Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 934

In recent days, after learning the news of Meng Ran's fall, Wan Zhibin inquired about the authenticity of this event, which was enough to shake the country of China, through various channels.

She has repeatedly inquired about Fang rubing, because as a disciple of Meng ran, once confirmed by her, Meng Ran's death is absolutely safe!

However, to Wan Zhibin's surprise, this young girl, who seems to be in her early twenties, is quite resourceful. Not only does she insist that it is just a rumor on the Internet, but also urges Wan Zhibin to transfer all the Reiki industry in his hands to Su Fangfei.

However, Fang rubing never expected that the more calm she was, the more suspicious Meng ran was!

Because no matter how they contact, always can not contact Meng ran!

Later, Wan Zhibin thought of song Anqi, and even more colluded with Pei Jun to incite Pei Jun to pry out the truth from his daughter.

Sure enough, this simple little girl can't hide her words. She confessed to Pei Jun the truth of Meng Ran's disappearance!

Therefore, Wan Zhibin summoned all the heroes of Jiangbei all night last night to plan out the event that the Qingxiu Dongju villa was forced to force Fang rubing to obey!

Song Anqi is also shocked, trembling at Wan Zhibin, lost voice: "Uncle Wan, you..."

However, without waiting for her words to finish, Pei Jun, who was originally watching the play, took advantage of Fang rubbing's inattention, and pulled song Anqi to his side.

"Daddy! What do you do? You let me go

Song Anqi, whose heart was broken for Meng ran, was shocked by her father's sudden move and struggled with all her strength.

However, song Anqi was just a weak girl. How could she compare her strength with Pei Jun, the hero of China Sea, was immediately held down by Pei Jun and could not move.

"Pei Jun! You're crazy! Angel is your own daughter! Let her go Fang rubing was furious.

However, Pei Jun's next words not only made Fang rubing's face change greatly, but also made her woman almost despair.

The first hero of Huahai City, who had been defeated by Meng ran, held down his daughter with one hand, smoothed the folds on his suit with the other, and said with a sneer:

"Fang rubing, Meng ran died in the south of the Yangtze River, which has been recognized by China for a long time. You can't hide it."

"So far, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. Meng Ran's boy, relying on his ability to do some magic and martial arts, acts as a bully in the north of our river. He's just a young boy, and he really thinks he's invincible in the world?"

"We come here today with only one request. You just have to hand over this villa..."

In the middle of the speech, Wan Zhibin, who was puffing in the air, interrupted: "hand over this villa and leave another arm. I can let you and this girl die, otherwise..."

Wan Zhibin points so far, the threat in his eyes is not covered up.

"No! Meng ran, that little beast has wasted Yuanhao's leg. I want this bitch to pay for his life

One side of the Mu yuan lady, wipe the face full of famous brand cosmetics, revealing the unforgettable resentment.

Meng ran died, the rich lady turned her son's hatred to Fang rubing.

In the end, Fang rubing, who had seen through the ambition of these villains, bloomed a smile on her beautiful jade face.

But seeing this smile, the hearts of the people are "cluttered" for a moment, and they just feel that they are being watched by some monsters.

Her chest has been filled with anger, just sneer and shake her head, looking at the eyes of the people, can not help showing a trace of pity.