Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1111

Reincarnation seal Hou insisted that there was really no way to keep asking.

And samsara Fenghou and Qi Tian were a little nervous, and they pinched a sweat in their palms.

For fear of being seen by the moon.

Now in this plague land, no one can stop the light of the moon except Milos and ox of the blood clan and the mysterious strong man in the demon temple.

If yueqingqian directly ran out to chase and kill the war emperor, and the war emperor has not recovered his strength, I\'m afraid there is no way to go every day and no door to the ground!

The two kings of Nara have strong accomplishments, but they are a little different from the moon, and they are still seriously injured.

There is no ability to protect the war emperor in front of yueqingqian

Even if it can be protected, it\'s not decent for the people of the God of war hall to fight with the people of the ten thousand demon mansion here at that time?

Reincarnation seals Hou and Qi Tian. Think about it.

The king quickly shifted the focus back: "after receiving the second message later, Qi Tian and I will go to Luocha city and take advantage of the opportunity to kill them."

"At that time, you may need the help of the moon king."

"This......" the faces of the people immediately became dignified.

The thousand souls hall was quiet and innocent, and said with a strange smile, "I admire the king\'s courage..."

"But isn\'t it too arbitrary to do so?"

"Those blood families in Luocha city can\'t get into the eyes of us."

"A group of strong people at the beginning of imperial martial mirror, whether you are the eight heavenly kings or the strong people in our thousand soul hall or ten thousand demon house, you can crush them with one finger."

"But just like the previous month King\'s mind to investigate the city of Luocha, a disturbance will immediately attract Milos and others."

"Here and the devil temple, as well as the strongest of the blood clan, check and balance each other in a short time. I\'m afraid the action of the two heavenly kings will cause chaos?"

The strong demon rhinoceros of the ten thousand demon mansion also said with a dignified look: "you Wuxie is right. Please think twice before you act, two heavenly kings."

"If you go to a group of strong people at the beginning of emperor Wujing, there will not be too strong people from the blood clan."

"But when you two make a move, you will lead Milos and ox out accidentally!"

"Pull a hair and move your whole body!"

"As soon as Milos and Oakes start, our Lord moon king will have to fight, and then we will start an all-out war!"

"But now we are still planning, we are not ready at all, and we have not arrived at that time..."

"Otherwise, we are such a big group of strong people, why should we shrink from discussing all the time?"

All the strong people talked and began to persuade.

It\'s not just them that the two heavenly kings act rashly.

It may break the whole plan against blood clan!

And most importantly, I haven\'t found the entrance to the amber dream yet!

They look down on the eight heavenly kings.

On the contrary, it is because I think the eight heavenly kings are too powerful to act rashly!

Although the eight heavenly kings are inferior to the golden winged Dapeng king, they are definitely the first-class strong ones.

The previous six heavenly kings made Milos and oaks scream!

If it weren\'t for the other strong men of the blood clan, the two so-called giants would have been beaten down by the six heavenly kings!

Now they go. Isn\'t this a direct provocation to the blood clan?

At present, we are still waiting for the arrival of the strong forces of the major legendary forces, and the demon God hall is also waiting for the arrival of the strong soldiers and strong generals of the major demon generals\' house. Everyone is waiting for the best time.

It\'s not suitable for war at this time?

And if they go, what if they break the Luocha city?

As soon as Luocha city is broken, there will be a large number of blood clan strong people pouring out from the pale Valley and even the moonlight forest land.

At that time, there will be a chaotic war. How will the two heavenly kings deal with it?

Can we start a war and finally let the devil Temple benefit?

Then it\'s all a mess

At this time, on the contrary, yueqingqian said indifferently, "but the man in the God of war hall has made a plan for you?"

The reincarnation Marquis of the king of naruo nodded gently and said, "that\'s right."

"But the specific plan has to wait for the second message."

"But I\'ve learned a little and guessed a little..."

The king of Nara said with great assurance: "although Luocha city has been destroyed, we and the demon God hall will not stand still, and the blood clan will not have much reaction."

"Qi Tian and I will rely on the powerful people of the thousand soul hall to use the secret method of the thousand soul hall to help hide our breath and sneak away."

"In a moment, we will receive the second message, and within this message, there will be the cracking method and \'back door\' of Luocha City array, as well as detailed plans."

"Qi Tian and I will sneak into the Luocha city through the \'back door\' of the Luocha City array, and then kill the Luocha city again with the cover of the array!"

The strong immediately rejoiced: "is there a way to crack the Luocha City array? Has the array been left with a \'back door\'?"

