Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1091

Hidden fog forest, Luocha city.

Originally, there lived a warlike Luocha nationality, which was prosperous.

But after the blood clan came here, they slaughtered a large number of Luocha at the first time, turning them into a member of the undead Legion and a killing machine.

Although the Luocha people are belligerent, they are not stupid.

In the case of great differences in strength, they didn\'t fight hard.

Several strong Luocha people led Luocha people to stay away from the hidden fog forest and became vagrants in the plague land.

The original main city of Luocha nationality was transformed and expanded wildly by the blood clan, forming such a gloomy and terrible huge city now.

This is a city without the sun.

Outside Luocha City, there are multiple Dharma arrays, which are also wrapped by endless Zerg. From a distance, it looks like an unknown ball.

Only the strong people in the demon temple and the ten thousand demon mansion understand how terrible the ball is.

The endless Zerg didn\'t wrap the city at will, but arranged an array.

These strange and powerful defenses can\'t be broken in a short time, even if seven or eight strong imperial martial mirrors shoot at the same time.

In such a city, there are at least three blood princes stationed!

It\'s as solid as gold!

In fact, the blood clan has now built five big cities.

One of them is the "Moonlight City" with the source of pain tower as the center and standing in the moonlight forest land.

Moonlight City is the real base of blood clan.

This base camp not only gathers a large number of blood clan strongmen, with the two giants of ox and Milos, but also shrouded by endless blood fog and Zerg, which is the real Shura blood sea.

Even if the emperor\'s martial mirror is strong, one accidentally falls into this Shura blood sea, there will be no return!

The other four huge cities are outside the moonlight woodland.

These four huge cities are located in the southeast and northwest respectively, surrounding the big city of moonlight woodland in the center.

One of them is Luocha City, which is located in the hidden fog forest. Luocha city is just west.

If you fly to high altitude and look down, the four big cities are like the "five cakes" in mahjong.

The main city of Luocha nationality in the hidden fog forest is not shrouded in the large array of moonlight forest land.

But the four huge cities, each of which forms a large array, are connected end to end, enveloping the moonlight forest land.

In every city, there are tens of thousands of blood clan strong men, as well as countless undead creatures and Zerg.

In each city, there are at least two strong blood clan men above emperor Wujing.

Outside the city, the sky and the earth are almost shrouded by Zerg. Even a mosquito can\'t fly in!

Even the portal to this place has to undergo multiple verification, and only the noble blood of the blood family can be opened.

The main city of the Luocha nationality is the front line because it faces the direction of the demon God hall, so there were originally four blood princes of emperor Wujing.

However, at the beginning, one of them was killed by the strong man of the demon temple in the first war with the demon temple;

Two others were killed by Yu CHENFENG not long ago. Now their souls are still being refined in the Tai Chi diagram

Dick is the only blood prince in the main city of Luocha.

The only blood prince in the city, Dick, just used his mind to scan Shen Lang and others, and then laughed!

Dick could never imagine that he had become the only surviving prince.

Dick could not imagine that this had become the "feather morning wind" of the dead. In fact, it was the God of death who could harvest his life at any time!

He was still ecstatic that baturu had caught Yu CHENFENG.

At this time, Shen Lang\'s mind is turning. He is feeling everything around and thinking about ways to deal with Dick.

Shen Lang pretends to be the dead. The most important thing is to pass through here and go to the moonlight forest. First grab the source of pain, and then try to rescue the people of all races in the moonlight forest.

The prisoners in the four main cities are still waiting in line. It\'s not their turn to go to the blood pool of the source of pain.

It\'s much safer than the people in the moonlight woodland.

So don\'t worry.

But now there is a great opportunity in front of Shen Lang!

There were originally four kings of emperor Wujing blood clan in Luocha City, but now there is only one left!

Shen Lang already had a plan in his mind, a plan to deal with Luocha city.

However, the plan is not perfect enough and there are many problems, so Shen Lang is still just thinking and doesn\'t dare to put it into practice easily.

However, after it was confirmed that there was really only dick in the Luocha City, Shen Lang\'s plan came out in his mind again, which made Shen Lang quite excited!

