Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 777

Zhang Tao was previously insulted by the Shen family, but Meng ran turned a blind eye. It was not that he didn't care about the brother, but he cared too much about the brother.

Meng ran can protect Zhang Tao all his life. Even if he doesn't have the talent to cultivate immortals, Tairan xianzun can go against the sky. Even if he has exhausted all his metaphysical skills, Meng ran will let Zhang Tao climb to the top of the immortal way!

You are my brother, this life, forever!

For Zhang Tao, Meng Ran has always regarded him as a brother. Meng ran even knows his temperament better than Zhang Tao himself.

Pedantic, rigid, dull, stubborn In Zhang Tao's body, the Bookworm's disposition displays incisively and vividly. But as like as two peas, this is just the same for the two brothers.

They believe that even if they hit the south wall, they will not turn back. Either the wall is destroyed or people will die.

This body Zheng Zheng Ao bone, is this square heaven and earth, also cannot yield for it!

However, what makes Meng ran headache is that Zhang Tao still has a trace of fantasy in his mind about the Shen family's attitude. Just like song Anqi, his heart is too soft after all.

I can't let go of this affection.

But for Meng ran, who has been in the immortal world for thousands of years, the word "kinship" has been as light as clear water. He has seen too many brothers fraying each other, and has seen too many family elders taking over their descendants.

At the end of the day, it's all for profit.

The so-called good I also good, evil me I also evil!

Even if you are closely related to me by blood and do evil to me, Tairan xianzun will kill you with one sword and show no mercy!

Therefore, after Meng Ran's rebirth, she will treat people who treat them well, such as Zhang Tao, song Anqi and Su Fangfei.

But whether it is mu Yuanhao or Liu Zijie, these are also old friends. Once they kill Meng ran, even if you are my classmate, Meng ran will kill him!

So what Meng ran will do in the future trip of Song family in Yanjing depends on his grandfather's choice.

If song Zhengde treats Meng Ran's parents kindly, why not make the Song family the first in Yanjing? However, if song Zhengde is unrepentant and still wants to put Meng Ran's family to death, even if song Shuling stops him, Meng ran will also wash the Song family in blood!

What Meng ran wants to do now is to tell Zhang Tao some truth and let him see with his own eyes how the Shen family treats him and his mother.

"Xiao ran, stop talking! I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it

Zhang Tao, whose veins on his face turned into little green snakes, roared and cried bitterly with his mother in his arms.

He always thought that his relatives were under the pressure of the Shen family, so he didn't dare to recognize him, but in the end, he found that they had never treated themselves as relatives.

Zhang Tao only felt that his heart was twisted like a knife.

Meng Li did not know how to hurt her son.

However, Meng ran made up his mind to change Zhang Tao's cowardly nature. After pulling Zhang Tao out of Shen Yiru's arms, Meng ran started to use the heart clearing formula. With a roar, the sound was like a Hong Zhong Da Lu, pointing to Zhang Tao's original intention.

"Zhang Tao! You told me! Do you hate the Shen family? "

"Tell me, do you want revenge?"

This roar, mixed with Meng Ran's true yuan magic power, sounds a little louder to others, but in Zhang Tao's ears, it's like thunder, like a slap in the head.

Zhang Tao, who has always been cowardly and evasive, suddenly broke away from Meng Ran's palm. His eyes were covered with blood, just like a fierce beast in ancient times, he roared: "I want to get justice for my parents! I want revenge

"Shen Tiannan! Get out of here! Get out and see me