Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v5 Chapter 115: Strange Fallen (four thousand)

The hyena walked into the association.

He followed Greg Lu and stayed around Beech City for a period of time. This seemingly less formal association of adventurers has also been here several times.

The atmosphere in the association is a bit strange today.

Usually noisy and yelling, the adventurers who Hu Yihaichuan are quiet like chickens, at best they are whispering and whispering.

Most people\'s attention is focused on the position of the bar.

There stood a girl dressed as an adventurer, who looked a little drunk, but she was full of spirits.

Her appearance has typical Tazan characteristics, and she seems to be about the same age as herself, or one year and two years older.

Seeing the atmosphere at the scene, the hyena felt that he might have missed a good show.

However, he didn\'t care too much. In front of the silent adventurers in the association, he calmly walked to the front of the bar and took out his metal medal voucher:

"Give me a glass of rye. I saved the money here last time. Then, I want to see the commission."

A set of actions is easy and familiar, very sophisticated.

The receptionist checked the adventurer\'s voucher, looked at the hyena, and then at the spiny anaconda on the side. He nodded and went to prepare the wine.

The hyena tapped the bar with his fingertips and waited for the wine, and then realized that the young female adventurer beside him who seemed to be the focus of the audience was squinting his drunken eyes and set his gaze on his face.

"Are you a B-level adventurer?"

The spiny anaconda just noticed the level on the hyena credential.


"Want to take a commission?"


"Hey, that\'s just right." Ji Yan laughed, drunk when he opened his mouth, "Sister, here is a commission for quick money, and I just brought you one."

At the same time, she lighted up the order and the A-level adventurer certificate sign in Liang Liang\'s hand.

The hyena was expressionless, but frowned.

The hyena and the spiny anaconda came out of the association together.

When he left, he noticed that individual adventurers in the association saw him and Thorny\'s eyes not being friendly.

So I kept my eyes on it.

After leaving the house, the hyena rubbed the [Flowing Golden Armor] hanging from his chest, carefully guarding the way, but no one followed.

Maybe those female adventurers who are a little afraid of going with them are A-level.

But then again, this A-level adventurer named Spiny Anaconda seems to be unreliable.

Get drunk after going out.

I also yelled that I was not drunk, and I had to go straight to prove it to the hyena...

"Is this guy really okay?" Hyena murmured in his heart.

In short, he and the spiny anaconda temporarily got together.

The commissioned mission issued by the Holy See, investigating and providing key information, cost 20 silver, and directly deal with the fallen, 60 silver, which is really tempting.

During this time, the Holy See was very active around the battlefields of Tazan and Dona.

According to the understanding of hyenas, these Holy See personnel seem to have come to prevent this unusual famine.

In Beech City and Tazan, there are cities where the Adventurer\'s Association settled, occasionally receiving commissions from the Holy See.

These commissions generally have considerable rewards.

Because the scattered activities of the fallen are too large, some areas where the activities of the fallen are suspected, the Holy See staff will not be able to take care of it, and will first use the form of commission and delegate it to capable adventurers.

When the priests are free, they will go to the corresponding area.

Moreover, Hyena has noticed that the name of the author of this commission is "Ki Xiu". It sounds familiar, like a friend of the elder brother in the Holy See.

At the celebration banquet after the crusade against the big octopus on the sea, some people met each other.

Three days passed in a flash.

During this period, the hyena went back to the temporary residence and left a note to the master Greg Lu, who had not yet returned, explaining that he had accepted a commission from the Holy See.

After that, he stayed around Beach City.

According to his investigation with Spiny Anaconda, there really seems to be a fallen man who can spread famine in the vicinity.

The strength of a single fallen person is not strong.

In fact, when the hyena followed Gregru in the Tazan operation a while ago, the two masters and disciples also dealt with several such humanoid monsters.

With the current strength of the hyena, coupled with sophisticated equipment, one-on-one encounters with the Fallen also have a great chance of winning.

Not to mention that there is also an A-level adventurer acting together.

