Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1044

Jinghua Jinhu District, orthopedic hospital.

"Xiaogao, I've informed the skinny monkey to come as soon as possible. With his golden needle crossing acupoint, you can recover as soon as possible. You can rest assured and recuperate."

In the intensive care unit, Ning Feixuan, who was trying to suppress the injury in his body, looked at Gao Junwu, who was dying in the hospital bed, and comforted him with some heartache.

Gao Junwu, who was seriously injured and only supported by his consciousness, was unable to speak and gradually passed into a coma.

"Take good care of him. Don't make any mistakes."

Told attending doctor and nurse miss a few words, Ning Feixuan and Chen Ziyang left the intensive care unit together.

About 20 minutes ago, Ning Feixuan and others, who escaped from the ruins of the people's Hospital, with the help of an ambulance, transferred Gao Junwu and Liu Sheng piaoyue to this orthopedic hospital.

Jinghua orthopedic hospital is also a Grade-A hospital. Although its reputation and medical equipment are inferior to the people's hospital which has been turned into ruins, it is now the top medical place in Beijing.

Gao Junwu was seriously injured by the great master of Huajing. Although he was not life-threatening, he could not recover within a month.

As for Liu Sheng, it was rescued by the fire brigade.

Liu Sheng had been seriously injured before he piaoyue. Although he survived the accident, it is still unknown whether he will survive tonight.

"Xuanmei, this time you are too reckless to offend Wan Chengzhi. Even if it is your Ning family, you may not be able to afford it."

On the hospital corridor, Chen Ziyang, who was walking side by side with Ning Feixuan, sighed in a low voice, as if he was worried about Ning Feixuan.

Ning Feixuan is still that pair of cold ice appearance, "that is the second uncle, they should be worried about."

It seems to think of two people are still injured in the body, Ning Feixuan tone slightly slow, to Chen Ziyang some care way: "Ziyang, you are not hurt, I'm fine, you don't have to accompany me, go to rest."

Chen Ziyang whispered a smile and shook his head slightly: "Xuan Mei, you can bear it. How can I, a big man, bear it?"

How can Ning Feixuan know that his elder brother, who is a young man, has already stepped into the state of demigod. How can he be hurt?

"By the way, what are you going to do with Liusheng piaoyue? She's so badly hurt that she doesn't seem to survive tonight

Chen Ziyang quietly transferred the topic, and inquired about ningfeixuan.

Hearing the name of Liu Sheng piaoyue, Ning Feixuan's face became colder and colder in an instant. He said in a cold voice:

"I will kill her myself!"

Chen Ziyang breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, he was still racking his brains for the assassination of Liu Sheng Piaoxue. Now that Ning Feixuan opens his mouth, she will not be able to survive tonight.

They walked side by side, and without a few steps, they came to the ICU where Liu Sheng was snowing.

As soon as she opened the door, Ning Feixuan saw the Japanese girl lying on the bed motionless.

Liu Sheng piaoyue looks pale, and there are blood stains on the corner of his mouth, which has not dried up. I think it is in the process of transfer that he was bumped and his broken viscera bled again.

She was wearing a blue and white striped disease suit. Although she didn't wear the kimono, Ning Feixuan remembered the scene of Liu Sheng's killing God and stabbing Meng ran at Wuyin mountain villa in Jiangbei.

"Liu Sheng is flying snow! Pay for Meng ran

A roar full of endless killing thoughts, Ning Feixuan, who was seriously injured, saw the electric light beating all over her body. Her hair was long and wine red, and she floated up in a strange way without wind.

If you look closely, there are blue arcs in the hair, skin and even pupils of this girl with devil's figure!

I saw Ning Feixuan's two white hands like jade, holding them out of thin air!

A three foot long sword of thunder and punishment is formed!

"The sword of punishment!"!? Xuan Mei is really killing Liu Sheng. " One side of Chen Ziyang glimpses this scene, is completely relieved.

However, when Ning Feixuan held the sword of punishment, the door of ICU was pushed open.

A voice of panic was heard:

"Miss Ning? What do you do? You can't kill her! "