Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1008

Chen Ziyang fled Beijing overnight after failing to assassinate Liu Sheng and piaoyue last night. But she knew that her secret had been known by the Japanese woman. Once Liu Sheng piaoyue woke up, he would die without a burial place.

Unwilling to fail, Chen Ziyang had no choice but to find Ning Feixuan and two people, on the pretext that daoxuan was not in Longhu Mountain, and that he had failed, so he went with him.

Liu's real purpose is to get rid of the trouble!

"Ziyang, I'm fine. Daoxuan immortal is not in Longhu Mountain. Can you contact him

"Master Xu sent four tianbang masters to help us deal with Shen lingcang, but Shen lingcang not only stepped into the divine realm, but also became bloodthirsty. Once these four masters are damaged, they will be immeasurable losses to China. "

I don't know why, Ning Feixuan always feels that Chen Ziyang has become strange recently. Even the peach wood ancient sword that he never left before is not carried.

At first hearing this, Chen Ziyang's eyes suddenly shrunk, but quietly explained: "sister Xuan, you know my master likes to travel around the world. Once he goes out, even I can't get in touch with him."

Speaking of this, Chen Ziyang's words seemed to become a little arrogant: "to eliminate Shen lingcang, I will cooperate with the four heavenly beings, and I will catch him. If he is a martial arts myth, he will fall in my hands!"

Chen Ziyang, who has devoured a number of heaven and man masters in Taihu Lake, Wuzhou, has been able to control this power at will.

His self-confidence is extremely inflated, even if he does not need the cooperation of the four heaven and man, he will certainly be able to clean up Shen lingcang.

"Sister Xuan, I will prove to you that I am 100 times better than Meng ran! Meng ran, he only deserves to be trampled on by me! you are mine! No one can take it away! No one can! "


About half an hour ago, in Jinhu District of Jinghua City, an old Audi A6 slowly drove away from the gate of Lu's group building.

After this Audi A6, there are more than 20 rich people standing around and watching.

The leader was very dignified, dressed in a luxurious suit, followed by a hunched old man in long clothes.

Lu Hongyuan!

This man is the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, the president of Lu's group and the master of Lu's family!

However, at the moment, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, who was famous in China, actually saw him off in person, and even looked at the old Audi with awe and respect.

It's hard to imagine how noble a person is sitting in the car.

"Mr. Lin, what happened just now? Why do you look dignified Tianjiao youth in the back seat of the car asked a little curiously.

"Childe, if the old man is right, he should have been born with a strong spirit." The old man was called with a solemn face.

"Martial arts myth!"

As soon as this was said, Tianjiao's eyes immediately showed a burst of light, and he asked in a hurry: "can you tell which part of Beijing the man is in, Mr. Lin?"

Lin laolue hesitated and said with some uncertainty: "with my skill, I can only sense that it is located in the development zone. I'm sorry that I can't do anything about it."

"Good! Then go to the development zone! Ben Shao wants to see what a legendary martial arts myth is