Therefore, to the hyena, the fallen man is nothing more than 60 silver coins for walking.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

On the third night of the appointment of the Holy See.

A sparse frozen coniferous forest somewhere west of Dona.

The wind in the late autumn evening was a bit bitter, except for the sound of the wind, it was quiet all around. There is no moon in the night sky tonight, but the stars are very bright.

The hyena crouched quietly behind the dirt slope, waiting silently.

This is a hunt, an ambush, and hyenas from hunters are very good at this.

According to the investigation and tracking during this period, the fallen man who was active in the surrounding area is likely to appear in the coniferous forest tonight.

Under a bare tree not far away, there is the corpse of an elk.

The elk died not long ago, and even the wounds on its body were fresh, but the deer\'s body exuded a faint rancid smell.

This rotten smell was strange and weird, with a sense of danger and weirdness.

Even the carrion-eating vultures will not be attracted to this smell, but will run away. Therefore, there is no wild animal activity in this sparse coniferous forest.

And the object that this rotten smell can really attract is the fallen.

The hyenas and the two of them received a small bottle of scarlet potion from the receptionist after they took over the mission from the Holy See three days ago.

All commissions issued by the Holy See to investigate and destroy the fallen will be equipped with such a peculiar alchemy potion.

The method of using the potion is very simple, as long as it is applied to the fresh animal carcass, it will not be long before the carcass emits an odor that attracts the fallen.

The potion that the hyenas received has been used twice, and the potion they received almost bottomed out the third time.

If you can\'t successfully hunt down the fallen tonight, you can basically declare the failure of this commissioned mission.

The only thing left is to sort out the clues and information from the three-day investigation to see if you can get the 20 silver nar consolation prize money from the Holy See.

"Hyena, let\'s talk about it. Did you take the code name yourself, or did someone help you? I took the code name like the spiny anaconda by myself."

I don\'t know if it was because the waiting was too boring, the spiny anaconda lying on the side got closer to the hyena.

In these three days, the two got along fairly well.

After all, the little hyena talks less and doesn\'t have any bad habits. As long as the temporary teammate is a normal person, there is basically no conflict with him.

An anaconda that is not drunk is indeed a normal person.

"The hyena is not my code name, I just call this." The hyena responded, and at the same time moved calmly in the direction away from the anaconda.

"Uh..." The anaconda\'s expression was a bit frozen, but he didn\'t seem to want to give up talking, "Then your name is pretty cool. Look, your name is hyena, and I named myself the anaconda, we both Yes…"

"If you are hungry, the dry food is in the encapsulation and you can take it yourself."

The hyena was holding [Howler], staring at the elk corpse intently, and then sent away his teammates in a more perfunctory tone.

"Well, my sister read you right! When I get the reward money commissioned this time, I will immediately return the money I owe you these days."

The spiny anaconda lay on the ground, blinked and nodded to the hyena, then turned over and got close to the small sac on the side, skillfully digging out a piece of tasteless scone and a piece of jerky from the inside.

This A-level adventurer spent the last bit of money in the association three days ago.

Penniless, if she couldn\'t catch any wild prey in these three days, or if the prey was used as bait like now, she could only rely on the hyena\'s ration.

The spiny anaconda broke off a few pieces of scones and jerky, stuffed some into his mouth indiscriminately, then took out the hyena\'s water sac, and took two bites. Then wiped the corners of his mouth:

"Ha—survived, I thought I was going to starve to death in this cold autumn night."

After a simple hunger, she crawled back to the hyena again quietly, just about to say something, but the hyena quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

"Huh? Huh!"

"Shhh, something is leaning over."

The hyena used the other hand to make a silent gesture to his mouth.

The spiny anaconda immediately calmed down.


Inside the coniferous forest, there was indeed a noise.

But the surroundings were so dark that the spiny anaconda couldn\'t see what was approaching.

At best, she could only see the situation around the corpse of the elk that acted as a bait, and the forest a little further away was a blind spot of black hole.

In contrast, the innate night vision ability of hyenas is very good. After following Greg Lu, he also exercised more in this area, and drank some alchemy potions that could strengthen his eyesight.

