Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1339

More than 200000 people of xuandaozong are facing the disaster of destruction, and the blue flag leader and the black flag leader sit idly by;

The five color flag directly under the emperor of war, but went to obey the orders of some old monsters in the God of war hall;

Shen Lang was really annoyed with LAN Shishi!

After he slapped LAN Shishi and vomited blood, Shen Lang slapped LAN Shishi in the face!

The war god temple and the demon God Temple are mortal enemies of each other. In people\'s opinion, Shen Lang is normal even if he wants LAN Shishi\'s life now.

But a slap in the face, this action is a little strange.

When Shen Lang pulled out his palm with terror, LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible shouted: "solution!"

With a bang, a canopy of white smoke came out, and LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible had lost their trace.

And the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" turned back again, winding Shen Lang around again and again!

In the void hundreds of miles away, LAN Shishi and Shangguan are invincible.

They gasped heavily, bleeding from the corners of their mouths and were in a mess.

It is with the help of the control of "trapped in heaven, bound in the earth and destroyed the magic lock", that they can break free so easily!

If what just tied them up was not the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock", but something else, I\'m afraid they have really been caught at the moment!


Here, Shen Lang snorted and grabbed the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock".

It was as if he were grabbing a living Python wrapped around him and took the chain off him.

The chain clattered, and the other end was like a snake\'s head, stabbing at Shen Lang\'s chest!

"Be honest!"

Shen Lang gave a soft drink and grabbed the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" with a draw!

In the sharp sound of breaking the air, the long "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" was drawn straight, like a long stick!

At the next moment, the surging power of gods and demons in the "trapped heaven bound earth killing magic lock" was extracted by Shen Lang\'s "star sucking Da Fa"!

The whole "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" trembled like a spirit.

Make a clear sound.

All the strange treasures handed down from the upper world contain powerful magic power.

"Trapped in the sky and bound to the earth to destroy the devil lock" is no exception.

LAN Shishi can control this thing after it is captured by Shen lang. in addition to the powerful tool spirit of "trapped in the sky and bound in the earth to destroy the devil lock", it is precisely because it instills a powerful power of gods and demons.

This power is not something that ordinary strong people in the world can cope with or even control.

Even if it falls into the hands of some powerful beings, it can\'t help the power of gods and demons, so it can\'t really take it as its own.

But it\'s someone else.

Now the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" has fallen into Shen Lang\'s hands!

For Shen Lang, the terrible power of gods and Demons has even far exceeded the pure Yuanli in Yuanli fragments!

It\'s what Shen Lang wants most now!

At the moment, Shen Lang sneered with this "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock", and extracted the power of gods and demons from it at the first time.

Then, swallow it directly!

In a short time, the straight "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" hung down like an ordinary rope.

The spirit of the instrument inside was tossed by Shen wave, and all its strength was lost and was dying.

However, at this time, Shen Lang\'s wrist was shocked, and his powerful chaotic divine power poured into the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" like the tide!


The spirit of the weapon in the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" was trembling, but it was very excited!

The strong in the human world can\'t distinguish the chaotic divine power. How can the spirit from the upper world not understand?

The power of gods and demons is also graded, and chaotic power is undoubtedly the top thing in the legend!

There is no need for Shen Lang to say anything more. The spirit of "trapped in heaven and bound to earth to destroy the magic lock" has chosen to surrender and began to swallow the chaotic power introduced by Shen Lang!

In this way, the light goes out from time to time and begins to change.

In the end, a circle of fog began to appear on the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock".

When the whole "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" was shrouded in fog, LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible had a click in their hearts, and had lost contact with the spirit of the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock"!

"Well, what kind of existence is this? He took the \'trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock\' from us in two or three times. Not to mention, he just took it and got the control of the \'trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock\'?" Shangguan invincible almost wanted to scold.

He began to regret being bewitched by those old guys and came here to deal with Shen Lang.

Shen Lang\'s strength and means now are not what people at their level can cope with!

Although I don\'t understand how strong Shen Lang is.

But in the face of Shen Lang, Shangguan invincible always has a feeling of facing the great emperor!

Emperor Wu territory, not emperor.

He and LAN Shishi in the great emperor\'s martial realm are not much different from mole ants in front of the great emperor.

It\'s an unimaginable folly to go against such a terrible person!

The five color flag has been around the world for tens of thousands of years, and any one is an earth shaking existence.

However, the heart of Shangguan invincible and LAN Shishi has raised a deep powerlessness.

The two looked at each other and had a retreat.

But neither of them moved.

Shen Lang stared at them. How could he give them a chance to escape?

I can\'t say, there will still be a bloody battle!

"Since a bloody battle is inevitable, let\'s fight!"

Shangguan invincible clenched the tiger soul sword with both hands and pointed to Shen Lang from a distance.

The invincible spirit, combined with the fierce and unparalleled momentum, is the xuandao people who hate him and gnash their teeth, but also show their admiration!

