Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1340

Shen Lang said warm-up without exaggeration.

He, who is in the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm, has incarnated into tens of millions, and each of the ten divine beast particles has turned into a pill baby.

Each individual can be independent, become an independent individual and practice by himself.

Heaven and earth, unique!

Even if Shen Lang doesn\'t do anything now and sleeps every day, his cultivation is thousands of miles a day!

If you can swallow enough energy and get the rest of those divine beasts\' blood essence, I\'m afraid it won\'t take long. Even the gods and demons can be easily crushed to death!

The two flag leaders who have just advanced to the great emperor\'s martial realm, even with the tiger soul sword and mountain and river map among the ten Heavenly weapons, still haven\'t brought him much threat and pressure.

At this time, Shen Lang is like the God of the gods and the king of demons, standing proudly in the sky.

"Trapped in heaven and bound to kill demons" trembled slightly in front of him, as if trying to please him.

Shen Lang holding the "trap heaven, bind earth and destroy demons lock" seems to hold the most terrible and destructive power in the world in his hand.

You can break the earth and break the mountains and rivers with a wave!

"Next, it\'s not so easy to avoid my attack." Shen Lang said coldly, "are you ready, guys?"

Shangguan\'s invincible long sword was lifted: "why do you say so much nonsense? People in the temple of the God of war are not afraid of life and death!"

"Just put your horse here!"

LAN Shishi is not honest, but his two white and slender palms are changing, flying up and down like butterflies.

All kinds of mysterious palmprints appear continuously.

Fundamental, wisdom, thousand, Nirvana, no phase

In the void, Sanskrit sound bursts and dances in the sky.

With Lanshi and Shangguan invincible as the center, huge lotus blossoms.

Then it spread around.

This lotus is impressively composed of sword Qi!

The terrible sword Qi crisscross and rotate at the speed of reaching the extreme.

Whether it is near or wrapped by this sword lotus, I\'m afraid it will be torn to pieces!

"Ten thousand lotus sword array? I didn\'t expect that you have cultivated the sword idea to a great level. You can arrange this killing array to destroy all things by one person." Shen Lang\'s eyes showed a little surprise.

"Ten thousand lotus sword array" is one of the highest killing arrays in the God of war hall.

This array consumes too much power. It needs at least three strong emperors to maintain.

And one of them should at least reach the state of Dacheng.

Once the sword array is constructed, the first powerful sword lotus will be formed.

This sword lotus gathers all the strength of the array setter and the sword meaning. It is unstoppable!

Then, the vitality as like as two peas and raps will gather together, and the universe will be directly evacuated, and then a duplicate of sword lotus will start to be copied.

In other words, the power of any sword lotus here is equivalent to the full blow of LAN Shishi!

Entering the "ten thousand lotus sword array" is like being besieged by thousands of blue poems!

Moreover, in this "ten thousand lotus sword array" and around, the vitality of heaven and earth has been taken away. Even those who are strong in the military realm of the great emperor can no longer rely on the strength of the surrounding heaven and earth, and can only rely on their own strength against the enemy!

This sword array is a giant meat grinder!

Where you pass, there is no grass!

The blood clan was terrified when this sword array came out during the blood clan rebellion!

LAN Shishi even arranged the "ten thousand lotus sword array" with her own strength, which made Shen Lang look at it with new eyes.

LAN Shishi sneered and said, "didn\'t Ambassador Zuo just say that he was just warming up for a while? Why didn\'t we do that before you did your best?"

"Since the left envoy has seen that this is the \'ten thousand lotus sword array\', then he should not be afraid to go in and fight with me?"

Shen Lang saw huge sword lotus sprouting out of thin air and swarming towards him. He frowned slightly and threw the chain in his hand.


In the explosion, the recent sword lotus was broken into fly ash by chains.

However, the sword lotus is springing up like bamboo shoots. There are countless!

"It\'s useless for me to stir up the general method." Shen Lang stepped forward and said, "since you are so confident in the \'ten thousand lotus sword array\', why don\'t I rush?"

The chain in Shen Lang\'s hand was like a whip. He beat it continuously and made a passage in the ten thousand lotus sword array.

The huge roar kept ringing, and countless sword lotus were destroyed and then recovered.

In the "ten thousand lotus sword array" that can\'t absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, even if the ordinary emperor\'s strong martial arts can resist the continuous attack of the sword lotus, I\'m afraid that in the end, the oil will run out and the lamp will dry up and be twisted into pieces by the sword lotus.

"The power of poetry is indeed the top among the great heavenly strongmen in the emperor\'s martial realm. However, without the help of invincible power, it is impossible for her to arrange this\' ten thousand lotus sword array \'on her own."

Shen Lang continuously lashed the chain in his hand like a whip to destroy all the sword lotus that came from the rotating attack.

One thought after another flashed through his mind: "this killing array can\'t be built by a few pills or magic weapons."

"My cultivation of the double heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm is equivalent to the triple heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm. Now I can\'t feel the breath of both of them..."

