Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1313

"My God! He has become the Lord of the abyss!"

Just looked at Shen Jianfeng\'s eyes. Jiuwu was so scared that he turned and ran away!

Shen Jianfeng is as like as two peas in the abyss.

At this time, he was no longer afraid of the threat of Chu Qingcheng.

Now the biggest threat is Shen Jianfeng!

Xiaotui also ran with him, using his milk strength to run.

However, just ran out a few hundred meters

With a few clatters, huge flowers in the dark poked down and swallowed Jiuwu and Chu Qingcheng directly!

"Ogre flower, it\'s ogre flower!"

The sound of nine dances came from the flowers, and with all her strength, she put out a head.

But the body is wrapped by ogre flowers and can\'t smoke at all.

With a few clicks, xiaotui and Chu Qingcheng also poked their heads out of the flowers.

"A few little mice, how interesting!"

The evil and evil voice came from Shen Jianfeng.

Looking at the three people with only one head on the ogre flower, Shen Jianfeng\'s right hand slowly lifted up.

I thought that just as he raised his hand, samodo, which was equivalent to the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, became minced meat... Jiuwu and xiaotui took risks!

At the critical moment, Chu Qingcheng said coldly, "it seems that I can\'t hide my cultivation anymore."

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Qingcheng\'s breath soared wildly!

"Boom, boom!"

A few loud noises, the ogre flowers wrapped around his body were shocked to pieces!

"Shit, it\'s so strong!"

Jiuwu and xiaotui were overjoyed!

Just when they thought they were going to reverse

Chu Qingcheng slipped and ran away.

That speed is as fast as lightning!

When Shen Jianfeng was approaching, he looked at his back in a daze.

Xiaotui admired: "Chu Qingcheng didn\'t lie. He was really powerful! He really hid his strength! Great!"

Jiuwu scolded with a crying voice: "OK... Good, your sister, it\'s powerful, but is he? He ran away. What shall we do?"

Xiao Tui was stunned for a moment and immediately howled!


These two guys are not stupid. They took out the life-saving magic weapon at the critical moment and finally shattered the ogre flower.

Then he chased Chu Qingcheng crazy.

Shen Jianfeng on the altar was stunned. He still didn\'t seem to understand what happened.

He even looked at his hands and feet and seemed to wonder who he was and what he was doing here

Shen Jianfeng tilted his head and thought for a while, but he still didn\'t seem to understand.

Although he didn\'t understand, he could clearly feel that the two guys who ran away in front seemed to be connected with their souls.

Shen Jianfeng grinned, revealing two rows of not very white teeth, and then chased them towards Jiuwu.

Now, the demonized Shen Jianfeng chased Jiuwu and Jiuwu chased Chu Qingcheng.

In this way, one after another, we went straight to xuandao Zongshan gate!

"Old Chu, what are you doing, running so fast?"

The evil eye Lord lingxie, who was basking in the sun at the gate of xuandaozong mountain, was very strange. He grabbed Chu Qingcheng and asked him what he was doing.

Chu Qingcheng shook his fan, sighed and said, "it\'s said that the recent female fans are becoming more and more crazy. They jump on me without wearing clothes. What if I don\'t run?"

Said, impatiently rushed into the xuandaozongshan gate.

"Such crazy female fans, you don\'t want me to!" lingxie was overjoyed and flew towards the road to Chu Qingcheng.

Behind him was a group of monsters controlled by him.

It\'s magnificent.

A group of disciples of xuandaozong guarding the gate looked at it inexplicably.

But lingxie, the unlucky goods, didn\'t run far away when he met Jiuwu and xiaotui, who were dying.

Before I could ask where she was, Shen Jianfeng, with red eyes behind him, rushed over. Jiuxian dragon gun was like a stick, sweeping on lingxie\'s waist!


Spirit evil sent out an earth shaking voice.

At this time, the anger of Lord evil eye, one of the ten fierce beasts, was excited to burst out.

