Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1021

The martial arts master, who was bitten by the power of the golden mask, urged his internal power and suppressed the rising blood gas in his chest. His cheek turned red in an instant.


However, it only lasted less than two seconds. This just brilliant martial arts master had a sweet throat and a mouthful of scarlet blood.

The white and reflective tile floor of the first floor hall of the people's hospital is instantly dyed with blood red, shocking.

The little nurses who passed by were scared to scream and ran away.

Shen staryun stares at the golden mask that keeps Su Fangfei's two women's guards intact, and squeezes out a sentence from between her teeth like a fire from her eyes:

"keep vigorous! Master Wudao

"No way! If you are really a martial arts master, how can you wait until now? "

Shen Xingyun's eyes were cold, and she pressed down the shock in her heart, and instantly thought about the key points.

The master Wudao, who was wounded by the power of the light shield, looked like a ghost. He pointed to the mask protecting the second daughter and cried out with fear:

"master Wudao! She is a martial arts master! This is definitely the vigorous Qi of martial arts master! "

"Idiot, shut up!" Shen Xingyun angrily yells, unexpectedly is this martial arts master's momentary awe of silence.

Lu Shaoqian's sword eyebrows wrinkled and asked tentatively, "Xingyun, this mask?"

Just when they were at a loss, Xue's eldest son seemed to recall something. He pointed to Su Fangfei's shining jade charm on her chest and yelled:

"it's the jade charm she wore! That jade talisman is a magic weapon

As soon as this was said, the eyes of all the present people fell on Su Fangfei's jade amulet, which was full of green and surrounded by purple, gold and blue silk ribbons.

"What a beautiful jade charm! The power is indeed emanating from the jade talisman. Is it a magic weapon left by Meng ran to protect her body? "

It is worthy of being able to subdue the underground world of Beijing. She is really keen and has already guessed the truth.

"Magic weapon? Fangfei, didn't you say that the jade pendant was bought by Xiaoran? How can it be a magic weapon! "

Song Shuling, a powerful woman, was staring at the mask, as if she had witnessed a miracle. She had never seen such a scene in her life.

"Aren't the magic tools used by Taoists to change Fengshui? How could it be... "

Song Shuling's knowledge of magic tools was limited to those so-called Taoist priests in the world. She used them to help rich people explore geomancy and fortune telling. She never thought that they would have such wonderful effects.

Just as song Shuling was still shocked, the golden mask slowly disappeared.

Shen Xingyun secretly urged his internal power, and immediately said: "this kind of magic weapon can only protect one person. If you deal with that bitch, I will arrest song Shuling!"

After that, she saw the queen of Jinghua, who had already improved her internal skills to a great extent. Her heels, which were worth hundreds of thousands of high heels, hit the tile floor hard, as if ten thousand pounds had been smashed down. The tile floor suddenly cracked like a spider's web.

Even more quickly spread to Su Fangfei's feet. The beauty of Jiangsu, who has not yet responded to her, lost her center of gravity in an instant and fell to one side heavily.

This time, song Shuling, who was originally blocked by her, is exposed to Shen Xingyun in an instant!

Because Shen Xingyun has just stimulated his internal power, the target of attack is the ground, not su Fangfei. The body protecting jade Rune can not feel the threat, and the body protection light shield does not appear.

At this time, Shen Xingyun, who has achieved the goal of calculation, smiles coldly, as if she had turned into a fragrant wind and attacked song Shuling directly!

"Aunt Ling!"

Su Fangfei's eyes are about to crack, and she is about to get up to protect her. The martial arts master on one side has already rushed to attack!