Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1293

Shen Lang nodded with satisfaction, grabbed the ghost king and made a Tai Chi diagram.

At this time, Shen langcai said, "I just said, let you control the power of the evil god, but you think it\'s impossible?"

The ghost king immediately flattered: "no, no, the boss said it would be OK! Even if it wasn\'t possible, it would be OK!"

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "don\'t flatter me. Listen to me clearly!"

"The method I\'m talking about is actually very simple. It\'s to give up and let you take the body of this evil god."

"In the future, you will kill evil gods!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only the ghost king was stunned, but also the Xue Shiyin and Duanmu Zheng who had just come over were stunned.

They haven\'t seen the evil god, but they know that Shen Lang mobilized a large group of strong men and four great emperors to deal with the evil god.

The evil god is so powerful that now Shen Lang says he wants the ghost king to seize the body of the evil god?

This kind of thing has always been that the strong seize the body of the weak and take it as their own.

When can the weak take the body of the strong?

Compared with the evil god, the ghost king is not even a mole ant.

I\'m afraid that the evil god can destroy the ghost king with one breath or even one look?

The ghost King entered the Tai Chi diagram many times. When he heard Shen Lang\'s words, he thought a little and asked timidly, "the boss means that you completely erase the consciousness of the evil god, and then let me enter his body and control it?"

"But the power of the evil god is the power of killing. It\'s too terrible and terrible... Even if his consciousness is erased and I can enter his body, I\'m afraid it\'s hard to control his power?"

Shen Lang smiled calmly and said, "if it was in the past, I really didn\'t dare to say such words. The Tai Chi diagram hasn\'t grown to this level, but now..."

"You don\'t have to worry about integration. Let me talk about the specific plan."

"In the first step, I will completely erase the consciousness of this evil god and refine this evil god;"

"After the consciousness of evil gods is erased, it is just a body with great power."

"The second step, I will completely transform you and turn all your strength into killing gas!"

The power of Tai Chi is against the sky.

It\'s easy to refine or convert all kinds of energy.

It\'s not difficult to turn the dead spirit of the ghost king into killing spirit.

Shen Lang continued: "step three, when you become the soul of killing, I will help you integrate with the body of the evil god and help you control the body as soon as possible."

"Integration will not be too difficult. The difficulty is to completely control his power. To get such a powerful power, you must make unimaginable efforts and bear great pain!"

The voice of the ghost King became trembling: "I am... I am not afraid of any great pain. Old ghost, I will try my best to do it with my life!"

"Boss, don\'t worry!"

Every step of Shen Lang is very clear.

For the ghost king who often enters the Tai Chi diagram, he is also well aware of the anti heaven power of Tai Chi diagram.

The ghost King\'s voice was a little crying when he thought that he would soon become an omniscient existence.

Shen Lang nodded with satisfaction and said, "step 4, when you can almost control the power of killing evil gods, I will practice the killing armor again, and then seal you into the killing armor."

"In other words, let you become the spirit of killing armor and replace the position of killing evil gods before."

"I will give the killing armor to Mo Ge. In the future, you should protect and assist Mo Ge in his cultivation. Do you understand?"

Hearing the last sentence, the ghost king immediately cried out with a cry: "no, boss, I just want to be with the boss or the boss\'s wife. I don\'t want to mix with the stone face of Mo ge..."

"It\'s certainly no problem to become the spirit of killing armor, but it\'s too boring and boring to be with Mo Ge!"

"Shut up." Shen Lang said softly, "only Mo Ge is the most suitable candidate for killing armor!"

Speaking of this, Shen Lang sighed and said, "the troubled times have come, and I need strong help."

"If it is operated properly, moge\'s strength will increase sharply in a short time. With the killing armor, he will be able to sweep everything and become my right hand!"

"In this way, the burden on my shoulders will become lighter, and the pressure can be relieved or even eliminated."

"Do you understand?"

Xue Shiyin and the ape looked at the ghost king.

The ghost King nodded: "the old ghost understands. I\'ll do what you say, boss!"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "well, then you can practice first. When you refine the evil god, I will start to transform you and improve your strength."

