Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 849

"Qingya, let's go now."

Hua Mingfeng saw that all the masters were attracted by Meng ran. He made a decision and took Mu Qingya and Hua xuan'er's hand and wanted to escape.

Can how also did not expect, Mu Qingya is to break free at once, is crying and roaring: "I don't go! Meng ran was injured by them to save me. Even if he died, I would die with him! "

The girl's delicate face was full of determination at the moment.

Last time, she mistakenly believed in her family and betrayed her beloved teenager. This time, she did not hesitate. Even if she went to hell, she would have no regrets!

"Sister mu, you..."

The brothers and sisters of the Hua family were shocked. They thought that Mu Qingya was so loud that they would disturb the group of experts.

But when they looked at the people of Luomen, they found that those who were brave in nature and human were indifferent to themselves. At the moment, all their attention seemed to be attracted by the young man.

"Isn't that boy dead?"

When Hua Mingfeng was surprised, he suddenly heard a ghost voice coming from Hell:

"today, all of you must die!"

This voice is cold and merciless, and the words contain endless killing thoughts!

If death comes!

“BOSS! He's not dead! "

The faces of Luomen's masters changed.

However, seeing the Chinese banished immortal who should have died, his eyes suddenly opened, and two blue divine awns burst out from his eyes!

"Damn it! How could he not be dead! "

The elder Sith scolded Meng ran. As soon as he stimulated the vigorous Qi of protecting the body, Zhan LAN Shen mang arrived on schedule, and "poo Chi" penetrated the vigorous Qi of this semi divine strong man.

The elder of the vampire clan, whoa, spewed out a big mouthful of blood and was severely injured on the spot!


Just now, Meng ran was surrounded tightly, trying to carve up the body of banished immortals. They immediately fried the pot and retreated violently.

"No way! This son is clearly hit by my mental strength, can't be OK! No way

The Lord of Luomen, who witnessed the youth's return from hell, roared madly, and was no longer half calm.

At this time, Meng ran, who was bound by the silver silk screen, was just a shock. The silk thread, which was made of the great spiritual strength of the Lord of Luomen, exploded suddenly!

In the smoke of the sky, there is a boy in white, bathing in blood!

Every step he took, the killing thoughts on him would be frightening. People were even more thrilled to find that Meng Ran's eyes were also turned into blood red, which was monstrous and shocking.

More see the young man in white lips moving slightly: "you all have to die!"

"No! He's really OK! Let's get him together

As soon as Hua Jingtao's voice fell, he felt a trance in front of him. A shadow came from him. Zhanlan's fist broke his vigorous Qi and smashed the hand of the Luomen giant for thousands of kilometers, causing heavy damage on the spot!

Meng ran, who seriously injured the Luomen magnate with a cold and half human eye, slowly swept through the crowd, and finally fell on William, the king of killers who lost both arms.

"the next one is you."

“BOSS! Save... "

William's voice of "help me" has not yet been called out, he was cut in the neck by a blue knife. His body was separated, and he died in his eyes!

Meng ran, who killed the two giants with his fingers, stepped on the blood all over the ground and walked towards the four vampires step by step!

"Damn it! What the hell is going on here! What the hell is going on here? " The elder Sith and the Lord of Luomen are very angry.

Meng Ran's Achilles' heel is clearly spiritual power, and the mental power silk screen that transforms into shape clearly can even be killed in the divine realm. How can he be unhurt!

"Meng ran? Are you ok? That's great! " Overjoyed, Mu Qingya, regardless of her own injury, rushes forward to hold Meng ran, but it is a sudden change, and she sees Meng ran with a fist!

"Go away!"

Zhanlan fist is as powerful as death!


"Sister Mu!"