Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1308

The elder of the witch family nodded and said, "it\'s the broken empty sword, one of the five God soldiers."

"But the broken empty knife is sealed and can\'t be used at all... Even if the seal is removed, it can\'t be used in this world."

The words of the elder of the witch family are very strange, even a little inexplicable.

Since it can\'t be used, what can Shen Lang do to find all the five Heavenly God soldiers?

Can you put it at home?

Even Lei Yanzi and others on the side showed a strange look.

Shen Lang asked respectfully, "please give me some advice."

The elder of the witch clan gently waved with his ghost claw like hand, and the suspended broken empty knife flew over and quietly suspended in front of Shen Lang.

The huge pressure like the stars in the universe makes all the strong people present feel suffocated!

This legendary magic weapon is obviously sealed, but it still gives people around us a threat that they may be torn into powder at any time!

No one knows how powerful the broken empty knife is.

But just the power of sealing the broken empty knife is not easily touched by the people present.

Lei Yanzi and others looked at the broken empty knife. They couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva and became a little nervous.

The elder of the witch family looked dignified and said, "if you want to use this broken empty knife, the first step is to break its seal."

"But this is the supreme power of gods and demons, and its terror has far exceeded our cognition."

Lei Yanzi hesitated and said, "can\'t even the witch family break this seal? If it can\'t be broken, can\'t it be used at all?"

The elder of the witch family shook his head: "the witch family doesn\'t have this ability, even if the witch ancestor is here, it\'s the same."

Lei Yanzi and others looked at each other, while Shen Lang frowned slightly.

Shen Lang certainly knows the strength of the seal on the broken empty knife, but the words of the big elder of the witch family have not finished yet.

Sure enough, the elder of the witch family said, "although the witch family doesn\'t have this ability, Shen Lang has."

Shen Lang was slightly stunned: "the elder is too proud of the boy. Although the boy has made a little success in the way of array prohibition, I\'m afraid he can\'t cope with the prohibition of the upper world."

Those who seal the broken empty knife are the gods and demons of the upper world.

No matter how powerful the lower martial arts are, how can they be solved?

Even if the war emperor stood at the peak of the world on the refining of utensils, he was only in the world after all.

God forbids, which is another level that ordinary people can\'t touch.

The elder of the witch family shook his head and said, "it\'s not as complicated as you think... In fact, there is no divine prohibition or so-called seal on this broken empty knife."

"Ah?" Lei Yanzi couldn\'t understand more and more.

The elder of the witch family looked at the broken empty knife and said in a very slow tone: "in short, no one sealed the broken empty knife, but an unfathomable demon God left a force on the broken empty knife."

"This residual force suppresses the broken empty knife and shields the outside investigation."

Lei Yanzi and others nodded: "I see!"

The elder of the Wu family continued: "after studying the broken empty sword for hundreds of years, I finally understood that... I\'m afraid the five Heavenly God soldiers were originally one, but they were shattered by the power of the broken empty sword and became the five Heavenly God soldiers now."

"I\'m afraid the other heavenly soldiers have the same power according to my speculation."

"Even, I guess in fact, there are not only five divine soldiers, but only five on the star continent."

Shen Lang shrunk his eyes and said with a dignified face: "the elder means that these pieces of God soldiers are one, which is a god soldier or a armor. Finally, they are broken into many pieces and then left on the earth?"

"Yes, but..." the elder of the witch family nodded: "we have no strength and qualification to explore the secret of the divine soldiers on this day."

"The most important thing I just said... There is a powerful force left on the God soldiers. This force only spontaneously seals the God soldiers, but this force is only wrapped in a whole package without any prohibition or sealing array."

"In this world, even the demons and gods stranded in the human world can\'t be solved, but you can!"

Hearing this, Shen Lang has understood the meaning of the great elder of the witch family.

There is no seal on the broken empty knife, but there is a powerful power of gods and demons that ordinary people can\'t touch!

Ordinary people really can\'t dispel the terrible power of gods and demons.

I dare not even touch the power of the gods and demons.

But Shen Lang can!

Shen Lang not only can, but also wanted to find the remnant of the gods and demons, so as to devour the power of the gods and Demons and grow the chaotic gods!

When the Heavenly God soldiers are placed in front of Shen Lang, it is equivalent to a huge treasure house that provides the power of gods and demons!

The power of gods and Demons contained in it can\'t be compared with a fragment of demons and gods!

This is basically equivalent to a powerful demon God!

With such a "demon God" constantly providing Shen Lang with the power of gods and demons, why not worry about the rapid growth of chaotic gods?

Shen Lang took a long breath and said slowly, "I see. Then, even if it can be used, it can\'t be used in this world. Does it mean that the Heavenly God army is too powerful to bear its destructive power in the world?"

"The legendary ultimate fear, that is, the demon lord, is the superior demon God. I can\'t enter the world..."

"So, is this war finally going to be launched in the extraterritorial starry sky far away from the human world?"

Hearing Shen Lang\'s words, several old guys of the northern underworld polar sect showed a suddenly enlightened look.

The chief of the witch family looked at Shen Lang with appreciation and said, "you guessed right. The five Heavenly God soldiers come from the upper world. They are the Heavenly God soldiers of the upper world. It is said that they fell into the world during the six world war."

"The terror of its power is unimaginable."

"I can\'t estimate how powerful its power is, but I\'m afraid it\'s more than enough for any heavenly warrior to destroy the world."

"What!" Lei Yanzi and others were surprised.

Although they know that this thing is powerful and unparalleled, they still didn\'t expect to be so terrible!

It\'s frightening to death!

It\'s more than enough to destroy the human world with any God soldiers. So gather five God soldiers... Are you impatient or something?

Let Shen Lang do such a thing. Is this trying to die?

Hearing this, if someone else changes, I\'m afraid I\'ll turn around and leave?

Who is full enough to take such a huge risk?

"Since the Heavenly God soldiers are so terrible, it is obviously impossible for Xu Mijie to take them in. How should I take them? And how can I avoid the possible devastating crisis?" Shen Lang bowed slightly and the problem pointed to the core.

Xumijie is something refined from the mysterious Tianxing Pavilion.

It is said that the refining method was handed down by the gods and demons of the upper world in ancient times. It can let Xumi communicate with a stable space crack to store things.

The powerful power of the five Heavenly God soldiers has obviously exceeded Xu Mijie\'s tolerance.

Even this small space can\'t bear. Other magic weapons in the human world are even more impossible to hold the divine soldiers.

Several elders of the witch family and the people of the northern underworld extreme heaven sect frowned.

This kind of thing is easy to say and difficult to do. It\'s deadly!

The chief of the witch family took a deep look at Shen Lang and said, "any impossibility, falling on the son of fate, has become possible."

"There is one thing on you that can accommodate the five Heavenly God soldiers!"