Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 812

Although the war emperor\'s memories of the demon temple are sealed.

However, Shen Lang killed Zuo Feng and Zuo Yun, the two top strongmen in the imperial martial arts realm, and gained their memory. He was already familiar with the middle and lower levels of the demon God hall.

Just a little glance, Shen Lang has clearly distinguished the situation here.

In the East, the ragged and dying group of people are people of the candle dragon system;

It seems that the people of the candle dragon were badly beaten by the gluttonous people. Although they didn\'t see those who said they were incomplete, they all had broken armor, weak breath and ashen face. Obviously, they had experienced many terrible and amazing wars.

Soldier to soldier, general to general, Shen Lang couldn\'t help lamenting that he had missed many wonderful programs.

However, among this group of people, they did not see the third prince who was occupied by Xu Daolin.

In the south, this group of people and people of the candle dragon Department blow their beards and stare, and many of them have memories of Zuo Feng and Zuo Yun. Naturally, they are people of the Taotie department;

Taotie\'s people are well prepared. Their accomplishments are better than that of the candle dragon system as a whole, and the number is almost twice that of the candle dragon system. No wonder the candle dragon people will be beaten so miserably.

In the north, most of these people are women. They are a little close to the candle dragon in the East. They lock the Taotie people one by one.

Obviously, this is from the black phoenix Lin Yafeng department.

Lin Yafeng is the wife of the candle dragon. Basically, this group of people are also the people of the candle dragon.

It seems that people in the candle dragon Department can survive mainly because Lin Yafeng helped them.

However, even with Lin Yafeng, they are still a bit worse than Taotie.

Shen Lang\'s eyes stayed for a moment among this group of people and impressively found that Mo Ge and the masked woman met in the Northeast were among the people of Lin Yafeng\'s department!

But they both sat on the edge, as if strangers were not allowed in.

Seeing Shen Lang\'s eyes, the two people moved their eyes. They just glanced at Shen Lang faintly and took back their eyes.

Shen Lang frowned and turned his eyes to the West.

In the west, that is, the direction Shen Lang came from, this group of people lived the most natural and comfortable, just like watching a play. They watched Taotie fight with the candle Dragon

Needless to say, it must be from the blue dream spirit department.

The people of Huanglong sect and other sects seem to have found something wrong. They are very smart to stay below the fourth floor platform and don\'t dare to go up again.

At this time, it was a strong man in the blue dream spirit department who came towards Shen Lang.

This person has starry eyes and sword eyebrows and looks extraordinary, but the whole person is very strange, giving people a gloomy feeling.

He frowned slightly, and a storm seemed to be brewing between his eyebrows, which could be released at any time.

Seeing that Shen Lang didn\'t seem to care about his words, he was still looking at other places. The anger in the young man\'s eyes suddenly gushed out. The gun on the gun tip soared several times and became more and more dazzling, making people dare not look directly at it!


Shen Lang naturally felt the change of this person. His eyes shrunk slightly and became extremely cold.

Looking at this person\'s posture, Shen Lang can be sure that as long as he doesn\'t satisfy the other party with a word, the other party will kill him immediately!

"Wang Wujing\'s double heaven, but a group of strong people behind Wang Wujing\'s seven or eight days follow his lead, either a little backstage or a candidate to enter the gate of life and death, otherwise they won\'t be so arrogant."

Shen Lang sneered at the bottom of his heart when he felt the young man\'s cultivation.

Speaking of backstage, is there anyone who can compare with blue dream spirit?

"I won\'t be involved in your affairs. I just want to pass here and go to the fifth floor. Please let me go." Shen Lang said politely.

Anyway, it\'s all LAN Mengling\'s people. It\'s too stiff and not good.

The young man sneered and said, "go to the fifth floor? What a big breath! Did you say to go to the fifth floor? What are you?"

All the people in the demon God hall have the mark of the demon God hall. The man just felt it a little and knew that Shen Lang was not from the demon God hall, so he spoke impolitely.

People in the demon temple have a feeling of being superior.

All the people in the demon Temple know that the star continent is dominated by them, and any living creature here is like their cattle and sheep.

Who will be polite to their cattle and sheep?

The corner of the young man\'s mouth bent into a strange arc, his head tilted slightly, as if looking down at Shen Lang and said, "report your name and your power, so that I don\'t kill the wrong person."

While talking, the man had approached Shen Lang, and the tip of a long gun almost pointed to Shen Lang\'s nose.

Shen Lang frowned and said, "can I pass after reporting my name and power?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" the young man smiled.

"Give me your name and your faction. I\'ll confirm it before I decide whether you live or die. It\'s impossible to think about here."

"No one is qualified to go through here to the fifth floor except the people in my demon temple, and so are you!"

"If you don\'t want to die under my hand right away, just answer honestly. I don\'t have so much time to talk to you!"

Shen Lang\'s eyes darkened: "decide whether I will live or die? Which onion are you? Is the dragon scale Temple opened by your family? I\'ve thought about it. Who dares to stop me!"