There is only one blood prince left in Luocha City, and he will enter Luocha city soon. This is the best time to capture this city!

Because it\'s easy to kill a blood prince with the help of Zuo Wentian!

The key problem is that if you really want to do it, if you really want to use the power of Zuo Wentian, the plan to go to moonlight woodland will be completely bankrupt!

Shen Lang sighed and pressed the plan at the bottom of his heart again.

Now, in Luocha City, there are dozens of spirits equivalent to the strong man at the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, which are enveloping him;

Dick\'s mind locked Shen Lang as soon as it appeared and never left again!

Shen Lang\'s carelessness and any small action will be known to him at the first time.

"Now that you\'re here, wait... It\'s not urgent to kill them and save these people. As long as they haven\'t been sent to the pain resource tower, it\'s safe for the time being."

"The most important thing is to get the \'source of pain\', cut off the source of transforming the dead and save people of all races."


The name of Yu CHENFENG is really great.

What the blood prince said was true.

The Immortal Emperor, one of the four great emperors of the blood family, did know about Yu CHENFENG through some channels, so he once issued an edict to let Milos and oaks catch Yu CHENFENG alive and bring it back to the blood ancestral mausoleum.

Now "yuchenfeng" appears in Luocha city

It immediately caused a great sensation!

Shen Lang was pulled by six undead creatures and just entered the gate

Dick, Prince of the blood clan, who was coerced by strong blood gas, fell from the sky and stood in front of Shen Lang!

The blood prince of emperor Wujing was really terrible. This flying down was like a mountain, which pressed all blood families and undead creatures on their knees!

Including the six undead creatures holding the chain!

The only one who can stand straight is Shen Lang.

Dick looked at Shen Lang with interest. The blood red cloak behind him suddenly unfolded like a wave. One of his hands stuck out like lightning, pinched Shen Lang\'s neck and lifted Shen Lang up!

"Hum, what a strong body! It can not only resist my pressure, but also weigh as much as a mountain! It is the yuchenfeng of the Yumu family!"

"It\'s a pity that it has really become a dead creature... If it\'s alive, it\'s worth at least ten times more!"

"Maybe the Immortal Emperor wants to catch you and study the mystery of the eternal tree?"

Dick\'s strong mind penetrated Shen Lang\'s body and scanned Shen Lang almost inch by inch.

However, under the shadow of the light of fengtianding, the blood prince of emperor Wujing can\'t see Shen Lang\'s soul, Tai Chi diagram and so on.

Now Shen Lang, the channels in his body have been exhausted, and he is completely entangled by blood energy. He is a dead creature.

"It\'s really strange. Dima and Bruta found the trace of yuchenfeng some time ago and tracked them away. Now they have no trace, but yuchenfeng has become a dead soul, which was met by baturu and brought back..."

"Dima and Bruta have been fighting with me openly and secretly for so many years. If they have killed Yu CHENFENG, it is absolutely impossible to give Yu CHENFENG to me or let Yu CHENFENG be caught by waste like baturu!"

"And this feather CHENFENG\'s cultivation is strong. Even if he turns into a dead creature, I can still see the surging power in his body. Moreover, his body seems to be forged by meteorite outside the sky. It\'s even better than me. Is it... He and Dima died together?"

"With the strength of the morning wind and the unpredictable power of the eternal tree, this possibility is really not small!"

"Haha, haha, indeed, God helps me!"

"These two fools joined together to run on me, trying to take credit, but they fulfilled me, ha ha!"

"Send this morning breeze to Lord Milos, and my position in the blood clan in the future..."

Dick could no longer restrain his ecstasy and burst out laughing!

At this moment, Dick put away the terrible pressure, smiled and said, "baturu, you did a good job, and this seat will reward you well!"

"Now, follow the procedure and take him to the pigsty."

The so-called pigsty is the place where the strong of all races are imprisoned.

In the hearts of the blood race, these races are like pigs, and the captured people are no different from pigs.

No matter how strong they are, they are all pigs in the eyes of the blood clan.

If they are eventually transformed into undead creatures, then these people are obedient pigs!

Blood clan is the God who controls them pigs!

Unique God!