Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 943

However, song Anqi did not care about her red and swollen cheeks and cried: "sister Bingfan, go quickly! I'm useful to them. They won't kill me. Go away

Fang Ru couldn't bear to show her patience, but she had no choice but to take a deep look at Song Anqi. Then she moved her body. Accompanied by the crack of the glass, she rushed out of the living room of the villa in a blink of an eye.

"Bang bang bang!"

Fang rubing just rushed out of the living room, and the sound of gunfire was heard all around the villa, which was definitely more than a hundred submachine guns.

Villa even sounded a heavy dull sound, that is the only sound of large caliber sniper gun!

This time, Wan Zhibin not only invited sun tongxuan, but also used hundreds of killers! These people are obviously well-trained veterans, dense bullets interweave into a big net, even if it is a fly, it is absolutely impossible to escape from Xiufeng mountain.

This kind of situation can not be described as huge.

In the villa of Qingxiu Dongju, the sound of broken bricks and tiles comes one after another.

Three minutes later, a killer leader in camouflage, armed with a sniper rifle, rushed into the living room.

Wan Zhibin and Pei Jun immediately looked happy and couldn't wait to ask: "how about? Have you done it? "

The murderer leader, whose face was as cold as a knife, had a few drops of sweat on his forehead and said, "I'm sorry! Let the man escape

Although it is only a few words, but the killer leader's heart is like setting off a huge wave of general shock.

He was once a special soldier who had been baptized by the artillery fire in the Middle East. Within 300 meters, he was confident to kill any moving target.

However, the scene just now made him unable to believe it in any case.

In the face of hundreds of submachine guns, the girl was like a monster. She rushed out of Xiufeng mountain!

"Waste! A bunch of rubbish

When Wan Zhibin was about to smash the pistol in his hand on the killer leader's face, he swore.

Cold sweat DC killer leader, quickly added: "although she rushed out, but I also sniped a shot, as long as we block the nearby hospital, we can wait for her to commit suicide!"

Hearing the killer leader's words, Wan Zhibin and Pei Jun's face just slightly eased.

However, at this time, she heard song Anqi's merciless sarcasm: "sister Bingfan knows magic, do you want to catch her? Don't dream

Pei Jun raised his hand and was about to slap his daughter. However, he was stopped by muyuanhao and said with a smile: "Uncle Pei, don't get angry. Meng ran, that boy is dead, leaving that bitch a cheap life, but also can't turn up any big waves. "

As he spoke, mu Yuanhao turned his eyes to song Anqi and licked his tongue. There was a flash of lust in his eyes. He said in a meaningful way:

"Uncle Pei, I'm infatuated with angel. My last engagement was stirred up by Meng Ran's boy. I wonder if Uncle Pei can give my nephew another chance to make up a wedding banquet for angel 。”

On the other side, Ms. muyuan obviously knew her son's calculation for a long time. She put on a lady's posture and made a dignified and elegant match.

Without waiting for Pei Jun to speak, song Anqi, whose arms were dripping with blood, was actually biting her lips with her teeth and resolutely said, "I will not marry this scum if I am killed!"

Song Anqi is even more determined to die, as if if Pei Jun agreed to commit suicide.

However, these careful thoughts of song Anqi are so ridiculous in front of Pei Jun, an old fox. Pei Jun does not even look at his daughter, but agrees.

More smile to his daughter said: "good daughter, your brother Meng ran died, he will not come to save you, you die of this heart."

After that, regardless of song Anqi's resistance, he told Mr. Zheng to find a special doctor to bandage the wound.