Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1951

Since Meng ran stepped into the realm of Dujie xianzun, his heart was not disturbed by foreign things. How could he make waves just for a word?

Yao Chi can be sure that Meng ran must have encountered some special changes when he was crossing the seven immortal robberies, which would make his heart of Taoism unstable.

Meng ran told Yao Chi all her secrets. About Meng Ran's experience on earth, yaochi is also fresh in memory.

I don't know why, but at this time, a name that has never met before flashed away in yaochi's mind like a lightning that cuts through the night sky.

Yin Qingxue

"White! It turns out that you have already joined hands with him behind my back! " A ferocious roar from the way of heaven in black interrupted Yao Chi's troubled thoughts.

"I won't let you die. The evolution of stars, the road has its own fixed number, even you and I, are also within the Tao. If you do that, you'll only repeat it. "

The voice of Bai Yi Tian Dao is soft, and every word is accompanied by a strange rhyme of Dao Yin, which is wonderful.

Meng Ran's disciples, who were in the bottleneck period of cultivation, only felt that the sound of Tao was endless, and they suddenly woke up, and there were signs of breaking the state!

This is the way of heaven derived from thousands of rules!

His words are the embodiment of the myriad principles of the universe. Just like a volume of the original obscure ancient Scripture, it evolves the true meaning of the mystery itself!

People all have an illusion. If they can stay with the way of heaven and listen to the second sound of the road, the realm of mana will surely advance by leaps and bounds!

"Don't show your heavenly posture in front of me! White, you and I are all aware of it. As long as you and I merge into one, it will be this era... "

Looking at the way of heaven in black, the last sentence will be blurted out. The original indifferent eyes, in the dark pupil, suddenly kill intention increases!

The last word of the black heavenly way obviously touched Meng Ran's scale!

"You want to die!"

Accompanied by a startling roar of Tai ran xianzun, Bai Yi Tiandao also sighed softly, and his voice was full of helplessness and exhaustion.

The two men almost at the same time, two eternal lights, cut through the darkness and desolation of the stars, penetrating all the Tao is the origin, even if it is the two supreme principles of time and space, it is difficult to stop!

The two divine lights, without any hindrance, were printed on the eyebrows of the black clothes.

"The holy mark of heaven!"


The heaven in black cried out, the original solid body was ignited by the eternal light, burning inch by inch.

The burning body in the dark sky is constantly distorted and transformed into the original dense black fog.

The crowd seemed to see the resentment and roar of countless creatures in the dark fog.

How many negative emotions are there in his body!

"White! Meng ran! You can't seal me! I can't be sealed... "

A roar like hell demon reverberates across the stars.

The eternal light dissipated, and the way of heaven in black disappeared, leaving only a black pearl, quietly ups and downs.

Meng ran sleeve robe a wave, Tai Yi Xian Hu chaos gas spray, straight into the black bead into.

Meng ran flicked his finger at the next one of the patterns of immortal worship, and sealed off the Taiyi Xianhu completely.

"You can be relieved that chaotic Qi can't grow up if he is isolated from seven passions and six desires."

Surrounded by a cloud of chaotic air, the white clothes heavenly way opens its mouth gently, dissolving the residual resentment principle of the star region with the most holy and pure power of the heavenly way.

Meng ran took a deep look at the way of heaven in white. Contrary to the previous gratitude, in a pair of deep and dark pupils, it was a sudden increase of killing intention!

"If you seal the black clothes, you are not afraid that I will destroy you?"