Therefore, he can see it.

"The Fallen."

The hyena lightly opened the hand on the mouth of the spiny anaconda and preached in a low voice. There was a spark of excitement in his sharp eyes.

The spiny anaconda waited patiently for a while, and finally a wriggling humanoid creature came out of the forest.

It seems that the fallen are right.

The spiny anaconda came all the way from Tazan, and has also seen this kind of humanoid monster.

The fallen man approached the dead deer without any hesitation, and pounced on like a hungry red-eyed beast, directly biting the fishy venison.

The crunchy, oozing chewing sound can be heard clearly.

"We..." The hyena judged the timing and squeezed [The Hoarer], ready to attack.

However, the spiny anaconda on the side was a little faster than him.

The A-level female adventurer leaped out from behind the **** flexibly, and in the process, she had held the delicate crossbow firmly in her hand.


The arrow shot out like a meteor, passing a bit of cold light in the night.

This arrow is very accurate and powerful!

The steel arrow nailed straight through the head of the fallen man, bringing out some red and white decay, and splashing it on the frozen soil of the coniferous forest.

After an arrow, the fallen man fell to the ground stiffly.


The spiny anaconda breathed out a white breath, but did not immediately take it lightly, but calmly raised the crossbow and filled it with arrows, and made another arrow toward the head of the fallen man who was already motionless.

Compensation is a good habit.

Even though the fallen person has much better physical qualities than ordinary people, but with two steel arrows piercing through their heads, they will die too much.

At this time, Thorny Anaconda put down her hand and looked sideways at the hyena who hadn\'t had time to move behind, and showed a smile that she believed to be reliable:

"Look, my sister said I will take you to complete this task."

In the eyes of Anaconda, she is Grade A, while Hyena is Grade B. Naturally, her strength is much stronger than that of Hyena. And when she took up the task, she was so drunk that she boasted about the hyena.

Therefore, she should have assumed a little more responsibility in this commissioned task.

But, in these three days, the hyenas were mainly responsible for tracking investigations and the like. Apart from being able to eat, the spiny boa basically didn\'t help much.

No way, the hyena is a natural hunter, too good at finding enemies.

Fortunately, after finally getting into the fighting stage, the thorny anaconda, who is absolutely more confident and capable, can finally perform once, exulting.

After listening to the temporary teammates for three days, the little hyena didn’t rush to express his opinion, but silently glanced at the fallen man who fell on the ground, and then walked silently to the thorny anaconda with the [screamer] in his hand. Around.

The latter maintained a slightly smug expression, and his mouth almost became a "w" shape.

She took the dagger off her waist and walked towards the fallen one.

For this kind of clean-up commission, after you kill the corresponding monster or target according to the usual practice, you must remove a little from its body that can prove that you have killed the opponent.

During this time, anyone who has completed the Holy See\'s task of eradicating the fallen will bring back a finger or ear of the fallen back to the Association.

This kind of humanoid monster that has completely degenerated, the organs of the body will undergo huge distortions due to the peristalsis of flesh and blood, and it is basically impossible to fake it.

After that, the adventurer has to report the location of the target. Follow-up people from the Holy See will verify it again, and the money will be handed over to the Association.

The association will draw a certain commission from it. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

When the adventurer who killed the fallen one comes to the association next time, he can get his bounty from the receptionist.

The spiny anaconda approached the "prey" she had killed, squatted down, raised the dagger, and tried to cut off his ears from the side of the opponent\'s head that had lost the basic outline, enduring nausea.

At this moment, the fallen one who had died moved.

A thin, black mist with a depraved aura emerged out of thin air.

Afterwards, a series of deformed sarcomas and granulation sprang out from under the fallen person\'s body, breaking through the rags that were originally in a ragged state.

Suddenly, this fallen man, who should have been immobile, was even more impersonal, but like a large pool of rotten flesh that would squirm.


There was a sound, but it wasn\'t from the fallen one\'s mouth that was almost indistinguishable from the shape.