The spirit and evil spirit quickly degenerated and turned into the Buddha. Countless tentacles with terrible eyes grabbed at Shen Jianfeng!

However, his tentacles were not fully extended, and the mountain pushing beast transformed by Xiao Tui appeared under him. He directly carried the evil eye Lord and rushed to the Mountain Gate of xuandao sect!

"Fool! Now the sword edge is not the sword edge, but the Lord of the abyss. His whole body is full of evil energy... Lingxie, you want to die!" Jiuyao Python Jiuwu scolded loudly.

As if a bucket of ice water poured down from the head, the spirit evil fiercely fought a cold war: "NIMA, what\'s the matter?"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge stick fell down in the void.

Between the lightning and flint, a group of war wolf members and the war wolf commander who was already in the Imperial military territory rushed out.

This group of people surrounded the evil spirits and formed a defense array in an instant!


Shen Jianfeng smashed yinghun, evil eye Lord, Jiuyao Python and a group of war wolf members directly into the ground!

Their defense is great, but their accomplishments are too different.

Now Shen Jianfeng is in a demonized state and is the double heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

Yinghun was beaten so that his blood churned and depressed: "what... What\'s going on?"

The group of monsters that had followed the spirit evil suddenly scattered birds and animals.


Seeing the second stick, it will fall again.

Chu Qingcheng, who had rushed into xuandaozong, suddenly came out again. He waved the fan twice in his hand, and two blade lights that didn\'t attract much attention hit out.

The sharp blade light hissed and hit the Jiuxian dragon gun in Shen Jianfeng\'s hand.

"Bang bang!"

There were two loud noises, and the violent energy rippled madly.

The Jiuxian dragon gun in Shen Jianfeng\'s hand was directly swung out!

At the moment when Shen Jianfeng was stunned, Chu Qingcheng stepped out, grabbed the three half dead and ran to the Mountain Gate of xuandaozong.


Shen Jianfeng roared and followed up with xuandaozong directly!

At the foot of xuandaozong mountain, chickens fly and dogs jump!

"Old Chu, you... You... You lied to me!" lingxie lay powerlessly on the back of the mountain pushing beast and said wrongfully.

I don\'t know when to start. Lingxie, Chu Qingcheng and xueshiyin cousin Yegu city who returned to xuandaozong were regarded as the three big green goods of xuandaozong.

So lingxie always felt that she had a good relationship with Chu Qingcheng.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qingcheng cheated him so badly... It\'s too bullying and bullying his feelings!

"Well, my words are not all lies... Jianfeng has been imitating me. He is my fan."

Chu Qingcheng said, took out a sign and knocked it a few times.

They were stunned and looked at it. They saw a thick arrow on the sign, pointing to the direction of songduofeng from a distance.

Then, with a big move, Chu Qingcheng took these people and a group of disciples of xuandaozong and hid in a Dharma array at the foot of the mountain!

Shen Jianfeng chased after him with a long gun. When he saw the sign, he was stunned and rushed to songduofeng along the sign.

Everyone in the Dharma array was stunned.

"Don\'t worry, isn\'t Shuying going to give a lecture at songduofeng today? Even if the real abyss Lord comes and meets Shuying and Ling Xue and Ling Yue, it\'s basically looking for death, not to mention the sword edge?"

Chu Qingcheng comforted everyone and followed Shen Jianfeng towards songduofeng.

A group of xuandaozong disciples, together with a group of monsters, followed up with a sad face.

When the people didn\'t notice him, Chu Qingcheng showed a look of "trick succeeded" in his eyes.

The people who followed him would never want to get

He dares to calculate the strong men in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu mirror!

Thin shadow, and Ling Xue and Ling Yue, are just a chess piece in his hand now!

"Next, it\'s the nature of the sword blade!" Chu Qingcheng thought to himself: "I have to make a move to deal with such things... Hey, lonely!"