Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1314

In front of the main hall of songduofeng, people were surrounded.

The demonized Shen Jianfeng was locked by spiritual locks and was trapped in the air.

At his feet, a Dharma array was slowly moving, releasing a barrier and enveloping it.

Although Shen Jianfeng\'s eyes were red and kept roaring like a beast, it was a pity that his strength was too weak to break free.

Ling Xue and Ling Yue stood beside him from left to right, while Shu Ying stood in front of him. They were looking at his body to find out the reason for the demonization.

"Shen Jianfeng is very capable. This time he startled the whole xuandaozong."

"That\'s right. 130000 foreign people know him... It\'s really disturbing."

"Fortunately, Lord Shuying of Zhuque mansion was in xuandaozong. As soon as he found something wrong, he caught him at the first time, otherwise he didn\'t know what trouble to stir up!"

"It\'s said that this guy is the cousin of the left envoy? I\'ll go, that\'s no wonder!"

"What\'s the matter with him now? Evil energy is so surging. It looks like a human race, but the breath is the Lord of the abyss?"

"I heard that he had an adventure when he was in yumudong blessed land. Lord Shen Lang said that he had the opportunity to become emperor\'s martial mirror... But how did he become like this now?"

The crowd of onlookers and many foreigners pointed out and talked one after another.

Shuying frowned and looked at Shen Jianfeng like a monster.

Shen Jianfeng can not only devour evil energy, but also extract and devour evil energy from the devil in the abyss. Based on her experience of the powerful eight heaven of emperor Wujing, she has heard of this kind of thing for the first time.

If Shen Lang did this, Shuying might not be much surprised.

But it\'s incredible to put it on others.

If it is swallowing ordinary energy, many demon warriors can do it.

But the energy they swallowed was nothing compared with Shen Jianfeng.


The thin shadow suddenly grabbed to the right.

An irresistible force immediately bound Jiuwu and xiaotui.

They screamed and were caught by Shuying without control.

"You said that the abyss demons of the endless abyss wanted to calculate Shen Jianfeng, but Shen Jianfeng took all their power and swallowed it up? Are you sure you saw it with your own eyes?"

The thin shadow head didn\'t say a word.

Nine dances stood up and said, "naturally, I saw it with my own eyes, such as fake change!"

With that, he found Shen Jianfeng\'s sleepwalking crack in the abyss, and then Chu Qingcheng broke the seal of the crack and entered it... All these things were said.

Thin shadow turned his head and his eyes fell on Chu Qingcheng: "did you break the seal of the abyss crack?"

"Yes." Chu Qingcheng shook his fan with a smile.

Shuying\'s mind immediately swept towards Chu Qingcheng!

The terrible mind moved away towards the edge with a cry when it touched Chu Qingcheng\'s body.

This feeling is like a person with oil on his hands to catch a loach!

"There\'s such a thing!" Shuying was surprised.

You know, she is in the late stage of emperor Wujing\'s eightfold heaven!

Such accomplishments are powerful and powerful in the demon temple!

Unexpectedly, the xuandaozong where Shen Lang is located hides such a figure!

Even her mind can\'t touch each other\'s clothes!

Shen Lang first asked her to bring the killing armor back to Mo Ge. Mo GE has surprised her. Now there is another Chu Qingcheng!

"Lord Zuo\'s xuandaozong is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger!"

As soon as Shuying\'s eyes shrink, he is preparing to change a way to investigate the Qing City of Chu

Chu Qingcheng said, "what Jiuwu said is not wrong. The three of us have seen it with our own eyes. What good plan does Lord Shuying have to remove the demonization of the sword edge?"

Thin shadow took a deep look at Chu Qingcheng and gave up to continue to investigate the reality of Chu Qingcheng.

She turned around and said softly, "Shen Jianfeng\'s demonization is obviously because the remnant soul of the abyss Lord collected by the jade amulet in his body is doing mischief."

"Now the ghost controls his body, but he is in a confused state."

"Ling Xue, Ling Yue, you two help me to suppress the remnant soul of the abyss Lord into the jade talisman!"

Ling Xue and Ling Yue looked at each other and nodded: "yes!"

The three of Shuying immediately took action and put their hands on Shen Jianfeng.

Although the abyss Lord is a superior devil, the cultivation achievement of the one who was crushed to death by the ghost in the yumudong blessed land is the first level of emperor\'s martial mirror. Where can it be put in the eyes of Shuying three?

She was so careful that she was just afraid of hurting Shen Jianfeng\'s life.

At that moment, three powerful forces immediately poured into Shen Jianfeng\'s body, locked the remnant soul of the abyss Lord and began to drag it to the jade talisman.

The abyss Lord is just a ghost who has lost consciousness. How dare he compete with the power of such a strong man?

