Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 933

"Dad? Uncle Wan? Why are you here? "

Along with the figures of the heroes in suits and leathers walking into Qingxiu Dongju villa, song Anqi, who was in Fang rubing's arms and crying, also quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. He raised his head in some doubts and asked.

However, as soon as her voice fell, two figures still fresh in Song's memory came into view again!

However, Ms. muyuan, wearing an advanced professional dress, pushes a brand-new wheelchair into the sight of song Anqi and Fang rubing.

"Muyuan!? Muyuanhao? How brave you are! Who allowed you to enter the villa? "

Fang rubing, who sniffed out a trace of conspiracy, suddenly stood up.

Since practicing "binglan shenjue", Fang rubing's temperament has become more and more cool, just like the snow lotus of Tianshan Mountain. It makes people stay at a distance and dare not blaspheme.

Especially at the moment, Fang rubing is wearing a snow-white silk training suit. The whole person looks like an ancient chivalrous woman. She is very handsome.

Anger ran a word, actually is to make Mu yuan mother and son immediately stop, the face of conditioned reflex like a touch of fear.

Fang rubing is a disciple of Meng Xianshi, who has been spread in Jiangbei for a long time.

At the moment, facing Fang rubing's two people, it seems that in her body, she saw Meng Ran's powerful display in Wuyin mountain villa that day, one finger abandoned mu Yuanhao's shocking scene.

For muyuan's mother and son, Meng Ran is a nightmare of their life.

If Wan Zhibin and Pei Jun didn't find them last night, they would have said the news of Meng Ran's death. Even if they were given 10000 courage, they would never dare to come to Xiufeng mountain.

Although Meng Wanbin knew that Meng Junbin knew nothing about them, he knew nothing about them.

I'm afraid that once the emperor's death, it will be the place where they are buried.

But see Wan Zhibin put out a pair of peacemaker appearance, smile to persuade way: "ice fan miss, Mu yuan mother and son, I personally come, also ask Miss Bingfan to give Wan a face."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

"You asked them to come? Wan Zhibin, teacher, he has already cut off the relationship with Mu family. You should not be unclear about this? "

Fang rubing, who is cold and gorgeous like snow lotus, retorts mercilessly, and does not give Wan Zhibin, the spokesman of Meng Xianshi, a little thin faced.

By a 20-year-old girl film, in the face of Jiangbei these heroes such questioning, Wan Zhibin's face is also instantly cold down.

After the Wuyin villa incident, Wan Zhibin regarded himself as the spokesman of Meng Xianshi in Jiangbei. He also secretly integrated the underground forces in Jiangbei. As he was in power, he became more and more interested in power.

Even to the Jiangbei Mu home and Pei Jun in the eyes of the point.

If Meng Ran is here, he may also give Fang rubing three thin noodles.

But now Meng Ran's fall is almost a foregone conclusion. How can Wan Zhibin put Fang rubing in his eyes again?

However, the richest man in Jiangzhou, dressed in suits, took out an imported cigar from his pocket, lit it leisurely and puffed it recklessly. Then he said to Fang rubing with a smile:

"little girl, since the boy Meng Ran is dead, it's time for this Xiufeng mountain to change its ownership?"

After a word, the whole living room was as quiet as death.

The only thing people could hear was Fang rubing's increasingly rapid breathing.

In a pair of sneer like eyes, Fang rubing, who was puffed up and down due to anger, clenched his silver teeth, staring at the sarcastic face and saying: "Wan Zhibin! What do you mean by that? "