Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 939

At this moment, in addition to Fang rubing's angry gasps, the only thing that can be heard is song Anqi's heartbreaking cry.

Once upon a time, this 17-8-year-old girl still naively thought that her father, who had been praying for many years, could finally get together with her family. Even if she knew that Pei Jun was using her to win over the Mu family in Jiangbei, the little girl never hated her father.

Because in Song's eyes, Pei Jun is the owner of Pei's family, or the number one hero in Huahai city. All these have nothing to do with her.

In her eyes, that gentle and steady, heroic man is just her father.

No matter what he did wrong, the little girl would forgive him.

But now.

Song Anqi, who was slapped to the ground by her own father, had already forgotten the pain on her cheek. She just looked at the middle-aged man with a jade talisman in his hand and a ferocious and arrogant face.

"So It turns out that you borrowed the jade pendant from brother Meng ran, which is Is that right, to deal with sister Bingfan? "

Crying into tears, the little girl whispered to herself.

Fang rubing, who was confronted with Wan Zhibin and others, could not help but shout:

"angel! Pei Jun and Wang Zhibin have always been ambitious, they never really submit to the teacher! They... "

However, without waiting for Fang rubing to finish, Pei Jun, who can't wait for this beautiful East house, interrupts angrily:

"bitch! Go and bury the boy Meng ran! "

The whole person is like a madman in Pei's family. He pulls the trigger of his revolver and hears a few blasts. The bullets are sent straight through his chest like ice.

Fang rubing saw the jade face cold, the electric light flint between the delicate body moved out, and four bullets brush past.

At the moment of Fang rubing's feet landing, there was a deafening explosion in the living room.

It's the sound of bullets shooting through the precious vases around the living room!

"Damn it! I don't believe I can't hit you! Shoot together

Fang rubing easily evades, Pei Jun immediately shouts at the crowd.

Wan Zhibin and muyuan's mother and son did not hesitate to load the bullet, and the muzzle was firmly locked in Fang rubing.

Fang rubing saw a frown on her black eyebrows, and the frost on her peerless jade face became more and more dense.

Although Fang rubing succeeded in building the foundation, he was no less powerful than the martial arts master in terms of combat power. However, Fang rubing's body was just successful in washing marrow and could not ignore bullets.

What's more, Pei Jun and others in the hands of M500 revolver, the power has been directly chasing submachine guns, not today's Fang rubing can resist.

Moreover, Fang rubing has already realized that the whole elegant east house villa has been surrounded by the men of Wan Zhibin and others, which can be described as an iron bucket. He is afraid that there are hundreds of submachine guns out there firmly locking himself.

What makes Fang rubing even more uneasy is that ah Jie is wan Zhibin's bodyguard, and his skill is to pursue the master of martial arts. Why is he invisible now?

There is also sun tongxuan, who is known as the first person under the master of Jiangbei Wudao. Fang rubing doesn't believe that if he wants to kill himself, Wan Zhibin will not inform him to come.

The biggest possibility is that sun tongxuan is hiding somewhere. Once he rushes out of the villa, the master tongxuan will take the opportunity to give himself a fatal blow like a snake hiding in the dark!

Fang rubing has just entered the early stage of foundation construction. Although her fighting power is high, the mana stored in her Qi mansion is too thin to support for a long time.

Once the mana is exhausted, she will not be sun tongxuan's opponent.

But these are not the reasons why Fang rubing is in a dilemma. The reason why she is in such a dilemma now is that she has never thought of escaping. She has to clean up the door for her teacher!

When Fang rubing's palms are sweating slightly, she sees that song Anqi rushes to her father all of a sudden and wants to capture Pei Jun's pistol!