"This is the great emperor\'s martial realm, this is the great emperor\'s martial realm!" looking at everything on the water mirror, Shen Jianfeng woke up with a red face and clenched his fists with great excitement.

"It\'s too strong. It\'s really too strong. Just such a momentum can make us ashes!" Duanmu Zhengna said: "yes, I thought I could be natural and unrestrained after becoming the emperor\'s martial mirror."

"Unexpectedly, the cultivation of Emperor Wu Jing can\'t even bear the small momentum of the strong in the great emperor\'s Wu realm!"

The Duanmu evil and the king of Yan devil on the side were jealous, and their eyes turned red. They scolded in unison: "this wall installation is good. We\'ll give you 99 points!"

Duanmu was stunned. When he looked around, all the strong men in the later period of the quasi emperor martial mirror glared at him.

As soon as his head shrunk, Duanmu\'s face immediately showed a flattering smile.

At this time, Zhuge Xianer said, "let\'s concentrate. The battle of the strong in the great emperor\'s martial arts is rare in the world. If you miss it, you don\'t regret taking it."

Everyone was surprised, immediately raised his head, straightened his chest and abdomen, widened his eyes and stared at the water mirror!

Then he saw that the blue flag leader, LAN Shishi, was also replaced with a new armor. He was brave and vigorous, and his long sword pointed to Shen Lang opposite.

"Are you ready to be beaten?" Shen Lang said coldly.

LAN Shishi bah said, "who was beaten in the end, but it\'s not certain."

"Shen Lang, you are too arrogant!"

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and said, "I don\'t have time to talk nonsense with you now. I haven\'t wanted to beat people for a long time."

"You two, prepare to bear my anger!"

As soon as the voice fell, the original soft "trapped in the sky and bound to the earth to destroy the devil lock" puffed straight and turned into a long stick!

Then, with the power that runs through heaven and earth and rushes straight into the nine days, he sweeps away at Shangguan invincible and LAN Shishi!

What is the destruction of heaven and earth, and what is the collapse of heaven and earth?

This simple "stick" is to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, which is the collapse of the earth!

Without any fancy stick, it seems to sweep away the void.

A shocking crack appeared in the void, the atmosphere screamed, and the invisible wind condensed into a visible entity and scattered around

"Poetry, go back!"

Shangguan invincible, who originally wanted to fight a bloody battle, saw this staff and immediately knew his stupidity!

In the face of absolute power, with their cultivation, where are they qualified for bloody war?

No matter how strong the ant is, how can it fight with the elephant?

What they are facing is a unilateral ravage!

Between lightning and flint, LAN Shishi flashed behind Shangguan invincible.

Shangguan is invincible. He urges yuan Kung Fu fiercely. He uses the skill to pour his whole body skills into the tiger soul sword, and his body retreats at the same time as LAN Shishi!

The chain seemed to extend infinitely, and ran after them so quickly.

"Nine stars fall, and the tiger spirit is invincible!"

In the roar, Shangguan invincible clenched the tiger soul knife with both hands and cut off the chain!

The stars twinkled in the sky, and a white tiger roared and rushed down towards the chain.

Before the mountain white tiger arrived, it formed an unspeakable shock wave, roaring towards the position of the chain!


Obviously, it was far away, but at the moment when people were stunned, the huge white tiger bit on the chain in Shen Lang\'s hand.

This time, like thunder, the roar of terror and dazzling light came out, making the void a shock!

I saw that the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" was bombarded upside down and flew back, and then hovered in front of Shen Lang.

On the other side, a big water blue shield running through the world blocked Shangguan invincible, and was constantly retreated by the blast.

Behind the water blue shield, Shangguan invincible held the tiger soul sword in his right hand, and his left hand supported the shield in front.

LAN Shishi stood behind him, pinching his hands and controlling the big shield.

When everything was calm, except Shen Lang, both Shangguan invincible and others who just looked at it were panting.

"Just holding the chain and pumping at random, the power is so terrible..."

"Is this the power of Emperor Wu territory?"

"Didn\'t lord Shuying say that those two people are also the martial realm of the great emperor? What a terrible situation has Shen Lang\'s cultivation reached now?"

The distant shadow was stunned: "I can\'t see through Zuo envoy more and more. Every time I think his strength is in a certain realm, I immediately find that he has far exceeded my imagination..."

"There is such an unimaginable existence in the world. How can I believe it if I didn\'t see it with my own eyes?"

In the wild sky, Shen Lang stood proudly: "the tiger soul sword, one of the top ten Heavenly weapons, is really strong;"

"The black flag leader\'s\' Purple electric Dragon Sabre \'Sabre skill really deserves the name of the five color flag."

"However, I just warmed up a little."

"How many knives can you make with such a knife?"

The huge shield dissipated, revealing the decadent Shangguan invincible and gnashing teeth of blue poetry.

They stared at Shen Lang and didn\'t speak.