Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 940

She was supposed to be a soft and weak girl. I don't know where the strength came from. Actually, it was pressed on the muzzle of Pei Jun's gun, which made this bullet miss!

This sudden scene made no response from all the people present.

"Daddy! If you still recognize my daughter, my daughter asks you to let go of sister Bingfan, OK? I promise you what you want me to do. "

The little girl with tears rolling down her cheek seemed to be pleading with all her strength.

"Angel! Get out of the way! Pei Jun, a beast that is not recognized by his relatives, will hurt you! " One side of Fang rubing's face suddenly changed wildly, and immediately roared.

However, song Anqi did not listen to it. Her tearful eyes were full of prayer, looking at her own father, as if she were dreaming of the last glimmer of hope.

However, the next scene, is to make this innocent little girl, a heart completely broken.

But Pei Jun, like a madman, not only did not release the trigger, but also pulled song Anqi tightly around her neck. He also put the muzzle of a revolver against his own daughter's head!

The master of Pei family is He is threatening Fang rubing with his own daughter's life!

Both Wan Zhibin and Mu yuan's mother and son, who saw this scene with their own eyes, were cold in their eyes. They all said with deep emotion: "no wonder this man can become the leader of Pei family as a collateral, and he is also the number one hero in Huahai city. This kind of non identification is really vicious."

People have to admit, Pei Jun this kind of means, really is not ordinary people can do.

Today, it is no wonder that Pei Jun was able to step on the Mu family in Jiangbei, integrate the whole Jiangbei, and confront Lu Hongyuan across the river.

It must be that Meng ran saw this scene, but also had to sigh, "it is worthy of being the number one hero in Jiangbei in those years.".

Although Fang rubing has witnessed the demise of the fangs in Qingzhou, he has also seen his uncle who is obsessed with power and cannot extricate himself.

But in front of the scene, still makes Fang rubing furious.

"Pei Jun! You beast! Angel is your own daughter! How could you... "

Fang rubing with a bite of silver teeth, her slender body trembled all over. She never wanted to kill a person like she did today.

However, Pei Jun, who pointed his gun at his daughter's head, growled: "bitch, do you really think you can fight me with some magic? What kind of thing are you without Meng ran

"Kneel down! I want you to kneel down for me

However, Fang rubing, who is completely infuriated, just coldly looks at the ugly state of the Chinese sea owl, just like watching a clown jumping over the bridge.

"Bitch! I asked you to kneel down, did you hear me

"Don't kneel, do you?"

The ferocious Pei Jun seems to be infuriated by Fang rubing's disdain. He turns the gun and pulls the trigger without hesitation!

The sound of "bang" was heard, and song Anqi's right arm bone was immediately pierced by a revolver bullet!

The scarlet blood spurted out splashed Pei Jun's face.

However, Pei Jun is still watching Fang rubing, just like a crazy beast. His face is fierce and ferocious.


Song angqi is just a mortal. The sharp pain of the arm bone being shot through makes the little girl send out heartbreaking screams. Because of too much pain, song Anqi's whole pretty face has turned pale.

However, the pain of this arm was not equal to one tenth of her heartache.

Not only Fang rubing, but also song angqi didn't expect that her own father would actually shoot himself!

Song Anqi looks at Pei Jun's twisted and ferocious face. Her eyes are full of strangeness. She just knows the man in front of her.

"Dad? Is this my father... "