Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1043

Compared with the real yuan practiced by the warriors on earth, Lin's sword yuan is essentially different.

However, all martial artists who have reached the master level will cultivate Zhenyuan in the Qi mansion. The aura of heaven and earth they refine every day will be integrated into the true yuan of Qi mansion, nourishing and growing.

Most of the spirit of heaven and earth refined by old Lin is used to temper and polish his own sword yuan!

In other words, compared with other martial arts, the speed of the entry of Lin Lao's martial road will be greatly reduced!

The sword yuan, which is cultivated day and night in his Qi mansion, is the biggest killer mace of Mr. Lin! If we talk about the power of killing and cutting, no one can stop it!

Facing Lin Laohuo's life-long sword yuan, even Chen Ziyang, who has already reached the semi divine state, should avoid the edge for a while!

At this moment, under the attention of the public, the bloody sword and the golden glow collide fiercely together, and the rumble of thunder is comparable to the sound of hundreds of heavy artillery at the same time.

Jinghua Development Zone, within ten miles, the world is silent for it!

Zhang Tao, Su Fangfei and others were also temporarily deafened by the earthquake.

An unparalleled surging momentum swept out from the collision of the two forces and spread in all directions, just like a typhoon passing through. The surrounding landscape trees were uprooted in an instant!

The whole roof of many residential buildings has been overturned, and all the glass in a ten mile radius is instantly turned into a piece of broken slag!


Even the outcome of the war did not want to wait. He grabbed Wan Chengzhi and Shen Xingyun and ran away.

At the same time, in the face of the collapse of the people's Hospital, Zhang Tao and others have been unable to escape, Ning Feixuan and other three experts are seriously injured in the body, unable to resist.

Just when everyone thought she would die, a jade pendant close to her skin on her chest suddenly gave out a dazzling golden light!

The finger turned into a huge body protecting light shield, which actually protected song Shuling and others!


About two minutes later, the whole people's Hospital collapsed completely, and the asphalt road in front of the hospital was completely cut off.

All around the smoke and dust storm as general, the surrounding parking vehicles or flowers, all covered with a thick layer of dust.

Around the hospital, cries for help, wails and car sirens have become a mess.

The fire brigade that received the alarm also rushed to the scene of the hospital as soon as possible for emergency rescue.

Under the huge reinforced concrete, there seems to be a bunch of golden light shooting from the gap.

Then, I heard a loud bang, and the huge mud and mud lump was smashed by a cheongsam figure!

"Mistress, Miss Fangfei, are you all right?"

Shen Xinghan, who is stained with a trace of dust on her pretty jade face, opens up a channel with her internal force and connects song Shuling and others.

Except for the great master of Huajing, who was killed by the real dragon folding fan, everyone survived miraculously.

Even Xue Longqing, who was paralyzed by fear before, was also brought out by the crowd.

However, the people's faces have been shocked

Jinghua Jinghu West Bank, full of Jiangnan Water Town elegant atmosphere of the rich brocade club.

As soon as Wan Chengzhi and Shen Xingyun were put down, the old man with white hair coughed up a big mouthful of blood. The whole person was already in the shape of an old man.

"Mr. Lin! You

Wan Chengzhi, who escaped from death, did not have time to celebrate. He helped the old man who was about to fall down.

"Your Highness, you are so old and incompetent that your highness is shocked..." The old man, who was panting for breath, struggled to say a word.

Wan Chengzhi was silent. He didn't expect to see Lin's old guard, but he almost fell down this time.

"Xie Yesheng has been saved by the master of his family. He has lived for so many years and has been content It's just It's just lost to a baby who's still wet I I'm not reconciled to it

With the last sentence of old Lin, the top ten strong man in the sky list, his life fire was completely extinguished, and he died in his eyes.