO's EMP bomb deployed in the suburban substation exploded.

The shock wave instantly overloaded all the power grids in the city and shut down the facilities in the building. Although the standby generator began to operate soon, this time was enough for ZEMO to untie Barnes, who had just finished brainwashing.

"Then, leave it to you!"

Looking at the armed soldiers lined up outside the blurred glass, ZEMO stepped back and showed the stage to the murderous winter soldiers behind him.

"Three, two, one, open, rush!"

The special forces soldiers in a row, holding shields and electric batons, rushed to the interrogation room with breast feeding strength at the moment when the door opened (just like the prison guards in the suicide team shot dead)

The best way to control the target in a narrow space is to keep him immobile, but the efforts of the armed forces failed.

Due to the small space, it is impossible to wear power armor, and the bonus provided by ordinary ultralight power exoskeleton is limited (exo in cod11 can be forcibly broken by manpower)

Therefore, when the prison guard rushed into the interrogation room, an iron fist directly smashed the shield in the first soldier's hand, and the impact also flew several soldiers behind him.

Like a bowling ball knocked down, a column of soldiers rolled in a ball, flew out of the cabin door, and then hit their colleagues outside.

"Up, up!"

There are also many armed soldiers on guard outside. After seeing their colleagues fall, they still rush up one after another.

The brainwashed winter soldiers are like an indefatigable war machine. They grab the electric baton on the ground and dance like tigers. Whenever the zizilala current flashes, a soldier will convulse and fall down.

"The interrogation room has been broken through. We need reinforcements!"

When the U.S. team saw that haojiyou was beating the soldiers, they resolutely grabbed an explosion-proof shield on the ground and rushed up. They fought with each other for several moves. Finally, the U.S. team was beaten out by the winter soldiers with a shield.

"I need my shield!" Looking at the explosion-proof shield with a huge fist print on its hand, the US team shook its head and stood up.

At this moment, Baji has broken through the outer defense, his weapons have changed from electric batons to fighting daggers, and the guards he faces have become armored commandos.

The dagger fluttered in the air and was pierced by the cracks in the steel armour's instant armor, and there was blood coming out with the medical bubble.

Although the commandos have armor protection, the weak connection is still the key. In fact, even the armor connection gap of atlas thunder soldiers is relatively fragile. A single molecule dagger is enough to cause some damage, although it will not be fatal.

After lying down more than a dozen commando soldiers in one breath, the advance of the winter soldiers was finally stopped by several emergency armed robots. At least Yongchun of both sides played half as much, and boxing was equal.

On the other hand, the US team also successfully blocked ZEMO who was running.

"You have nowhere to escape. Lay down your arms and surrender!"

"Really?" ZEMO, who was carrying a steel pipe in his hand, showed a smile, then put down the steel pipe in his hand, and then slowly knelt down with his head in his hands. At the same time, the quilt on the cement wall on the right side of the U.S. team was punctured, and the broken cement block blocked the U.S. team. At this time, ZEMO rolled on the spot and jumped into the stairwell.

"Do it!" After rushing into the stairwell, ZEMO grabbed the communicator and shouted.

Then there were several explosions all over the city, and at the same time, a convoy of garbage trucks and container trucks stopped in front of the building because of traffic jams.

“los! los! los!”

After receiving the order, the nine headed snake soldiers who had long been on standby in the car rushed to the building with weapons, including the last three nine headed snake winter soldiers.

At the moment of gunfire, Atlas scar troops deployed outside the building also rushed out of the shelter and went towards the hydra.

The fierce battle broke out in an instant, and the three forces were like a word of Sichuan.

Under the leadership of the three winter soldiers, the Hydra rushed into the building in dozens of seconds, and the staff still working in the building had not even run out of the office.

"It's lively enough!" ZEMO walked into the uninhabited floor, took out the props and uniforms he had prepared before, and dressed himself as a guard.

From the beginning, he didn't want to stay here and be buried with the Hydras. Those people were just pawns sacrificed by him. The best result was that everyone died together. In this way, he can also find a place to provide for the elderly or start a new life.

Of course, he has one more thing to do before.

After the change, ZEMO pretended to be a guard who rushed to the reinforcement, slipped on the way, entered the evacuated Information Center, and then took out a data disk from his pocket.


Insert the data disk into the computer host, and then ZEMO copied the information directly to the main system and began to spread outward.

The big screen in the data center also broadcast the message at the same time.

That's the surveillance video when winter soldiers killed Howard and his wife.