Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 813

Ximen Wuji knew that the strength of the bearer was good after being kicked by Shen Lang.

When I felt ashamed, I used the strongest killing move "thunder inducing chemical wind gun" at the first time!

This not only surprised the people of the other three forces, but also stunned the people of the first line of rosefinch.

"The stranger\'s leg set him on fire. Traceless wants to shoot the world and hang this person in an instant... However, it seems a little too much to deal with such a nobody with such a powerful skill!"

"Under this move, even Wang Wujing\'s five strong heaven dare not shake him directly. I\'m afraid the boy will turn into thousands of pieces in an instant. Poor!"

"That guy is so stupid. When he is ready to attack, he has the opportunity to interrupt or even hit him hard. That guy is standing still... Is he scared stupid? Ha ha!"

"I\'ve already said that killing him without trace is like killing local chickens and dogs!"

"Ants try to shake trees. They don\'t know the height of the earth. They have long expected this end."

Knowing the power of this move, the people of the first line of rosefinch smiled easily.

Especially when seeing Shen Lang standing silently and doing nothing, he decided that he would die under Simon traceless\'s hand.

The more powerful the skill is, the longer it takes to prepare or move.

How can the strong resist and let the other side show their unique skills without being indifferent?

Among them, several strong men in the peak state of Wang Wujing directly closed their eyes. They didn\'t care about the confrontation between the warriors in the initial state of Wang Wujing and had no interest at all.

Even if there are people with such talent as Ximen Wuji.

In their opinion, if Simon played this trick completely, no one in the same level could survive.

The boy who came out of nowhere will soon be broken into pieces... This kind of battle is really boring.

However, those people around who used to bet on Ximen without trace are even saying bad luck now. They all think Shen Lang is too stupid... They still watch the play and don\'t move at this time. It\'s no different from an idiot.

This "thunder inducing and wind transforming gun" is the strongest move of Ximen Wuji\'s "Tu shengun".

It can not only attract the nine sky thunder power for him in a short time, but also gather the vitality of heaven and earth with a radius of 500 feet. The wind and thunder are combined, and the power is doubled!

Ximen has used this move since his debut and has never failed!

It can be seen that this move is fierce!

Even if the boy with the ghost mask in front of him has some strength, he is just Wang Wujing\'s double heaven cultivation, and he doesn\'t even have battle armor. How can he deal with this violent move if he wears a cloth suit?

And now Ximen\'s traceless momentum is rising and its power is becoming more and more amazing.

The boy with a mask held his hands on his chest. Until this time, there was no movement!

Don\'t even mention the sharp blade of the divine army. I didn\'t even take out a piece of scrap metal!

Isn\'t this a suicide attempt?

On the other side, Mo Ge and the masked woman stood up and looked this way from a distance.

Mo Ge is still just a stone face, not surprised, not happy, not angry.

The woman with the mask had a look of worry in her eyes.

In such a short time, Ximen seamless absorbed the power of the violent nine days of thunder and a large amount of heaven and earth vitality, and the hurricane that held him in it spun wildly, just like a rotating thunder vortex, releasing a breath of destruction!

"Boy, this move is rarely used by the young master. If you use it, you must die!"

"You are very lucky to die under this move! My young master will destroy you with one move!"

"Although I don\'t know your name, forget it. No matter what your name is, you\'ll die in the end!"

The sound of Simon\'s traceless cold arrogance came from the hurricane.

"The power of thunder, hehe, a move? Hehe!" Shen Lang grinned.

For him who has practiced the "thunder god formula" and attracted the nine day thunder power human body in the early stage of Lingwu territory, and captured the Thunder Dragon, the thunder power is not only no threat to him, but also like a great tonic!

This is like taking the rosefinch fire to attack the blue dream spirit.

Although this metaphor is not appropriate for the gap of power, the meaning is almost the same.

These nine days of thunder is really strong enough to make Wang Wujing\'s five strong days far away.

However, today\'s Shen Lang, the firmness of the body is better than the steel, "Yu Lei Shen Jue" has reached a very high level, and Lei Yuan mansion has been formed outside Dan Ying!

Under ordinary imperial weapons, it\'s hard to lose a penny!

This level of thunder can\'t pose a threat to him!

At this time, in the traceless laughter of Ximen, the hurricane suddenly shrank to one-third of its original size, carrying terrible wind and thunder, like a dark cyan dragon shooting at the Shen wave!

Shen Lang\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes changed a little.

Shen Lang doesn\'t care about the power of wind and thunder above this move.

However, the strength of the other party\'s move is not only the integration of the power of wind and thunder, but also the gathering of the vitality of the nearby world.

The gun was spirally stabbed out. From the time it was sent out to now, the rotation speed has increased tenfold!

It has to be said that this spiral force, which contains the nine sky thunder force and a large number of heaven and earth vitality, is indeed very powerful.

If it\'s only passive defense, I\'m afraid the Xingtian war armor before Shen Lang can\'t completely resist it!

If the attack is used instead of defense, even if a king Wujing\'s five heavenly strongman uses this imperial weapon similar to the undead Heavenly Sword to compete, I\'m afraid that the power of the undead Heavenly Sword will not be fully stimulated at the moment of contact with each other, and he will be blown out by the spiral momentum that contains the power of wind and thunder and is still rising!

You know, because of the "dragon boxing of the Five Emperors", Shen Lang\'s control of the spiral force is almost beyond the four great emperors!

To a certain extent, the move of "Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing" makes use of the unparalleled penetration of the spiral force!

However, Ximen\'s traceless move, although powerful, is completely out of the table compared with the "Five Emperors dragon boxing".

"The demon temple is really extraordinary. If such a guy comes out, his skills are no weaker than some powerful legendary sects. Unfortunately, I met him!"

This crazy whirling hurricane stirred the vitality of heaven and earth like a dragon, stirring the clouds and strong winds on the platform like a martial arts field!

It\'s like an arrow that leaves the string. There is no return, and it can\'t be stopped!

The crazy and terrible pressure enveloped Shen Lang\'s whole body. Before the gun arrived, Shen Lang\'s long hair was flying, and the sand and stone behind him had been blasted out of a huge pit!

Ximen traceless and the long gun in his hand are like a human gun. Neither the person nor the gun can be seen. We can only see that the shrinking and concise hurricane rotates faster and faster, and continues to shrink. Finally, it forms a magic gun that seems to sweep everything. However, it takes three or four seconds to reach shenlang!