Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1952

"If you seal the black clothes, you are not afraid that I will destroy you?"

A word fell to the ground, and the mood of people who had been relaxed became tense again, and the atmosphere of the scene was instantly condensed to the extreme.

The double birth of heaven, the existence of heaven in white and heaven in black are the two extremes derived from the good and evil in the stars, just like the double personality of human beings.

The power of the two is also infinitely close.

If Heiyi Tianda and Baiyi Tiandao join hands, Meng Ran is not their opponent, but now the black clothes Tiandao has been sealed into the Taiyi Xianhu to isolate the seven emotions and six desires with chaos.

In succession, the holy mark of heaven's way has been greatly consumed. At the moment, he may not be Meng Ran's opponent.

Meng ran wants to cut down the way of heaven. This is the best time for thousands of years!

"Meng ran! Why talk to him so much! The way of heaven has already given birth to human emotion * *, which is by no means a kind of good thing. The destruction of the last era was caused by him! Kill him first, and then you and I will try to get rid of the black clothes! "

When it comes to the collapse of the previous era, the ice is filled with hatred and anger.

Even though he was not seriously injured, he managed the halberd by force and displayed the "six ways of reincarnation and extinction"!

In a moment, the emperor's Halberd broke the law of time. The whole man and his halberd in his hands had already disappeared from everyone's eyes!

As if across the space barrier, into six annihilation black holes that can devour all things!


Six small worlds with terror and black awn, connected together, just like exterminating the world, recklessly bombard and kill the White Emperor!

The white clothes heavenly way consumes most of its power. In the face of ice Wuyi, which breaks the law of time, xianzun's killing skill is bound to suffer heavy damage.

Just when everyone thought that the overall situation had been decided, a sigh came from the ear.

Too ran a sigh, seems to have endless great power, straight through the yuan God, actually is the ice has no ripples from the law of time, forced out!

"Meng ran, you!"

Bing Wuyi is angry in her heart, but she can't care about Meng ran. Although her real body shakes out the law of time, she waves the divine emperor's Halberd regardless and smashes six pieces of ancient small world into the White Emperor's way!

"Heaven! Pay for the lives of the last generation

In the face of the detachment of the previous era, this can be called a blow to the world. The way of heaven in white is still calm and gentle, without any anger or complaint. In the eyes of Bing Wuyi, there is only apology and self blame.

Just when the six ancient little worlds are only inches away from the eyebrows of the white clothes heavenly way, the ice without ripples is a thrilling discovery. This inch of distance, as if boundless, has been infinitely magnified!

Even if Bing Wuyi has exhausted his whole life, the power of the extinction of the six ways of reincarnation will never touch the way of heaven in white!

"Bingdi, stop it. White clothes can't die."

Yao Chi and others raised their eyes and saw that the distance between the extinction of the six ways of reincarnation and the way of heaven was inch by inch, stretching out two fingers!

"This is The world in the palm of the nine heaven Buddha kingdom! He has accomplished this kind of magic Ji Ruoxi was shocked.

There is a cloud in the nine heaven Buddha realm: one flower, one world, one leaf and one Bodhi.

In this short cross, it contains the true meaning of a supernatural art. It is the "world in the hand" that claims to be able to touch the ultimate law of space!

It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, there was a Buddha with golden body in the nine heaven Buddha region, and the world in the palm could be developed from the palm of the palm. If the palm reaches out, it will span countless galaxies and cross the stars!

This kind of supernatural power and fairyland, but the secret of the nine heaven Buddha realm, is now picked out by Meng ran!