But three or two times, the ghost howled and obediently returned to the jade talisman in Shen Jianfeng\'s body.

The red in Shen Jianfeng\'s eyes and the surging breath of the abyss Lord began to dissipate.

"Lord of the abyss, dare to be rampant!"

With a sneer, the thin shadow stayed on the jade amulet and added a seal.

Just then, the sudden change protruded!

The power she exerted on the jade talisman in Shen Jianfeng\'s body was like encountering the black hole in Shen Lang\'s hand, and she was pulled in madly!


Shuying was stunned!

At the same time, Ling Xue and Ling Yue\'s faces suddenly changed!

The power of the three people was drawn out by a huge force at this moment, and then swallowed up by the jade charm!

"My Lord!" Ling Xue exclaimed, "how can it be so?"

Shuying\'s face changed: "this jade talisman is strange... Continue to transmit spiritual power and don\'t break it! If it is forcibly terminated, Shen Jianfeng\'s body can\'t bear the impact of our power!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhuge Xianer flew up with duanmuxie and dinaros, the king of the Yan Devil: "what happened, three adults? Is the sword blade worried about life?"

Shuying said bitterly: "the remnant soul of the Lord of the abyss has been suppressed into the jade talisman in his body by me, but as soon as our power contacts the jade talisman, the jade talisman seems to devour the evil energy of the devil in the abyss and is crazy devouring the power of the three of us!"

"If we break free by force, the power of jade Fu will collide with our power, and Shen Jianfeng\'s body will be blown to pieces!"

"What!" ZHUGE Xianer and others turned pale at the sound.

Chu Qingcheng below, put his right hand behind him and bend his fingers.

Something like a silver needle flashed away and hit Shen haoxuan, Shen Jianfeng\'s father.

Shen haoxuan\'s "ow" attracted everyone\'s attention in the past.

The old man was not stupid either. He immediately jumped out and burst into tears: "three adults, you must save my son! I\'m such a son! What can I do if he dies!"

A group of people of xuandaozong were stunned: "what\'s this called? Doesn\'t Shen Jianfeng have a brother, Shen Daofeng?"

Chu Qingcheng\'s fan at the bottom shook gently and smiled more happily.

Shuying\'s face was ugly. He changed several skills, and finally controlled the output of his power.

"Ling Xue, you two operate according to my formula, so that you can slow down and reduce the output power... After reaching the limit, you and I will remove their own power one after another, and then we can solve this dilemma!"

It is worthy of being the eight strong heavenly power of emperor Wujing. After many attempts, he found a way to solve this dilemma.

Ling Xue and Ling Yue immediately operated according to the method of thin shadow and began to control their power.

Just under everyone\'s nervous gaze, two hours later

The three of Shuying are sweating, and their palms finally leave Shen Jianfeng.

However, it was only more than two hours. The three people had lost thousands of years of skill and their vitality was greatly damaged!

Shen Jianfeng, who got a cheap price, has a soaring breath, which makes people feel like facing the strong emperor\'s martial mirror!

A few hours ago, this guy was just the peak cultivation of Huangwu realm.

Just a simple sleep, first swallowed a large group of abyss demons, and now swallowed the power of the three powerful emperor Wujing, and the breath was close to Emperor Wujing

Such an encounter is really strange and unimaginable!

It feels like the luck of the whole world has gathered on him!

"How could such a thing not happen to me?"

Looking at all this, people are jealous one by one.

In the air for a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Chu Chu city.

At this look, Shuying was surprised again!

Chu Qingcheng doesn\'t know when to start. He has lost his trace!

The surrounding area of kilometers has been shrouded in her mind.

Chu Qingcheng left so quietly under her eyes?

"That\'s unreasonable!" Shuying was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

All this, people with a little brain can think of the strangeness of Chu Qingcheng.

However, no evidence can be found, and the other party is still Shen Lang\'s person. Shuying has no choice but to knock off his teeth and swallow his blood.

"Yeah? Where is this? What are you doing?"

Shen Jianfeng awoke very untimely at this time.

"..." the crowd was speechless.

This bastard has encountered several life crises in a short time, but he has got a lot of benefits

Well, he slept comfortably and didn\'t know anything.

On the contrary, others were frightened and jealous of him!

Thin shadow stared at Shen Jianfeng coldly and said: "from today on, you will practice with me in songduofeng. If you dare to run around, I will break your leg!"

"If you can\'t break through the imperial martial mirror in five months, I\'ll still break your leg!"

"Hiss!" everyone around took a breath of cold air.

So, is Shen Jianfeng really ready to break through the imperial martial mirror?

Within five months?

In xuandaozong, who can compare with this guy except Shen Lang for such cultivation speed?