Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1309

The elder of the Wu family said that Shen Lang had something on him that could accommodate the heavenly soldiers.

A group of elders of the witch clan and people of the northern netherworld polar sect were overjoyed.

Shen Lang looked motionless and didn\'t speak.

The elder of the witch family continued, "I have summarized the five Heavenly God soldiers, mainly three points."

"First, how to untie its seal? You have actually solved this first point. You are the only one in the world who can devour the power of gods and demons!"

A group of strong people of the northern underworld extreme heaven sect and a group of strong people of the witch clan are almost on the ground: "devour the power of gods and demons!"

The elder of the witch family continued: "second, how to place this terrible divine weapon after you devour the residual power of gods and demons on the divine weapon... That\'s the question you just asked."

"On this second point, it still falls on you."

"There\'s something on you, son, that blocks your breath and calms your luck... Making your destiny incalculable."

"I used to make divination with painstaking efforts, but I didn\'t see its shape. I only saw the word \'seal the sky\'. Until now, I don\'t know what it is... But I saw a magical scene. This thing on you can suppress the divine soldiers!"

"Ah!" Lei Yanzi and others were surprised and happy. They all stared at Shen Lang closely.

"Shielding my breath and calming my luck? There is the word \'seal the sky\'?" Shen Lang pondered for a moment and turned his wrist.

In the palm of his hand, a small tripod slowly floated out.

This is the first time Shen Lang took out Feng Tianding in front of so many people!

As soon as the tripod was taken out, the elder of the witch family stared at it, and his whole body trembled: "seal heaven... Seal heaven! Yes, that\'s it!"

"It\'s this thing. It can suppress the divine soldiers!"

Seeing the elder so excited and so rude, a group of old people of the witch family and the people of the northern netherworld polar sect were more and more surprised.

One by one, they stared at Feng Tianding.

"Isn\'t it more powerful to suppress the Heavenly God army than the Heavenly God army?"

"Is this small square tripod really so powerful without revealing its breath and simplicity?"

"Even the Heavenly God soldiers can suppress... If this thing is so powerful, why go looking for the Heavenly God soldiers?"

A bunch of old guys from the witch clan and the northern Hades polar sect whispered.

The elder of the witch family tried hard to suppress his emotion and said in a trembling voice, "son, try it and see if you can receive it?"

"OK." Shen Lang nodded and pointed to Feng Tianding like a sword.

Feng Tianding flew into the air and released a circle of white light.

With a flash of light, the blade of the broken empty Dao shook slightly, and was sealed into the Tianding in an instant!

"That\'s true! That\'s true!" the elder of the witch family burst into tears: "the prophecy of the witch ancestor and the prophecy of the Pangu Protoss are coming true one by one!"

"There is still a glimmer of vitality in the star mainland and the hundreds of millions of small worlds!"

The following elders of the witch family were also crazy: "they can easily collect this broken empty knife. What a powerful magic weapon is this?"

"This broken empty knife is hanging here, just like the mountains and rivers. No matter how we use our power, it doesn\'t move. Only the elder can drive it a little. I didn\'t expect it to be collected by this Tianding. Sure enough, everything has been fulfilled on the son of destiny!"

"The prophecies have been fulfilled one by one, and the problems have been solved one by one. As expected, there is still hope and hope in hundreds of millions of small worlds!"

Shen Lang sensed the broken empty knife in Feng Tianding and felt that the broken empty knife had no terror when it was outside.

Fengtianding is indeed worthy of being fengtianding. Even if it is just a projection, it will shock the past and the present!

Whether it\'s the ten Heavenly weapons or the five Heavenly God soldiers, they are as clever as little dolls when they enter this tripod!

Shen Lang thought and took out the broken empty knife. Then he took it with five fingers and put the sealed tripod away.

Then he said, "well, what\'s the third point the elder said?"

The elder of the witch family looked at Shen Lang with great satisfaction and said, "the third point is how to use these five Heavenly God soldiers."

"After you collect the five God soldiers, you can use them for two purposes... The first is to gather the power of the five God soldiers to blow away the cage of the world; the second is to combine the five God soldiers with the book of heaven to destroy the ultimate fear!"

"How to use this thing is very important!"

Hearing this, Shen Lang and others had a question in their mind: "the cage of the world? What does this mean?"

The elder of the witch family did not speak, and his palm brushed gently in the void.

In the void, one colorful ball after another appeared immediately.

It can be vaguely seen that there are oceans and mountains in these balls... Everything is the same as the star continent.

These are the same small world and the same stars as the star continent!

Some of these balls are empty around.

Some were locked in cages, and the scene was very strange.

The elder of the witch family pointed to the balls locked in the cage and said, "these balls are small worlds like the star continent, in which countless creatures grow."

"What is locked in the cage is the small world that has been occupied by the demon temple!"

The elder of the witch family pointed to the top of his finger and said, "there is also a layer of cage outside the world we are in now!"

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the elders of the witch clan changed their faces!

Obviously, even they don\'t know such a thing!

The elder of the witch clan sighed and said, "when this cage came into being, it was not long after the Pangu Protoss came to this world."

"Of course, such a cage can\'t trap the Pangu Protoss who can come and go freely, but all the creatures in this face will never emerge..."

"Even in the realm of the sixth ancestor, you can\'t break through this cage!"

"This is why the sixth patriarch and the great emperors of all parties stayed in the world for millions of years!"

Silence, dead silence.

Everyone here already knows a lot about the demon temple and the ultimate fear.

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing!

The elder of the witch family raised his hand, and his skinny finger gently poked a cage in front of him.

The cage broke and burst.

At this time, the elder of the witch family said, "only by breaking this cage can we get out of this world. Only when we get out of this world can we have the opportunity to find the demon master in the starry sky outside the territory."

"When you find the demon master, you will have the opportunity to destroy it with the five Heavenly God soldiers and heavenly books. That\'s it."

Then the elder of the witch family gently pointed his finger towards Shen Lang\'s forehead: "son, now I\'ll pass the magic door left by Pangu Protoss to you. Only by using this magic door can you know how to use the five Heavenly God soldiers and heavenly books."

"I see." Shen Lang nodded, closed his eyes and began to receive mysterious messages from the great elder of the witch family.

When the elder of the witch family took back his fingers, Shen Lang turned his wrist and put the broken empty knife into the fengtianding.

At this time, everything finally became clear, no longer as cloudy as before.

The first two of the four things Shen Lang said have been solved.

"Well, the third thing, I want to know where the emperor star is and who it is?" Shen Lang asked solemnly, "since he has a heavenly book, I must find him anyway."


I\'m sick. I\'ve made an appointment with the doctor on the 29th. I don\'t know how long it will take.

Nothing, no money, no disease.

I never like going to the hospital, but sometimes you don\'t go if you don\'t want to.

People who can\'t support it are easy to fall

The update may be unstable these days, and it may be broken or less, and it\'s hard to determine whether it\'s a few days. I hope you can understand.

Continue to call on friends and WeChat official account: hwy1717, or search for "sea without words".

I don\'t know whether to hang water. If so, it can be broadcast live in the hospital.

There\'s something at home, and now I\'m sick. As the saying goes, "the house leaks but it rains at night". I really want to say to God, "are you him"!