"So, did poetry really use the mountain and river map?"

Shen Lang\'s mouth turned slightly, and he had figured it all out in an instant.

LAN Shishi constructed the "ten thousand lotus sword array" with the help of the power of the mountain and river map, and then used the mountain and river map to integrate herself and Shangguan into the mountain and river map.

Finally, turn the mountain and river map into a sword lotus and hide in it.

Shen Lang trapped in the "ten thousand lotus sword array", if he accidentally turns the mountain and river map into a sword lotus, he will also be regarded as an ordinary sword lotus

It is likely to be swallowed directly by the mountain and river map and completely sealed!

Before that, LAN Shishi joined hands with Shangguan invincible to seal Shen Lang with a picture of mountains and rivers.

Finally, the geomagnetic mountain in Shen Lang\'s hand was sucked in by the mountain and river map, but Shen Lang withdrew and escaped the disaster.

If Shen Lang didn\'t know the mountain and river map, I\'m afraid he would suffer a big loss this time!

In the face of such a situation, Shen Lang finally had a positive complexion, summoned up his spirit and operated his broken false silver eyes.

Under the false silver eyes, thousands of sword lotus manifest their origin.

The integration of sword spirit and sword meaning and the route of construction are clearly seen by Shen Lang.

One of them, as deep as the sword lotus in the starry universe, appeared in Shen Lang\'s line of sight!

"The five color flag is the five color flag. Although the power is not the strongest in the temple of the God of war, it is the most mysterious. Everyone\'s means should not be underestimated."

Shen Lang\'s face showed a rare smile: "under the condition of being completely crushed by my strength, I can still use such a move to convert disadvantages into advantages. The result is extraordinary."

"But I still want to beat those who should be beaten!"

With a sneer, the chain in Shen Lang\'s hand crashed, and the whole person was like lightning tearing the night sky, crossing through the dense sword lotus gap and rushing to the most strange sword lotus in the broken false silver eyes!

Where Shen Lang\'s body passes, there are lightning and thunder, and the meaning of the knife is vertical and horizontal.

The air sent out a crackling scream, forming a terrible wave behind him!

The chain in his hand is swept as a stick and the vertical point is a gun. Each quick blow will destroy more than two sword Lotus!

What does it mean to destroy the withered and decadent!

What is a mantis!

The sword lotus, which is equivalent to LAN Shishi\'s full attack, can\'t stop Shen Lang\'s footsteps!

Looking at the rushing Shen waves in the mountain and river map, LAN Shishi lost her color: "how can it be! He saw through and found the mountain and river map so soon?"

Using the power of mountains and rivers to build a "ten thousand lotus sword array" is a move that Lan Shishi came up with in his hurry.

Even if she is familiar with the five color flag, other flag owners are deeply involved in it. They can\'t think of the mystery in a short time.

Under the interference of the sword array power and sword intention, even the three heavenly strongmen in the great emperor\'s martial realm can hardly find the existence of mountain and river map in a short time.

Shen langcai just entered the "ten thousand lotus sword array" and rushed directly towards the sword lotus transformed in the mountain and river map

LAN Shishi\'s strong confidence was broken into pieces in an instant!

For tens of thousands of years, she felt deeply powerless at the moment.

The strong fight, once the mind is broken, no matter how strong the power is, there is only one way to fail.

And it will have unimaginable consequences for future cultivation!

If it\'s serious, you may stop at the entry point of cultivation!

Shangguan invincible saw that Lan Shishi\'s face had changed dramatically, and he drank lightly: "Oh! The brave is invincible, never say die! It\'s just seen through by the other party. The blue flag leader of the five-color flag in the hall of the God of war doesn\'t even have such a little confidence?"

LAN Shishi\'s whole body trembled, as if he had been drenched by a bucket of ice water.

As soon as she pinched her finger, the array ran immediately.

Before Shen Lang arrived, the sword lotus turned into a picture of mountains and rivers appeared in the opposite direction of the array like a blink!

At the moment when the sword lotus turned into a picture of mountains and rivers disappeared, the chain in Shen Lang\'s hand had been whipped with a sharp sound of breaking the air!


The sword lotus disappeared and the chain swept away. Instead, it pulled a huge sword lotus to pieces.

"It\'s really a little troublesome."

Shen Lang took back the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock", frowned slightly and didn\'t continue to attack.

The power of "ten thousand lotus sword array" is beyond imagination.

The mountain and river map, one of the top ten celestial objects, is also very different from other celestial objects to some extent.

Inside, but refining a space.

Otherwise, LAN Shishi couldn\'t have arranged the killing array, which originally needed to be arranged by three strong emperors in the military realm.

"Boom, boom!"

When Shen Lang stood still, sword lotus blossoms swept from all directions.

Shen Lang\'s "trap the sky and bind the earth to destroy the devil lock", you long generally flew up and down to break these sword lotus.

That is, Shen Lang, if it were someone else, even if they were not afraid of the sword lotus, they would be dragged to death and exhausted their strength!