Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1294

Shen Lang youyou said, "according to the records of the God of war hall, the appearance of this killing armor was during the chaos of blood families in ancient times."

"At that time, the Allied forces of all ethnic groups fought with blood families continuously, and the mountains and rivers were broken and blood flowed into rivers."

"In that chaotic era, there were several powerful beings who wore killing armor and claimed to be the \'Lord of killing\'."

"The cultivation of these people is no less than that of the great emperor. They come and go without a trace, and they do not belong to any force. They neither help the alliance of all ethnic groups nor conflict with blood families."

"Even between themselves, they are hostile to each other and often fight."

"All this was a mystery in those days."

"But in those chaotic times, when the blood clan was in trouble all over the world, not many people paid attention to them."

Xue Shiyin stared and listened quietly to Shen Lang tell these legends.

Shen Lang added, "later, these few \'killing masters\' clashed with the Allied forces of all ethnic groups and blood families in order to seize the fragments of Yuanli."

"If it\'s just a conflict, it\'s not enough. The important thing is that their strength is too amazing!"

"The Lord of killing, who appeared, easily defeated the two emperors and seized several pieces of Yuan force fragments from the Allied forces of all ethnic groups and blood families!"

"At this time, the strong people of all parties really treat them as a threat and understand that... They appear to obtain those yuan force fragments!"

"This makes the Allied forces of all ethnic groups and blood families very uneasy. Both sides want to send strong people to eradicate this strange and unstable force."

"The forces of all parties have sent strong people many times to deal with the killing Lord. Unfortunately, the best record is only relying on the advantage of quantity. One of the killing masters is dying, but he has never really captured or killed a killing master alive."

"When the forces of all parties reformulated plans to completely solve these killing masters, these killing masters disappeared overnight."

"After that, every tens of thousands of years, the killing armor must appear. Each time it does not appear for a long time, it comes and goes quickly, but each time it brings a torrent of killing and blood."

"Not only the Allied forces of all ethnic groups hate them, but even the blood families hate them to the bone..."

"But the master of killing is too powerful, and the killing armor is also terrible. Even the attack of the great emperor can resist. It\'s difficult to kill or even capture them alive."

"When the blood clan brings disaster to the world, the blood clan and the Allied forces of all ethnic groups have no time to deal with the killing Lord. Instead, it makes the killing Lord grow and grow in the endless killing, which is more and more terrible."

"It\'s strange that the hall of the God of war later found that the killing masters who appear every tens of thousands of years are not the same as those who appear before. It\'s as if... The killing masters are constantly updating!"

"At that time, the temple of the God of war felt that the existence of the killing armor was a conspiracy."

"It\'s a pity that no one knew the existence of the demon God Temple at that time, and it was difficult to get access to the killing armor. Moreover, the blood clan matter was not solved, and there was no time to take into account the killing Lord."

"The legend of killing armor came down like this. It was not until the demon God Temple surfaced that the war god temple knew that the killing armor came from the demon God Temple."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang said with a dignified face: "the material of this object is not human, and the power of the killing evil god hidden in it is also unimaginable... If what I expected is not bad, I\'m afraid the person who made this killing armor should be the master of the demon God Hall, the demon lord!"

"The reason why the killing evil god in it is so powerful is to find the host, cultivate the host to the peak, and then devour it!"

"From generation to generation..."

Xue Shiyin nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

"I\'m afraid the killing armor is really a conspiracy of the Demon Lord. After finding a host, the killing armor continuously immerses the blood through the host, continuously accumulates murderous Qi, cultivates it into a generation of killing Lord, then devours it, expands itself, and finally continues to find a new host!"

Shen Lang nodded and said, "good."

"Only in this way can we explain why Murong Changfeng, a man of cultivation realm, can have killing armor. When I killed Murong Changfeng, why did I abandon Murong Changfeng and choose me instead of protecting the Lord."

"Hum, this evil god regards me as the next one... I\'m wronged!"

"If I don\'t have any means, no star sucking Da FA, and no four great emperors to help, I\'m afraid I might really become his prey."

"I\'m just guessing about killing armor. When I extract the memory of killing evil gods, everything will be clear."

"Well, now that evil spirits have been eliminated, don\'t worry. If Mo Ge can make good use of them, they will certainly become your greatest help." Xue Shiyin said with concern: "if you are tired, don\'t talk and have a rest."

"HMM." Shen Lang answered and closed his eyes.


Fifteen days later, Shen Lang had an amber dream and came straight to Shura city.

Shen Lang only rested for one day in these 15 days. The rest of the time was spent on the integration of the ghost king and the killing evil gods.

