Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 776

This sudden scene made hundreds of people inside and outside the hall stagnated.

Shen Cheng also stood up from the imperial chair, staring at Meng ran, like a poisonous snake.

"Shua Shua!"

Then, one of the Shen family's elders, who finally reacted, stood up from their seats and glared at Meng ran.


Although Zhang Tao's cultivation is not worth mentioning, this young man can beat a man who has achieved great internal skills with one slap. His skill is absolutely not shallow. At least, he is also a master of half step. He may even be a master of martial arts!

Thinking that such a young boy should be a master of martial arts, all the people present could not calm down.

Most of them are like grandfather Zhang Tao. Their accomplishments are stuck in the realm of internal skill accomplishment and can't reach the realm of masters.

But this young man, clearly less than 20 years old, people know that whether he is a martial arts master or not, sooner or later he will step into that realm!

In the whole hall, only Shen Yiru looks at Meng Ran's eyes, which is particularly complicated.

"You came after all."

There are endless sighs in Shen's words.

Once upon a time, Shen Yiru despised Meng ran and even begged Shen Zhenhua to protect her in the martial road contest in Linjiang town. She felt that Meng ran would only be a burden.

After seeing Meng ran, the eldest son of the river, killed the dragon in the first battle. Then, this canary, who had succumbed to fate, realized that there was really someone in the world who could cut everything with one sword!

Only after seeing Meng Ran's own efforts, the heroes in the north of the Yangtze River bow down and submit to the throne. Shen Yiru's heart is kindled with a trace of desire for revenge!

Shen Yiru looks at Meng Ran's delicate cheek, and her mind echoes Meng Ran's original sentence, "Shen Yiru, let me ask you, who will you help if Zhang taoruo fights with the Shen family?"

Shen Yiru knows the young man's temperament and wants to go to the Shen family sooner or later, but he didn't expect that day would come so soon.

What's more, in January, this 18-year-old boy is already the first person in China! be matchless in the world!

At the beginning, Shen Yiru couldn't believe it for a long time.

But the fact is in front of us. This ordinary boy not only killed the real dragon, but also killed Shen chuanting, a legend of the Chinese martial arts circle!

Shen Yiru knows better than anyone that if Meng ran reveals his identity at the moment, the whole Shen family will bow down and frown, and no one will despise her and Zhang Tao any more.

But Meng ran did not!

After all, Shen Yiru has ten years of life experience. He guesses Meng Ran's intention and gives Meng ran a look of gratitude.

Meng ran nodded slightly, but he patted Zhang Tao on the shoulder and sighed:

"Lao Zhang, the flesh and blood relationship among the rich and powerful families is often the weakest. These people are more or less related to you, but do any of them recognize you? The one who just slapped your mother is your grandfather. But in his eyes, did he ever have more than half love? "

The body of the bookworm trembling, tears wet his glasses, although he was prepared in the heart, can expect such a long time of kinship, but it is so dirty and ugly, how cruel for this inexperienced nerd.

"Xiaoran Stop talking I beg you not to say it

"Lao Zhang, wake up, this so big Shen family, except aunt Ru, even if it is your mother-in-law, has never regarded you as a relative, never!"

"If they really love you, they won't be cruel to not call you in these 18 years!"

"Lao Zhang, wake up!"