"What a powerful means! Which elder in the temple of the God of war did this?"

"Is master Wu XingKong here?"

The whole hall of the God of war has escaped into the crack of time and space, including the master of refining utensils, who is called the "array ancestor".

There are few strong people left in the God of war temple in the world.

What we know now is that at best, there are eight heavenly kings and five colored flags, and then there are some piecemeal hidden strongmen.

Among those left behind, when it comes to arrays and so on, when the military division of the several war temple is empty.

They can break the ancient strange array of blood clan. They really didn\'t expect anyone else except Wu XingKong.

Yue Qingqian shook his head and said, "it\'s not senior Wu. I just separated from him a few days ago. He is doing an important thing recently. He lacks skills."

Yue Qingqian knows that Wu XingKong is looking for the real body of the master of Zhulong mansion recently.

Prepare to take advantage of the enemy Taotie of the candle dragon, and Shen Lang, the left envoy of the Zhuque mansion, who wants to eradicate the candle dragon.

This move was put forward by the boy named Shen Lang in Zhuque mansion.

"Isn\'t it elder Wu XingKong? Who else can it be? Is it the five color flag?"

Everyone was in doubt.

The means of the man in the God of war hall are unfathomable. Even these strong men in the middle and later stages of the emperor\'s martial arts mirror are willing to bow down to the disadvantage!

At this time, reincarnation sealed Hou and Qi Tian\'s faces showed joy.

The second message is here!

King Nara and dragon king Qi Tian cast the spell again, and then closed their eyes

The vague figure of emperor Zhan appeared in their minds again.

"Well, I\'m standing in the ruins of Luocha city to send a message to you."

"Luocha city has been destroyed, and the big array has been handled. Tell me about the plan later..."

"Reincarnation, you two sneak over and guard outside Luocha city. Don\'t act rashly."

"When the blood clan gathered in the same number and restored Luocha City, you two entered Luocha city with the help of the \'back door\', then transformed the big array into a trapped array, and finally gave him a pot of rice."

"No one is your opponent except Milos and oux, the strong blood clan in the plague land. Let go, be arrogant and domineering, catch turtles in a jar and kill them!"

"When you destroy the city of Rocha and completely blow out the big array, run away as fast as you can, because Milos and Ox are likely to come out and hunt down in person!"

"At this time, you need to rely on the moon to help intercept these two people."

"After the strong man of the blood clan is entangled by yueqingqian and other strong men, you two sneak back again and hide."

"After you hide, let the moon be shallow. They don\'t love war. Go back."

"Milos didn\'t dare to chase them to the end, because there are people in the demon temple over there."

"Luocha city has been destroyed twice. The strong blood clan who can almost compete with you will guard Luocha city in large numbers. When their people gather, they will start rebuilding Luocha city again and build a large array, and then you will evacuate at least 3500 miles back."

"After you evacuate 3500 miles, send me a message to let me know that you have evacuated."

"After I receive your message, I will detonate the silent God thunder king in Luocha city."

"When the silence killing God thunder King detonates, you will spread the news for the first time and send the message to the demon temple."

"It\'s said that the king of war and the Dragon King have broken the Luocha City, destroyed the Luocha City array and shook the foundation of the blood clan array, while the demon God hall is like a shrinking turtle without any movement... Well, try your best to ridicule."

"No matter whether it\'s to fight for credit or not, there will be a group of people desperately coming to grab the fruits of victory... There is never a lack of such idiots in the demon temple."

"But their arrival will take a little time."

"In this period of time, you still have something to do..."

"Although the explosive power of the annihilation God thunder king is strong, it may not be able to kill all the blood clan strongmen in Luocha city. After the explosion, you two immediately kill the remaining blood clan strongmen by thunderbolt, leaving no one alive!"

"This time, you must be careful and accurate. And during this period of time, never let the strong people such as the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall approach, so as not to be affected."

"Listen clearly, you two are seriously injured and are not suitable for fighting with blood clan. You must start quickly! After killing the blood clan in Luocha City, leave Luocha city as soon as possible!"

"If Milos and oaks are after you, there will naturally be a golden winged ROC, Wang Yueqing, who will deal with the strong man in the demon temple..."

"If the strong man in the demon Temple doesn\'t do it, you can use your mind to send a message to the direction of the demon temple and say... \'Shen Lang, the left envoy of the rosefinch mansion, was caught by Milos\'. If I expected it right, the strong man in the demon Temple will do it."