Even the poor and strange blood essence had not been swallowed in time.

However, in these 15 days, the harvest is also very much.

On the one hand, the power of gods and Demons previously obtained was exhausted and completely swallowed up by the chaotic God body. Shen Lang\'s cultivation has been promoted to the peak of emperor Wujing jiuchongtian;

The next step is to devour the poor blood essence and attack the great emperor\'s martial realm.

On the other hand, under the control of the world tree, the ghost king was reborn and finally integrated with the killing evil god, and then sealed into the killing armor by Shen Lang;

Although this degree of integration can only be regarded as preliminary integration, it is difficult for the ghost king to control the power to kill evil gods.

But with the passage of time, the power to kill evil gods will eventually fall into the hands of the ghost king.

The Lord of killing?

Just a bunch of idiots waiting to be swallowed up.

All the killing masters standing in front of Mo Ge are just a group of local Jiwa dogs.

When Mo Ge had the killing armor, he cultivated the killing book.

Then untie the power of the gods and Demons sealed in the body

What an expectation it will be!

What Shen Lang has to do now is to go to Shura city and send someone to send the killing armor back to xuandaozong to moge as soon as possible.

After carefully circling a big circle, Shen Lang appeared outside Shura city.

However, he was more than a hundred miles away from Shura city. In the void, two bright and terrible sword lights crossed and fell on his head!

The bright sword light cuts through the sky. The sword meaning is like God, tearing the Milky way, as mighty as the Milky way of the nine days!

Shen Lang looked heavy and said coldly, "do you want to die?"

While talking, Shen Lang simply threw it away, as if he were driving away flies.

The incomparable chaotic Qi swept out, and in an instant, it shocked the two crossed swords into countless light spots and floated away!

Six figures appeared in the void in front of Shen Lang at this moment.

"Where did you come from, little boy, dare to approach our Shura city? Are you impatient?" the leader of a well-dressed man gently flicked his long sword and shot in all directions.

Before Shen Lang could speak, the man in Chinese clothes laughed wildly and said, "well, I\'ve just arrived at the plague and missed the previous play. Let\'s cut you!"

Then the man waved his hand gently.

The other five people moved and immediately surrounded Shen Lang!

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and said, "do you want to operate on me? What\'s the reason?"

The man in Chinese clothes laughed: "do you need a reason to kill you?"

"In front of our demon temple, the so-called legendary sect door and the so-called supreme power are all mole ants!"

"What reason do we need to find if we want to step on a mole ant?"

When the man in Chinese clothes said this sentence, he looked like an understatement, regarded human life as grass mustard, and took it for granted.

According to him, he seems to have crushed many legendary sects.

However, it\'s normal to say that, in the sense of Shen Lang\'s divine mind, this man\'s cultivation has reached the peak of the seventh heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror. If he takes a group of strong people as helpers, it\'s really hard for the ordinary legendary sect to resist.

After all, not every legendary sect is as changeable as the northern Hades and polar heaven sect.

Shen Lang immediately laughed, "very good."

The well-dressed man and others were stunned.

People said they wanted to kill him, but he said "very good". Is this man sick?

The man in Chinese clothes shook his head a little helpless and said, "the first person killed by my childe is such an idiot. It\'s really helpless."

"Forget it, you fool don\'t even have the qualification to die in my hands..."

He waved his hand gently and said lazily, "kill him."

The other five people rushed up as if the wolf had seen the prey, laughing wildly, and wanted to cut Shen Lang under the sword!


Shen Lang stood in the void, as steady as Mount Tai. He didn\'t hide. He held his hands in front of his chest and didn\'t pay attention to the five people who attacked!

Just when the man in Chinese clothes opposite showed surprise

"Puff, puff, puff!"

Five sharp attacks have fallen on Shen Lang\'s head.

However, Shen Lang seemed to be standing in the depths of the sea. All his attacks fell to the sea, only splashed a little water, and all disappeared!

The five people and the man in Chinese clothes were stunned. They wiped their eyes hard and thought they saw an illusion!

"If you\'ve had enough, it\'s my turn?"

Shen Lang said coldly, pointing like a sword and rowing around!

In the void, there seems to be a flash of lightning, but it seems that nothing has happened!

The man in Chinese clothes originally urged the magic skill to make a defensive posture. As a result, he saw Shen Lang withdraw his hand and didn\'t see any attack at all!

"Little bastard, dare to play with me!"

The man in Chinese clothes was so angry that he bit his teeth and shouted, "kill him for me! I want to extract his soul and let him live and die!"