With that, Shen Lang waved his palm and put the ghost king in the Tai Chi picture again.

Xue Shiyin waved and asked duanmuzheng to leave. Only then did she sit next to Shen Lang.

At this time, she said, "you are in urgent need of strong power. Why don\'t you use the power to kill evil gods, but leave it to Mo Ge?"

Shen Lang pondered for a moment, organized his language and said, "due to my physique, what I need for my cultivation is the power of gods and Demons and the blood essence of the top ten divine beasts."

"Killing evil gods is just a name for the evil spirit in the killing armor, but the power of killing evil gods is not the power of gods and demons, but the spirit of killing."

"Killing Qi, or corpse Qi, death Qi and Reiki can indeed improve my cultivation, but the more I go up, the more difficult it is, and the worse the effect is."

"To be more precise, I\'m not sure... After swallowing the power of killing evil gods, can I reach the level of evil gods!"

Xue Shiyin was stunned: "this..."

Shen Lang frowned and said, "in fact, I had this feeling a long time ago."

"For example, after swallowing a monster in the Xuanwu realm, I can\'t immediately become the Xuanwu realm;"

"In the newly arrived wilderness, the earth crack killed and swallowed a strong emperor Wujing and thousands of abyss demons. Such a powerful force did not let me directly break through the emperor Wujing."

"When I advanced the imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian some time ago, I can clearly calculate that the power consumed for this advancement has actually exceeded seven imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian blood families!"

"If I didn\'t have the understanding of emperor Wujing jiuchongtian in my mind, maybe this consumption would increase a lot."

"My cultivation is the cultivation of chaotic divine body. What I cultivate is chaotic divine power, which is very different from the cultivation system of this world."

"I\'m not sure how much my strength can be improved after refining and absorbing the power of killing evil gods."

"This chaotic God is powerful and strange. I don\'t know it very well. I\'ve been feeling the stone to cross the river."

"That\'s why I want to keep the body of killing evil gods and let the ghost King occupy it and replace it."

"In this way, the killing evil god continues to exist. Even if it is not at its peak, it is still a terrible existence and my greatest help."

"At the same time, killing armor will not become waste."

"Coupled with the killing book in Mo GE\'s body, I will soon get an assistant who will not be much worse than me."

Xue Shiyin smiled: "I just asked casually. You talk so much."

Shen Lang put his hands behind his head and lay back: "I just want to talk to you."

"Poor mouth!" Xue Shiyin blushed.

Then she hesitated for a moment, summoned up the courage to lift Shen Lang slightly and let Shen Lang rest on her leg.

"What is the killing armor? Why are there evil gods in it... Strong enough to resist the existence of multiple emperors?" Xue Shiyin was very curious about the killing armor.

"Lian\'er\'s father spent thousands of years calculating his friends and his son for a killing armor, because this killing armor can make him strong and then revenge?"

Shen Lang sighed and said, "there\'s not much to say about Yanfeng and lian\'er\'s father now."

"But now I know that there is such a terrible killing evil god hidden in the killing armor. Chizunxin may be in a bit of trouble..."

"After the mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow Finch, he plans to calculate, but where can he calculate that there will be such a terrible existence in the killing armor?"

Xue Shiyin frowned and said anxiously, "what should I do?"

She doesn\'t know chizunxin. What she really cares about is chilianer hiding in the heavenly cry of the divine sword.

Because chizunxin is Chi lianer\'s father, if chizunxin has three long and two short

Shen Lang shook his head gently and said, "according to the information I got, this killing armor should come from the demon God Temple. Chizunxin\'s capture of this killing armor is obviously aimed at the demon God Temple."

"Now, I\'m afraid chizunxin is already in the demon temple."

"For the time being, he should have no crisis. I can only wait until I go to the demon temple."

Xue Shiyin sighed lightly and said, "how could such an adverse thing appear in the human world? Just the spirit in it has reached such a terrible situation... What kind of thing is this killing armor?"

"Kill armour..." Shen Lang\'s eyes seemed to see the distant times and the bloody rain caused by killing armour.