Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 203

After the communication channel was quiet again, Kent said, "come on, Carlos, I know Carl can fix things, so there's no need to show off there. Never again!

Since there is no discovery everywhere, everyone gather in the main building. Let's go to the scientific research institute to collect the experimental data, and then go to the alien spaceship to carry out blasting, and then we can go home! "

"Yes! Chief

Hearing Kent's order, Leng Feng stood up and looked at the dead body and asked Kent, "boy, what should I do with this?"

Kent took a look at the corpse. Somehow, his intuition told him not to touch it, and he had to put some "guns" on the corpse.

Because Carl and his party repaired the power system, and the heating system was very advanced, when the power was restored, the temperature began to rise.

At this time, the frozen corpse seemed to begin to dissolve, and the dried and frozen blood seemed to return to a sticky state under the influence of the rising temperature.

Seeing the corpse like this, Kent immediately asked, "uncle, do you still have incendiary bombs on you?"

"No Leng Feng shook his head, but took out a grenade from the pocket of individual equipment and said, "I think the polar temperature is low, so the effect of incendiary bomb should not be strong, so the white phosphorus bomb."

"White phosphorus bullet?" Kent was stunned. He didn't expect Leng Feng to be so cruel. White phosphorus bombs are prohibited by international law.

But Kent and Simon also used it at the beginning, then nodded and said, "OK, burn this room with white phosphorus bomb. Before using white phosphorus bomb, turn off the fire protection system of this room."

"Yes, I know." Leng Feng nodded. After waiting for Kent and Irene to leave the room similar to the small rest room, he also retreated to the door and closed the fire valve.

With a "Ta ~" sound, Leng Feng opened the safety of the white phosphorus bullet, and then with a slight force of his right hand, he threw the white phosphorus bullet on the dead body.

First, "boom!" There was an explosion.

And then, "Hula ~! Ho La ~! " The burning sound of the body and the ground came.

"Click!" See the body and the room was successfully burned, cold front forced the door to close.

Then Kent, Irene and Leng Feng ran towards the Research Institute.


Main building, second floor Research Institute, office of research director;



"Chief, here we are."

"Well, don't move."

At this time, Lyon's hell paratroopers and Hudson's marines entered the office of the research director one after another.

When Kent saw all the people coming, he first asked, "I mean, you don't really have bodies or anything like that?"

Lyon and Hudson looked at each other, shrugged and said, "No

"Well, all right." Kent nodded helplessly, then asked: "also, all the players did not have direct contact with the air here?"

"No!" Lyon and Hudson do not want to, they mentioned their players replied.

"Well, that's good."


However, the screen switches to the horizontal plane of the boots of all the people. After hearing Kent's question, one person moves his feet unnaturally, but no one notices.

Then, Kent turned to open the computer of the director of the Institute. He wanted to open it, but found that there was a password. He immediately contacted the phantom and said, "this is Kent. Call the phantom."

"The phantom received... Received. What's the matter? How long is the regiment Only listen to ketana's voice from the communication channel, but the communication quality is a little poor, intermittent, but harmless.

Kent frowned slightly, but he didn't care too much. He said, "katana, I want to log in to a computer and find a password. Can you try to crack it?"

"No problem... Right away ~!" Kotana agreed without hesitation, but in a few seconds, kotana disdained to say: "eh... Or the main person in charge of the scientific research station, the password is only 13456..."

“1…3456。” Kent repeated the code to himself when she heard kotana say it. Her hands began to beat the numbers on the keyboard."Dangdang! "Dangdang ~" is immediately the reminder sound after the computer starts.

After hearing the sound and the blue and green desktop on the computer screen, Kent said with a smile, "thanks, Katana."

"No guest... Angry ~" kotana also said with a smile, and reminded Kent: "regiment leader, phantom... Has detected you... There is a storm in the West... Please pay attention..."

When Kent heard about the blizzard, he immediately took it seriously. After all, the scientific research team often lost contact because of the blizzard, so he nodded: "OK, I see

After the phantom cut off the signal, it began to search the video data of the director of the Research Institute, but after a while, Kent found a file named XXX.

After Kent opened the first video, he heard, "ah! Oh! Yeah~!” The sound of the sound.

(in mosaic...)

"Click!" With a sound, Kent quickly clicks the mouse to shut down the player, and laughs awkwardly:

"This... Person is really... Clearly a person in charge... Actually still looking at such irresponsible things, superficial! No self-control

"Yes! Shallow! No self-control( A group of male mercenaries answers loudly.)

"Cut..." (x2) Carl and Nova snorted at the same time.

After the farce, Kent sought to make complaints about it, and finally found the video of the research leader.

"Mad, is this man well or ill? Isn't it sick to put useless videos in the obvious place and make the experimental data videos a thief?"

"Dang!" The sound of fists hitting the helmet.

I saw the cold front hand knock on Kent's helmet and urged, "OK, don't make complaints about it. Please copy the test record before you can."

"Well." Ken nodded, then took out a U disk from the storage bag of Raytheon armor, inserted it into the computer and began to copy various experimental data.

However, looking at the video material, Kent was very ungrateful. He clicked on another document and found that there were also various videos in it. However, it was not about the wreckage of the alien spaceship, but about the alien that Warren Ryan had suggested before.

Open the first one and start talking. The picture is presented in front of the special action teams.

"Hoo ~!" The sound of a snowstorm.

"Hey! Joe! We can't make it back to the station! "

"It's OK, Cooper! I've got a shelter! Let's find a boulder and set up camp. "

It seems that the video was recorded by a researcher named Joe. It seems that he and another researcher named Cooper could not get back to the station because of the storm