The pot immediately exploded on the martial arts field.

A group of strong people in the demon temple really didn\'t expect that this boy came out of nowhere, but the cultivation of Wang Wujing erchongtian dared to be so arrogant!

You know, such a sentence is not just aimed at Ximen Wuhen in front of him

But for all the powerful demons here!

There are four teams here. Which team doesn\'t have more than ten Wang Wujing jiuchongtian peak strongmen?

In front of so many strong people with Wang Wujing\'s eight and nine heaven, just one Wang Wujing\'s two Heaven is no different from mole ants!

How dare he say "who dares to stop me"?

Crazy enough, arrogant enough!

Stupid enough!

However, at this time, the rosefinch was in front. Although others were unhappy with Shen Lang\'s words, they didn\'t react much. Instead, they began to stir up the flames for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"Hahaha, Simon Wuji has encountered a hard stubble. I think he can get off the stage!"

"This boy is really fierce. He is much more arrogant than Ximen traceless. See how Ximen traceless responds?"

"Although it\'s all the double heaven of Wang Wujing, I\'m afraid the boy won\'t be worse than Ximen\'s traceless when he comes here alone. It\'s good to fight."

"I wonder if they will rush up and kill the guy with the ghost mask? If so, it will be too boring."

"The cultivation of the masked boy is just the double heaven of Wang Wujing, and Ximen Wuji is one of the two people selected to enter the gate of life and death. He once defeated the strong man of Wang Wujing\'s triple heaven within ten moves... If you beat such a boy, you have to rush up, not only Ximen Wuji will lose face, but also the people of rosefinch series will lose face!"

"I think Ximen Wuji will lose. I bet 2000 pieces of Zhongpin Lingshi!"

"Count me in. I\'ll bet 3000 pieces of medium grade spirit stone and Ximen traceless!"

In addition to the poor popularity of Ximen, it is also because the people of the other three forces are angry that the rosefinch is leisurely watching the play.

So these people made a fuss. It turned out that most of them lost Ximen without trace!

And the words are bitten to death. They fight alone and work together to create public opinion, which makes it difficult for the people of the first line of rosefinch to run together.

Simon traceless heard everyone\'s voice in his ears and almost fainted!

But he dared not provoke those people, but turned all his anger to Shen Lang!

"Those who don\'t know how to live or die dare to be rampant in front of my young master. Die for me!"

Ximen\'s traceless complexion became extremely cold and overcast. He drank violently, and the soles of his feet suddenly stepped on the ground. People and long guns seemed to be one, shooting straight into the waves!

The two were not far apart, and Ximen\'s speed soared to the extreme under his traceless rage!

A puff of the gun has reached Shen Lang\'s chest!

Shen Lang\'s body was motionless. Before the other party\'s fierce attack was coming, his body suddenly rotated!

The spear pierced Shen Lang\'s side!

Between lightning and flint, Shen Lang threw his right leg and pulled it out like a whip!

In the sharp sound of breaking the air, the soles of his feet pulled out a terrible trace in the air, like a vacuum zone, and then hit Simon\'s traceless chest accurately!


In the muffled sound, a layer of light film visible to the naked eye broke out on Ximen\'s traceless armor, which was deeply sunken under Shen Lang\'s foot.

Then, the violent energy ripples center on the depression and wave wildly around!

As soon as they met, they quickly separated again!

However, Shen Lang hardly took a step back, still in place, and the bird on his shoulder didn\'t even swing.

The Ximen had no trace, but he withdrew more than ten steps before he stood firm!

The noisy crowd became silent at this moment

Ximen\'s traceless strength and the power of the mysterious weapon in his hand were very clear to all present.

Such a quick move was simply repulsed... And the man with the ghost mask was still empty handed!

I\'m afraid the gap between the two sides is not one or two

"Oh, what a surprise! A guy who hides his head and shows his tail should have such strength! You are qualified for me to use it."

"But you will still die, and you will die miserably!"

Looking at Shen Lang standing proudly with cold eyes, Ximen traceless almost fell into madness.

In front of so many acquaintances, being beaten back so many steps by a guy who doesn\'t know what power, such shame must be washed away with death!

Simon\'s thoughts turned in his traceless heart, and his spiritual power worked frantically. A violent hurricane immediately formed and completely hid his body!

Nearby, flying sand and stones!

Above the sky, lightning and thunder!

The vitality of the nearby heaven and earth gathered frantically towards the west gate. A thick lightning click like a bucket on the nine days was completely linked with the hurricane vortex!

The momentum is huge. It has almost reached the point where Wang Wujing\'s five days or so, and the strong one hits with all his strength!

"Thunder and chemical wind gun? Wuji made the thunder and chemical wind gun come out? Is that boy so strong that he has to use this move to kill him?"

Some of the nearest rosefinch\'s strong men were surprised and immediately retreated one by one.