Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 850

How could Meng ran fight against Mu Qingya!?

This startling scene is the master of Luo Men and Kate family, who is also immediately stunned and stupefied.

At this time, Meng Ran's powerful power to kill heaven and man has already burst out. Mu Qingya has not even cultivated his internal skill. If he is hurt, he will die on the spot!

At the critical moment, I saw that the Chinese God would come forward to fight against Mu Qingya with his body!


However, Meng Ran's fist power is more powerful than that at his peak. Even though Hua Mingfeng's cultivation has reached half a step, he has more genuine Qi to protect his body. However, he is crossed by the power of blue fist across his right chest. The wound caused by Shen lingcang, who was demonized before, is pierced again!

But even so, the power of Zhanlan fist still has more strength. It actually goes through Hua Mingfeng's body and smashes on Mu Qingya's abdomen!


The second young lady of the Mu family immediately vomited vermilion, and her life hung on the line!

"Brother! Sister Mu

The little witch with tears in her eyes rushed to the two and helped them up.

But the beautiful young man who has already turned into a killing machine is stepping forward again and asking for his life!


At this time, Hua Jingtao, who dragged his injured body back, wanted to ask, but was interrupted by the Lord of Luomen.

"This sub state is not right! Let's observe for a while

At this moment, anyone can detect that Meng Ran's situation is not strong. His killing intention is too strong. He is just like the hell Death God manipulated by the killing intention. No matter who blocks his step, only kill!


The elder Sith suppressed the injury caused by Meng Ran's Qi, and asked in a dignified manner.

The Lord of Luomen nodded and shook his head, but he couldn't see through what happened to Meng ran.

At this moment, the group of experts are all ready to fight, but no one dares to attack without authorization. Meng Ran's thunder strike is too terrible. These masters who have lived for decades do not want to die.

"You bastard! How dare you beat my brother Hua xuan'er, with tears falling down, swears at Meng Ran's gnashing teeth. She urges her skills to fight Meng ran.

However, he was held by the dying Hua Mingfeng.

"He doesn't remember us anymore. He'll kill you!"

Life hanging a line of Mu Qingya, but also strong support eyelids, do not let the eyelids fall, she looked at the beautiful young step by step toward their own, looking at Meng ran that blood red cold eyes, only feel like a knife.

Meng ran, controlled by the intention of killing, has long forgotten who these three people are, and raises his hand to kill him!

Mu Qingya is struggling to get up and block in front of the Hua brothers and sisters, crying and pleading: "Meng ran! Wake up! I am elegant

Tick tock

A drop of crystal clear tears fell from the sky. Meng Ran's fist, which should have been blown out, was opened like a reflex, holding the tear in the palm of his hand.

"Tears Elegant... "

The young man in white murmured, and his blood red eyes revealed a flash of confusion. He actually gave up the killing intention of Mu Qingya and others!

The young man in white suddenly turned around and looked directly at the group of vampires. The horror of killing appeared again, "you all have to die!"

Meng ran, whose words fell down and lost consciousness, was just relying on instinct to kill. He actually urged God to walk, turned into a blue god rainbow, and ran across ten Zhangs to the five Sith people!

"This little bastard!"

The Sith elder, who is firmly locked in by Meng ran, yells at him. The five vampires immediately urge their power to resist.

"Strange, what's wrong with Meng ran? Why does he look like a different person? "

Mu Qingya and others are puzzled by their thoughts, especially why Meng ran will stop suddenly.

In fact, all this is because at the moment when the net of the spirit of the Lord of Luomen fell, Meng ran urged an ancient secret art.

Ten days forget love formula!