Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 944

The sound of gunfire on Xiufeng mountain was too loud, which really shocked the cadres and leaders in the convalescent courtyard on the other side of Xiufeng mountain.

We should know that those who are eligible to live in this sanatorium must at least be cadres at or above the division level of the state of China. In case of any accident, it will be immeasurable loss to China.

The duty personnel in charge of the security work did not hesitate to call the Jiangzhou Police Brigade. They were about to mobilize the police force for defense. At this time, a slightly older, dark green military uniform, full of iron and blood, walked in with his head held high.

The officers on duty immediately looked solemn and respectful when they saw the brave man coming towards him and said, "I've met general staff Mu!"

He is the eldest son of the Mu family in Jiangbei and the general staff of Jiangbei military region, Mukun!

"General staff mu, there was a serious violent conflict in the villa on the side of the mountain. There were at least hundreds of guns between the two sides of the firefight..."

The young man on duty was about to explain, but he was interrupted by Mu Kun's wave: "I understand. There's no business for you here. Go out."

The young people on duty were stunned. Some of them didn't respond.

Mu Kun's face was cold and his tone of indifference warned, "do you need me to repeat it again?" Mu Kun's sharp eyes like hawks and falcons actually contain some threat.

The youth on duty immediately sweated and apologized, and then fled the duty room.

Looking at the back of the youth fleeing, Mu Kun sighed in a low voice and said to himself, "third sister, elder brother, I can only help you to get here..."

The aftereffect of the shooting of Xiufeng mountain is still spreading in Jiangzhou city. Many citizens have heard the fire clearly. However, the official attitude is very vague and has not given the public an explanation. It seems that things are allowed to happen.

In the outside world a lot of discussion, Jiangbei City big men are gathered together Qingxiu Dongju villa.

Villa living room, but see a white lining middle-aged man, Damascus sitting in the main position.

All the people who are qualified to enter this living room are the big men of Jiangbei. However, at the moment, these high-ranking heroes in the eyes of ordinary people are bowing their heads and lowering their eyebrows, and their greasy faces are full of smiles. It seems that they are obedient to the white lined man.

"Since all of you have no objection, Wanmou will not let you down and temporarily preside over the situation in Jiangbei on behalf of Meng Xianshi. Once there are more heroes and talents in Jiangbei, Wan will give up his position."

Although the white lining man is quite polite, but the face of the rebellious and madness, but his greed and * *, exposed.

More than an hour later, the gathering of the great men of Jiangbei Prefecture after the fall of Meng Xianshi came to an end.

With a large number of state and city leaders filed out, this luxury villa, only wan Zhibin, Pei Jun and muyuan mother and son are left.

However, Pei Jun and Mu yuan's mother and son are all hand in hand: "Congratulations, brother Wan, for replacing Meng ran and becoming the master of Jiangbei."

Wan Zhibin laughed and smoothed the folds on the white lining. He walked to the window and looked down at the rippling Biluo lake. He laughed and said:

"from now on, there will be no master Meng in Jiangbei again!"

"From now on, I, Wan Zhibin, will be the only master of Jiangbei!"

Behind him, Pei Jun and Mu yuan look at this maddening middle-aged man in silence. Once upon a time, he wan Zhibin was just a dog under Mu yuan's feet, and he was not even qualified to eat at the same table as Pei Jun.

But now?

Only because he inherited all the forces of Meng ran in Jiangbei, he became the second Mengxian teache