Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1020

Since Aizi suddenly came to Jiangnan, song Shuling felt something was wrong.

As soon as Meng ran arrived at Fengsheng company, he had a conflict with Liu Haoyu, the son of Liu Qing, general manager of Technology Department. Not only crushed Liu Haoyu's wrist, but also admitted that Liu Haoyu's knee bone was also broken by him.

Naturally, song Shuling has heard of Liu Haoyu's martial arts practice in Jiangbei zhonghuangwu Academy. Aizi's body is clearly weak. How can she beat Liu Haoyu?

Moreover, in front of Fuhua Hotel, Zhuang Jian, the only son of Zhuang Shubin, a senior leader of the city, was beaten for no reason. Meng ran, the only son of shengshenggei, knelt down.

After a visit to Meng ran, she had an inexplicable connection with the Japanese woman Liu Sheng piaoyue. If she could not think about it again, she would really be sorry for her reputation as "red rose of business".

But even so, song Shuling couldn't connect Aizi with Meng Xianshi.

"Is Xiaoran really a master of Meng Xian?"

On one side, Lu Shaoqian and others, seeing that song Shuling's shock was not deceptive, were also slightly surprised.

"Is it that Meng Ran has been hiding his identity, even his own mother has not revealed the slightest?"

Although she had expected that Meng Ran's identity would be exposed sooner or later, Su Fangfei could never have imagined that it would be under such circumstances.

At the moment, she is so confused that she doesn't know how to explain to song Shuling. "I'm sorry," she said I I shouldn't have kept it from you. "

"Fangfei! So what they said was It's all true! "

Song Shuling Fangfei was struck by thunder and lightning. But even at such a time, the powerful woman can quickly stabilize her mind. She suddenly turns around and says with a bright smile:

"since you know that my son is Meng Xianshi who runs across the Yangtze River, what are the consequences of your doing so today

It is worthy of the "red rose of the business world" in those years. This powerful woman has already reacted in an instant and wants to use Meng Xianshi's name to suppress several people in front of her.

But song Shuling still miscalculated Shen Xingyun's malice. She came here today with the determination not to die.

"Song Shuling, don't pretend. Even if your son is not dead, he can't save you now! Come back with us, you are our weapon to deal with Meng ran! "

With a grim smile, Lu Shaoqian immediately said, "do it!"

One side of the cloth clothing middle-aged man hears the speech, tiny narrow tiger eyes suddenly open, like a awakened lion general, choose people and swallow!

As a famous master of martial arts, he was able to capture the two weak women without any effort.

I saw the man in cloth, his arm was like a ghost!

Five fingers slightly open, for eagle claw shape, straight buckle strong woman song Shuling shoulder and come!

Master Wudao is already at the peak of his internal power. It is easy to break the gold and crack the stone with one hand. Don't say that standing in front of him is a middle-aged woman who is weak. Even if he is a sports master, he will dislocate his arm on the spot!

"Aunt Ling, be careful!"

Su Fangfei exclaimed. Without hesitation, she rushed to song Shuling. She wanted to fight against song Shuling with her own delicate body!

"Beyond our means."

Master Wudao snorted coldly. His eyes were filled with disdain. He secretly increased his strength. He must have wanted to give Su Fangfei some hard work.

If this claw catches Su Fangfei's jade back, I'm afraid that Su Da beauty's ribs will be broken instantly!

"Song Shuling, I'm waiting for you to kneel down and beg me!"

Shen Xingyun is full of sarcastic sneer.

Just when everyone thought that Su Fangfei and her daughter would be hurt, they suddenly saw a golden light covering them, just like the Buddha's holy light. It was sacred and solemn, and could not be invaded by any Dharma!


The martial arts master felt that his five fingers seemed to be clasped on the copper wall and iron wall, and there seemed to be a great force on the light shield. He was unexpectedly able to shock the illustrious master of martial arts by several meters at once!

"What is this?"