Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 204

Looking at the video, it seems that the researcher named do Joe recorded it with the micro camera on his head.

Joe and another researcher, Cooper, were both wearing heavy down jackets and all kinds of equipment.

In addition, due to the blizzard, the two are struggling to move forward. At this time, the video content seems to be fast forward, directly reaching the tent built by the two after a boulder, and the two hide in.

Joe took off his down jacket after he had heated the tent. He asked Cooper, "what's up, what's up at the scientific research station?"

After putting away the walkie talkie, Cooper said to Joe, "the director said that the snowmobile has been sent to our side. Due to the large scale of the storm, it is expected to arrive in five hours."

"Ah..." Joe sighed and said, "I don't know what Prince (Warren Ryan) thought. He was so addicted to this spaceship."

"So it is." After packing up his down jacket, Cooper said, "the technology of this spaceship is not much higher than what we have now. It's just a bit of a hodgepodge."

"Well, we haven't found any remains of any members. One of them is OK. After all, biology is my specialty." Joe was a little disappointed.

"Click..." similar to the sound of ice slowly cracking.

"Did you... Hear anything?" Cooper immediately looked around and asked suspiciously.

"I seem to hear that, too." Joe also nodded and began to look around to find out the source of the sound.

"Click, click!" It's getting louder and louder.

Hearing the sound, the two researchers finally couldn't sit still. They quickly stood up and wanted to put on their down jackets and run outside the tent, but then

"Kalala!" The sound of the ice breaking completely.

"Ah( X2) screams of two researchers.

There seemed to be a piece of thin ice right under the tent, which collapsed suddenly, and two researchers, even people with tents, were involved in the hole below.

"Ah, ah, ah ~!"( X2) inside the cavity came the screams of two researchers, who stopped after sliding several meters with the tent.

"Ho With a sound, Joe took out a knife from the knife sleeve on his leg and cut open the tent, which made him and Cooper climb out of the rotten tent.

"Cough! Grass, how painful it is Joe grabbed his down jacket with one hand and slowly crawled out of the tent with the other.

Cooper is the same as Joe. He pulls down jacket with his left hand and grabs the ground with his right hand. He climbs out behind Joe and feels guilty

"Well! It's my fault. I didn't check the ground when we set up the tent. It must be because the tent is heated and the weight of both of us makes the ice collapse. "

"It's OK, we're not dead, just not dead!" Joe comforted Cooper and put on his down jacket.

"Ta ~!" The sound of water drops from the cave is extremely quiet.

"Hoo ~!" In addition, the roaring sound of the snowstorm above the entrance of the cave gives Joe and Cooper a sense of inexplicable security.

After putting on his down jacket, Cooper stood up and looked at the entrance of the cave and said, "fortunately, it's only a few meters high. This cave can also provide wind protection. It's not lucky."

"Ha ha, it's the same." Joe laughs when he hears what Cooper said. Then he looks at the entrance of the cave, takes out his walkie talkie and contacts the scientific research station

"This is Joe and Cooper. We are five meters below the original address. Do the team members who came to pick us up take the rope?"

"Ha? Did you have a collapse? " There was a little doubt from the walkie talkie, but not too much surprise.

After all, collapse is most likely to occur on the ice sheet, so the correspondent didn't worry too much, and then said, "I must have. They just started. Don't worry."

"Well, that's good... Ah!" After hearing the reply, Joe put the walkie talkie back in his pocket, turned around and saw something on the ice. He was so scared that he fell to the ground.

When he heard this, Cooper stopped looking for something useful from the tent. He quickly picked up Joe and asked, "what's the matter? Are you ok? "

I saw Joe lying in Cooper's arms, trembling slightly pointed to an ice wall, issued a trill, can not be placed channel: "you... You... You see! What's that? "

"Well?" Cooper was also puzzled and curious. He immediately looked in the direction of Joe's hand, and his face changed greatly. He exclaimed: "holly sh1t

In the direction Joe was looking at, a huge four clawed creature was frozen in the ice wall. However, due to the refraction of the ice surface, we could not see what it was.Seeing this, Qiao Nannan said to himself, "the organisms in the polar region have been extinct millions of years ago. There are only some fossils. Can this be the original polar organism?"

Hearing Joe's words, Cooper first lifted Joe up, looked at the creature and said, "no, the geological level here is not millions of years ago, and it's closer to the crashed spaceship. Maybe the members of the spaceship are not sure."

Hearing Cooper's analysis, Joe immediately stood up, ran to the ice wall, put his hand on the ice to feel the temperature, and said, "man, it's hard for you. We'll get you out later."

Joe is a biologist, and he certainly knows that his and Cooper's existing equipment is not enough to pry open the ice, and the most important thing is to wear isolation suits to check unknown creatures.

Both Joe and Cooper are qualified scientists. They are not mentally retarded in all kinds of movies. After sighing, they report what they see to the scientific research station.

And the scientific research station was shocked for a long time after getting the news, so Warren Ryan should have got the information at that time.

The next five hours were fast forward. With the help of the rescue team, Joe and Cooper used a cutting machine to cut off the four clawed creature with ice, transport it to the surface, and then load the ice onto the snowmobile.

Then Joe and Cooper left the place with the rescue team, and the video stopped abruptly.

The time of the video shows that it was just a week before the station lost contact with Valencian. It seems that the blizzard in the polar region is not regular. It can only be said that it will definitely come once a month.

But Kent's face turned pale when he saw the four clawed creature. Of course, he's wearing a helmet now. No one can see his face.

But his hands began to shake involuntarily, and in his helmet, he opened his mouth and said in a soft voice: "strange... Strange type? It's over... It's over... "

After seeing the first video, Lyon said, "why don't you go on? It's really exciting. "