Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1009

Seeing his childe wanted to see this unknown martial arts myth, old Lin immediately changed his face.

According to the top ten accomplishments of Lin Tian, he thinks that any master in the divine realm can protect his childe.

But the myth of Wudao is the myth of Wudao after all. In China, only the first person in tianbang who has already fallen can surpass the level and win the World War I!

Even if he is the top ten in the heaven list, he is clear in his heart. Once he confronts the master Meng Xianshi, he is afraid that he will be defeated if he fails to make ten moves.

"Young master, Shen family's divine realm on the other side of Wuzhou was born, which made the city full of wind and rain. Even the high-level people in Yanjing were furious. Now, there is a divine realm here in Jinghua, and you are unknown. You should not take risks with your golden body. "

The white haired old Lin coughed a little and advised him with a little worry: "if this man has a bad intention, he will do harm to the young master, and I don't know how to protect him."

However, in the face of the dissuasion from his family's offering, Tianjiao young man waved his hand and said with a slight smile: "Lin laoxiu should be self humble. Your old man's cultivation is world-famous. I have been protected by him for more than 20 years. How could there ever be any danger?"

Seeing that the old man with white hair still wanted to open his mouth, Tianjiao youth immediately clasped his hands and bowed down and said, "don't try to persuade him again. He has made up his mind and hopes that old Lin will succeed."

Seeing his childe's etiquette, the old man with white hair sighed silently and could only nod his head.

However, he solemnly warned: "young master, as a sacrifice to thousands of families, I must protect your safety. If there is any change in this trip, I hope you don't want to be nostalgic and return to Yanjing as soon as possible. "

"Old Schelling."

Tianjiao young man was so happy that he immediately ordered the master level guard to turn the car around and gallop toward the development zone of Beijing city.


Not long after Lu Shaoqian and his party left, a luxury car stopped in front of Fengsheng company.

As the door opened, two women and a man suddenly got out of the car. It was Shen Xinghan, Shen Yiru and Zhang Tao.

"Aunt Ling's company is on the 21st floor. Let's go up quickly. Oh, strange. Was there a typhoon just now? Why are all the glass in the building broken

The bookworm who put the keel folding fan away and put it in his pocket looked at the broken glass on the ground, and was obviously stunned.

"The aura of heaven and earth around us seems to be unstable. Is it that some martial arts master has made a move nearby? "

Quietly felt the spirit of the universe nearby, Shen Xinghan's eyes showed a little strange color.

"No! Is it that Luomen's people have already started with Shuling? Why are you still in a daze? Go in and have a look

Shen Yiru takes the lead, pulls up his son who is still in a daze, and rushes into the office building.

"Is song Shuling? Meng Ran's biological mother... "

Shen Xinghan, who is still standing in front of the office building, seems to be thinking about something

"Assistant Zhao, general manager song and manager Su can't get through to their mobile phones. Are they in a hurry and forget to bring their mobile phones?"

After Lu Shaoqian and others left, Zhao Laner, who had just been promoted to assistant director, comforted the people for a moment, and then quickly asked the Secretary to call song Shuling.

I want to inform song Shuling about Lu Shaoqian.

But more than a dozen phone calls have been made, and they are always in the state of no answer.

Even Su Fangfei, the general manager of sales department, couldn't get through.

"Xiao Zhao, I'd better go there in person. It happens that I also want to see the niece daughter of general manager song. We have known each other for so many years, but we have never heard her mention it."

After learning something about what happened in recent days, Wang Zhonghua sneered in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to care.

He even volunteered to go to the people's hospital to inform song Shuling. As to what kind of abacus he was playing, I'm afraid that only he knew.

Just as Wang Zhonghua was about to leave, Zhang Tao's mother and son came into the public's sight